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Brand Positioning: Why The Right Uniqueness Is Built On A “DNA”

Brand Positioning: Why The Right Uniqueness Is Built On A “DNA”

brand positioning, Psychotactics, positioning


Most of us think up a uniqueness or brand positioning and then worry about one thing: that the uniqueness will quickly get obsolete.

And it’s true—your uniqueness will quickly get obsolete if all it’s really doing is trying to be the ‘flavour of the month’.  Or you could create a DNA factor.

So what is the DNA when it comes to positioning?
Let’s suppose you’re a teleconference company. And you say that your equipment is so darned good that a conference like being in the ‘room next door’. Now what does that mean? Sure it means that your equipment is the latest and the greatest. But that can quickly become obsolete, right? It’s easy enough for other companies to do the same. And pretty darned soon everyone has the very same equipment. And boof, your uniqueness is shot to hell.

Your brand positioning can’t just depend on some marketing campaign. It needs to work off a DNA.

Oh no it isn’t!
Your uniqueness is only in trouble if you use it casually—like a marketing slogan. But if it becomes your DNA—ah, now you’re so focused on ‘room next door’ that you do everything you possibly can to recreate that experience for your customer. You may, for instance, require your customer to go through some training to get the best sound quality from the teleconference.

You may post videos and information on ‘Why teleconference sound is crappy—and how to avoid it’. You may have teleseminars or teleconferences that treat all the other features as nice-to-have, but focus solely on getting absolutely stunning sound. And you may have recording systems that record high quality sound. In short, the whole fixation of your company will be with sound, sound, sound and yes, sound!

You stop focusing on every feature and build your DNA around the clarity of the call. 
That’s when you get to be known for one thing. But more importantly, everyone in your organisation is um, crystal clear why the company exists; why they exist; and what’s their mission. This clarity goes out to the audience and they in turn decide not just to choose you for your nice slogan, but because you spend your days and nights living to create great sound.

Audiences are smart. They can figure out when you’re just running some stupid slogan. And when you live, breathe, eat and drink your uniqueness.

Bon appetit! 🙂

So do you have questions about DNA? Or examples of products or services with a strong DNA?

P.S. Introducing the Uniqueness Mastery Home Study
The Uniqueness Mastery Home Study is a precise system that enables you to get your product or service to stand out. And not just stand out in a garish, uncomfortable way, but in a manner where the customer knows exactly why they’re choosing you over the competition. It follows a system that that shows you how to get to your uniqueness.  Find out more Uniqueness Mastery Home Study

What Good Is Uniqueness If A Competitor Can Easily Copy It?

What Good Is Uniqueness If A Competitor Can Easily Copy It?

positioning: what good is uniqueness if it can be copied?

Positioning your brand may be a tough exercise. However what’s tougher is defending your position. Because the moment you have a great positioning statement or a great uniqueness, it’s likely that your competition is waiting to take it off you.

So how do you stop them?
It’s a free country, and probably a free world, so you can’t really stop anybody. However, you can make it very hard for them to copy your factor of uniqueness. And the way to do this is to have a second level uniqueness factor in place.

But wait, what’s a top level factor of uniqueness?
The first or top level of uniqueness is simply when you state your adjective, whatever that might be. So when you come with an adjective like grumpy, pedantic, tough, safe, you have won half the battle. Because now you are able to describe your product or service almost in a single word. Or at least a single phrase.

But this isn’t going to help you very much if the competition decides to step in…
But let’s assume your competition isn’t so nasty. Do you still have to have a second-level of uniqueness? Of course you do. The average customer is bombarded with so much information, that they find it difficult to distinguish between the uniqueness of one brand vs. the other. When there’s a clear second-level of uniqueness, they know exactly why they should choose you, because you’ve given them the exact phrase or term that stands out from the rest of the pack.

So what’s the second level uniqueness?
The second level of uniqueness is where you add a certain factor that simply cannot be copied. So for instance, we have the Article Writing Course. The Article Writing Course is called the ‘toughest’ in the world. Easy to copy, huh? Yes indeed.

But we slammed in a second-level: We called it ‘baby-toughness’
This means that it’s not dog level toughness, or cat level, but it’s as crazy as having a new born in the house. You don’t get any sleep at all for a long, long time. Now sure, you can come along and try to copy that factor of uniqueness, but you’ll struggle because now everyone recognises that second-level uniqueness as belonging to Psychotactics—and not to you.

Which is why Dominos got so busy so quickly
They were just another pizza company. They too had a first level of uniqueness. It was a factor of speed. But they tossed in a second level. They said “30 Minutes or it’s free”. Now that became super-hard to copy. That uniqueness belonged to Dominos, and Dominos alone. It would be hard, even impossible to copy it without making an utter fool of your own company.

So how do you get to this second-level of uniqueness?
Can you compare your product or service with something else? Does an image spring to mind? If so, you are now moving down the road to the second-level of uniqueness. A level that is hard to copy.

But what if you can’t get figure out how to get to the second-level at all?
You may try really hard to get to the second level of uniqueness, and not make much headway. And technically speaking, that’s not a problem at this stage (and that’s because the follow-up video will tell you just how to do it).

But there’s another reason as well. When we started out with several of our products and services, we didn’t really know what the second level of uniqueness was right at the start. But we describe our products and services to clients, and then something would either pop out off our own mouth, or the client would say something that instantly got our attention.

That’s how we got to “baby-tough”
We didn’t think of it at first, but the client came up with that concept. And so we just slapped it on our uniqueness. And that’s what you should do as well, because if you try to do it all at one go it’s too stressful. Start with getting to your first level of uniqueness, and let it sit with you a while. At some point in time, the second level of uniqueness will show up.

Coming Next: Second Level Uniqueness

P.S. Introducing the Uniqueness Mastery Home Study
The Uniqueness Mastery Home Study is a precise system that enables you to get your product or service to stand out. And not just stand out in a garish, uncomfortable way, but in a manner where the customer knows exactly why they’re choosing you over the competition. It follows a system that that shows you how to get to your uniqueness.  Find out more Uniqueness Mastery Home Study