Testimonials: The Psychotactics Meet Ups

Here are a few testimonials from Singapore, Munich, Lisbon, Athens, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, New Zealand and Australia
Singapore Meet-Up Testimonials
People asked questions, we exchanged ideas, and there was no judgement.
People were aware that they wanted others to maximise the session, so they were conscious not to hoard airtime and try to include everyone in the discussion.
It was a valuable opportunity to meet people who are so much like me and exchange the strategies and philosophies we have learned from Psychotactics. We'd recall bits from the courses or The Brain Audit and then we had a good laugh with how we share the same thoughts.
It was full on, and a few times I held my bladder because the session was so enriching and applicable to my work and development that I didn't want to miss one bit. So without blinking an eye, I'd surely do the meet-up again. Such opportunities are hard to find, to be among beautiful people, to learn from Sean and Renuka.
Sean and Renuka were very inclusive and made us feel safe.
I felt like they were friends I've known for a long time and I can share my personal stuff with them. They were also very very generous. I could feel that with every question asked, Sean, did his best to give all he knew, strived to make things simple and easy to act on. He also helped us fine-tune our strategies.
By the way, Sean practices what he teaches.
How he answered the questions is like him writing First Fifty Words for an article. How he structures his reply is just like him talking over a podcast. But this is Live! We get the full experience of what he teaches.
Joseph Ch'ng
This sharing session was much more profound than just a meet up session.
It was very energetic and fun. Everyone was very engaging and in the moment. The entire morning was filled with 100% involvement in having discussions covering business strategy to intimate personal development.
Sean and Renuka were genuine and sincere.
Frank and concise. Great teachers and we had a great learning experience. The other participants were altruistic in sharing their experience and curious to learn from the each other. Everyone had different goals and was at different stages of reaching their goals. The influence of positivity was powerful.
It made me feel that was not alone in looking for an alternative path outside the corporate world.
I want to thank both Sean and Renuka for this meet up and I am lucky to be there.
Shunjie He
Having education, inspiration and systematic approaches to business–without travelling to overseas summits and events–is a gift.
Sean’s approach (by letting the meetings evolve and move the way they are destined to move) was unique but, totally spot-on. Sean and Renuka were encouraging without being perfunctory. Think of them as parents allowing the children to explore and come to their own conclusions. As parents, they interacted when necessary, for guidance and clarification. Nice!
At first, I felt odd, cold and uncertain. Then the meeting ramped-up to the exact opposite. It became fun, fact-filled, friendly and fulfilling.
The other participants were supportive, often humble, and lighthearted.
Bill Calhoun
It's been a while since I attended an event where I didn't know most of the participants and I didn't feel drained after that.
The atmosphere was friendly and relaxed. Some of us had met online in the Cave (5000bc) and most of us hadn't, but it was easy to start talking and I didn't feel that I was “forced” to talk unlike at some networking events.
Renuka made sure even the most introverted participants had our airtime as well, which was great.
Sean talked easily and addressed our questions readily (no surprises there). I was happy to listen most of the time because some of the topics and questions that I had in mind were raised by other people.
The interaction with the others was good. We're all different yet alike in many ways, and sharing our experiences and views on a Saturday morning was a good way to make interpersonal connections and trigger some creative connections in the mind.
Yes! I would do it again.
It's good to meet like-minded people in person. And the stimulation from the discussions, as well as the reinforcement of ideas Sean raised in the podcasts/articles are also valuable.
Sook Han Lee
It's a breadth of fresh air as compared to the sugar-coated Pollyana replies and responses that seem to agree with what I'm thinking instead of giving me options to think differently.
The atmosphere at the meet-up was warm and friendly.
I could sit back and soak in the questions and answers Sean, you and the participants gave without feeling pressured to come up with questions to ask.
Sean was generous in his response to questions asked of him. One question, and he gave a detailed dissection and analysis of it, sometimes sprinkling them with anecdotes of you and his niece and his travelling experiences.
Overall, it was fun to hang out with.
The interaction with other people was warm and friendly. There was no pressure to know one another and we were given the time and space to ask one another questions or introduce ourselves.
We could take our time to know one another instead of being in a hurry to “shove business cards into one another's wallets”.
I felt safe, comfortable and relaxed during those 3 hours.
—Safe because you and Sean gave us the space to ask questions or soak in the responses.
—Comfortable because I could sit back and soak in the responses and think through why Sean or anyone in the group said what they said. You can say it's a balance and cycle of taking turns to ask questions and listen to the responses.
—Relaxed, because of the air con in the cafe in this hot and humid weather. Haha!
I would like to meet you all again because unlike local meet-ups where many are eager to shove business cards down my wallet, I like that we can talk to one another, find out more about one another at our own pace and time.
I also like that Sean says things as they are and what he honestly thinks. For example, hard work is an ego trip in disguise and has nothing much to do with achieving skills and confidence. It got me reflecting on how I approached my tutoring business and the way I interact.
It's a breadth of fresh air as compared to the sugar-coated Pollyana replies and responses that seem to agree with what I'm thinking instead of giving me options to think differently.
2 Eureka takeaways.
—First, focus on four things that help my students go from struggling to competent instead of trying to be a Jack of all trades.
—Second, identify the triggers behind my habits so that I can break or form habits.
Thank you, Renuka and Sean, for organising this meet-up. See you soon!
Brandon Cai Shaoyang
The atmosphere at the Meet-Up was relaxed, stimulating, and welcome for ‘strangers', as I was.
The interaction with Sean and Renuka was extremely insightful. There are many things I know little about (art, painting, photography, design, etc) and it was interesting to dip my toes in those waters. And I love to interact with people who have clearly thought deeply about life in general or some life issues in particular.
Of course I would do it again! The best explorations often come about in groups with a long history of association, when the ice has been broken, usual reserve dissolved, trust established.
Vinay Kumar Rai
Click here to find out when and where the next Psychotactics Meet-Up is being held.

Amsterdam Meet Up Testimonials
The atmosphere at the event was very pleasant.
As is always the case when a group of “strangers” meet, the initial introductions were a little stilted, but everybody soon loosened up. Initially, I was a little nervous. But once we got the introductions out of the way and got settled into the room, outside observers would never have guessed that we had all only just (physically) met.
The interaction was terrific.
Despite many different languages, I felt we all managed to express our thoughts and ideas about life, the universe and stuff in-between; it did help that English was the common language.
The interaction was very good. I never felt that either Sean or Renuka were being monopolised or that you were neglecting your guests.
By the end of the Meet-Up, I felt quite inspired by the energy, and motivation, of the group.
I would attend a meet up again. Because it’s great to meet people who not only understand what you’re doing but have had similar experiences that we can all relate to and share. The feeling of camaraderie is great and it’s so nice to be able to put faces to names.
Gordon Laing
Amsterdam, Netherlands
How I felt is what I wondered about the most.
I didn’t know any of the other attendees (virtually or in “real” life) right from the start it felt more like a reunion than a bunch of strangers meeting for the first time. It is hard to explain. Even my wife, who joined us during lunch, had the same feeling.
I found that it was a very interesting group of people. Everyone was interested in who the other people were and what they did. I was at the meet-up in Amsterdam and the atmosphere was very relaxed. It seemed that everyone enjoyed being there a lot.
Sean and Renuka did their best to help everyone get the most out of the meeting.
Sean in answering all questions that were asked and Renuka in ensuring everyone got to know each other and feel comfortable (also she knows really a lot about (online) marketing herself and I got a lot of valuable advice from her too).
Yes, I would do it again.
Just because it is a great opportunity to get in contact with other like-minded people and a very pleasant way to spend a day. Thank's for setting up the event.
Marek Blaeser
I felt at ease and free to be myself.
I would come the next time because it's nice to be with you two.
There was a sphere of giving and sharing. Because you and Sean attract nice people, the interaction is great. We're all on the same level. The size of the group is also perfect. The atmosphere was cosy and friendly; open and personal.
Pauline le Rutte
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Australia Meet-Up Testimonials
I felt very happy to be out of my cubbyhole and out with a diverse group
The atmosphere at the meet-up was friendly with everyone quick to say hello.
The interaction with Sean and Renuka was excellent. I enjoyed drawing with Sean and just taking in general thoughts that reminded me of all that I can do. It was lovely to chat with Renuka at dinner.
The interaction with other people was very enjoyable. I look forward to clearing my current hurdles and getting to know them more in Psychotactics.
I would definitely do it again in order to be with like minds and get inspired by others plus run ideas by people.
Marian— The Writing Business
If you’re not sure what ‘be kind, be helpful, or be gone’ really means then head along to a meet-up.
Without knowing anyone, or anything about the others who came along there was a real atmosphere of helpfulness. Some people (like me) were just starting out, and others Kelly were advanced cavers and part of the value is the diversity of the people who join in.
The interaction with Sean and Renuka was relaxed and helpful with both very happy to engage in discussions about anything and everything. A word of caution though, if you joined 5000bc for access to information rather than to be held to account, you may not leave with the same view. Sean and Renuka have a way of making sure you understand the value of taking action and making a start … and that’s a good thing too!
The interaction with other people was informal, with everyone curious about each other. Lots of talk about tips, tricks, pointers, podcasts, book recommendations, family, home town, background, and how Sean’s systems and training have helped.
As a newcomer to 5000bc with no established business to speak of I felt a little nervous heading into the meet-up. Was I wasting everyone’s time by taking up one of the spots? It didn’t take long to find common ground and for everyone to feel comfortable, and before we knew it three hours was gone.
I would go to another meet-up without hesitation. Knowing that it’s coming up I would jump onto the Taking Action page and use the meet-up to help create a deadline to help me get even more value out of the time.
Get along to a meet-up and, if nothing else, you will be amazed at how many cavers there are so close to where you live.
I felt valued as a client and as a contributor to the meeting
The atmosphere at the Meet-Up was casual and friendly. It felt a little like the meeting of a club, you don’t necessarily know everyone but the atmosphere is safe and the leadership of Sean and Renuka set the tone.
Sean and Renuka were encouraging and accessible. I felt I could ask any type of question and I would receive an honest helpful answer.
I loved the interaction with other people for two reasons. As a small business owner, I don’t get the opportunity to mix with like-minded people that often. The second reason was that I met people in person with whom I had ‘spoken’ in course forums. Lots of fun.
I would definitely do it again. I know I learn best through discussions of ideas and this the perfect venue to hear from other industries and other places. In this case, this was possible as the meet-up was scheduled the day before a conference so many of us had travelled from other parts of Australia.
Toni Planinsek

More Testimonials
It was great to be able to ask you questions in person and especially to listen and learn from the questions other people asked.
I really enjoyed meeting you both in Frankfurt, and meeting other 5000bc members. It was great to be able to ask you questions in person and especially to listen and learn from the questions other people asked.
One of Sean's answers really stuck with me, namely the friend he mentioned on Facebook who's drawings never seemed to get any better and this was because he wanted to create the perfect drawing all at once, every time, instead of focusing on just one thing he wanted to improve with each new attempt. That's a message I think I need to hang up on the wall so I can be reminded of it constantly!
Thank you for organising these meet ups, it really does add an extra dimension to meet you and Sean in person and have the opportunity to meet other, like-minded people facing or who have faced similar challenges related to starting and running a business. I would love to meet up with you guys and other 5000bc members / entrepreneurs again so count me in if (when!) you visit around here next time 🙂
Esther Holleman
Sean and Renuka are always enthusiastic to share their experiences. They try things out, and they would not ask you to try things that they wouldn't do themselves. They are authentic, and they have given me good advice because they care about me.
The Meet-Up was casual, friendly and good coffee. I felt a part of a good group of people who is open to learning. We could ask our questions about business and productivity – openly and there are no stupid questions.
Sean and Renuka are very warm and inclusive.
They made sure that no one is left out, and Sean encourages all of us to ask questions, though some of us were silent. And just like 5000BC, Sean “writes an article” to answer your questions. The only difference for the meet-up is that he narrates the article (on-the-fly).
Sean and Renuka are always enthusiastic to share their experiences. They try things out, and they would not ask you to try things that they wouldn't do themselves. They are authentic, and they have given me good advice because they care about me.
The new people quickly warmed up to the group. They quickly realise the open, “be kind or be-gone” culture of this group, and most people fit in real well.
I wouldn't miss this for the world. I'd make time to meet with Sean and Renuka whenever they are in Singapore, because they are very kind and beautiful people to hang out with. They inspire me to improve myself, more than just business – but also as a person.
Joseph Ch'ng (This was my second meet-up)
I left the session feeling uplifted & thoughtful – Sean has a knack of offering intelligent, unique insights, sometimes wrapped up with inspired words.
I was very excited to meet with Sean & Renuka, as it was to be the first time I'd be meeting them in person.
I have been following Sean's work for some time & have found his sincerity, sharpness of intellect & humility to be a compelling combination. I also like his marketing style – none of the gimmicky, stress-inducing over-selling that I typically find in other internet marketers.
I had a feeling that meeting Sean & Renuka in person will find them exactly the same – & I was right.
It was like meeting overseas-based friends whom you rarely get to meet, but will pick off where you left off very quickly. I immediately felt at ease & enjoyed the bouncing off of questions, Sean's wise responses & discussions.
We all felt comfortable to ask our burning questions without fear of being judged. The atmosphere was genial yet purposeful. As is ‘tradition', a number of us joined Sean & Renuka for lunch after the Meet-Up – & yes. the conversation flowed easily then too.
I left the session feeling uplifted & thoughtful – Sean has a knack of offering intelligent, unique insights, sometimes wrapped up with inspired words (my favourite Sean-ism during out Meet-Up: “You've got to work on something long enough until it reveals its secrets to you…” – Love it!).
Not only that, I felt connected to these two beautiful Souls & the other fellow ‘seekers' from diverse backgrounds who were there – & it left a quiet smile on my face as I walked away. They have won me over just by being themselves & I have begun what I expect to be a long-term relationship with them – the first step of which was to get my own copy of the Brain Audit!
Looking forward to more Meet-Ups and as I said to them: “More people in Singapore must get to know of them and their work if they hope to succeed at marketing with dignity!”
Harasha Bafana
For me, how comfortable I feel with people is directly proportional to how fast I can laugh/make jokes. With you, I laughed and made jokes from the beginning.
It was my first Meet-Up, so I didn't know what to expect. Right from the get-go, I was comfortable with you guys.
I introduced myself and in less than a minute we were discussing the differences between Hindu and Greek religion. Since English isn't my main language, I worried whether I'd be able to follow along during the conversation. But I had no trouble understanding and communicating, so this was a nice ego boost for me.
Meeting Sean and Renuka was like meeting two friends who I haven't seen in a while. For me, how comfortable I feel with people is directly proportional to how fast I can laugh/make jokes. With you, I laughed and made jokes from the beginning.
Unfortunately, two of the attendees didn't show up, so there were just me and another guy, George. But he was cool and we exchanged numbers.
From beginning to end, I felt comfortable during the meet-up. Despite being an introvert, I didn't feel my energy running out as it usually does. I went home and instead of crashing on my bed, I was able to continue with my day.
I'd definitely do it again. What I wanted was to meet you guys so I didn't have any marketing questions. However, I saw Sean answer George's questions in depth. Plus, when he was done, he asked, “Was I clear?”. For me, that's a person who cares and I love hanging out with people like that.
Fotis Chat
It’s a nice way to spend a Saturday morning – hearing others talk about their struggles or learnings, picking up one or two thought-provoking ideas, and yet still be relaxed and be among friends.
The atmosphere was relaxed. Other than Sean and Renuka, and Joseph whom I’d met at the previous meet-up in Singapore, it was my first time meeting everyone else. Yet, the initial awkwardness was barely existent or went away shortly after our initial introductions while gathered at the hotel lobby.
It didn’t feel like a gathering of (mostly) people who’d never met before.
Sean answered all the questions directed at him in his usual style, while Renuka made sure that everyone had a chance to ask a question. As usual, I didn’t have a specific question, and that was ok too.
Everyone was friendly, and open with sharing their stories and struggles, and even information related to their business.Yes, definitely, I would do it again! It’s a nice way to spend a Saturday morning – hearing others talk about their struggles or learnings, picking up one or two thought-provoking ideas, and yet still be relaxed and be among friends.
When is the next one?
Sook Han Lee (This was my second meet-up)
“It was my third Meetup.”
We gathered at a cosy cafe. It was casual, and everyone settled in quite quickly even though, for most people, it was our first time meeting one another.
Sean and Renuka made sure everyone had a chance to speak and ask questions. I didn't exactly prepare any questions, so I was happy to listen in and allow my brain to make connections from whatever everyone else was asking. Sean brought along his moleskin notebooks and it was a treat to see and touch the cartoons.
Even though it was the first time we'd met, everyone was friendly. I could also see parallels in our journeys, which was interesting and created a sense of familiarity.
It was my third Meetup, so I knew what to expect. Happy to have the opportunity to catch up and to meet new people. I was relaxed and curious.
Yes, I'd definitely do it again. It's nice to meet people, chat about or listen to others talk about topics that are not entirely familiar to me, to trigger the brain to make new connections. I had some new insights and a couple of takeaways – experiments that I'll try out. Even though I didn't ask any questions. 😉
I'm so glad Sean and Renuka organised a meetup this time. Time passed very quickly! And I was glad to have the opportunity to continue chatting over lunch.
Sook Han Lee
Yes, I would do it again. I would do it again because in one moment Sean saved me from 2-10 months worth of work by pointing out that I had actually made a critical error with my opt-in and was focusing on something that wasn't a direct customer problem.
The atmosphere at the Meet-Up was really good. It was friendly, welcoming and casual. I liked how we were in a public place and that we were all seated around the same table. It was quite a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. There wasn't any pressure. What I liked was how I was able to sit back and listen a lot of the time.
The interaction with Sean and Renuka was excellent.
You are both really friendly, approachable people. I got a lot of value from talking with both of you, and it was also a lot of fun. I was worried that when I showed up so early that I would have messed up whatever you two were planning, but it worked out pretty good. I also noted that you were friendly and approachable with everyone, and what may have been an awkward or scary situation for some people was softened greatly by how you received people and how you talked to them.
I was especially pleased that I got to meet Henry and Doug. When Sean was focusing on a question at one side of the table, it was great how we were able to split off for a few minutes and talk between us. I liked how it wasn't just all of us waiting for Sean to speak, but we had a bit of flexibility and could talk between ourselves.
I was nervous at first, partly because I have never been to an event like this before, partly because I hadn't met you two before, and partly because I was so early.
When it got started my nervousness switched to engagement. I felt really focused and didn't want to miss anything that was relevant or useful. I was writing as many notes as I could, and as I was writing and listening, ideas were coming together in my head and I was coming up with more ideas and more ideas.
Perceptions were changing in real time, and by the time it was over I was really charged up. I didn't read anything when I waited at the airport or on the plane, because I was too busy going over what had happened at the meet-up, trying to cement what I had learned into my mind.
Yes, I would do it again. I would do it again because in one moment Sean saved me from 2-10 months worth of work by pointing out that I had actually made a critical error with my opt-in and was focusing on something that wasn't a direct customer problem.
I mean I've already begun working on the new problem-focused opt-in and have made more progress than I thought possible in such a short period of time. That single moment alone was so valuable, and yet there were plenty of moments where I gained a new insight or idea that I otherwise would not have been able to get.
Also being around people who were many levels ahead of me in terms of business success was really great. What I also enjoyed, which is a bit different than the usual praise, was I got confirmation. A lot of the ideas and concepts Sean talked about are ideas that I have adopted into my own life and business, so if he has been successful with them… must mean that I am on the right track.
I'd do it again because in 6-12 months time I am likely going to have a new crop of questions and problems that I would like Sean's opinion on, and I don't think there would ever be a time when there wasn't something I couldn't learn from a meet-up with you two.
Thank you for doing this. It was really fun. I don't think I could have had a better outcome from an event like this.
Braeden Phillips
New Zealand
Thanks , thanks very much for organising and delivering that wonderful freestyle workshop (you called meet-up but it was very hands on session!) last Saturday.
I loved all; the setting was vibrant and natural, and how Renuka was always attentive to us and the water bottles were filling up miraculously in front of us… , and all the questions that the group did ask and how you Sean answered with stories and facts that went right to the point.
For me it was an opportunity to listen to others highs and struggles, to others’ solutions and it ended being a calm place to organize the fast running day by day business schedule trying to make more sense.
Your mentorship qualities are very strong, and it was a privilege to listen to your answers to many different situations.
And as you said, you have already done most of the mistakes than many of us still are trying to sort out…so it is great to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel…
But I also believe that if you have the right torch then even the journey is less scary! Torches for me are the good mentors.
It was a pity that I had other commitments at 1:30 in Devonport and I couldn’t (and Ellen either) go with the rest of the group and yourselves to have lunch.
Wishing to you two a pleasant and exciting year ahead! And may our ways encounter again!
Un fuerte abrazo para los dos!
Amèlia Homs Ferrer | Directora |New Zealand
Especialista en Educació i Viatges a Nova Zelanda
The meet-up was a blast! It was great meeting you in person!
There's this thing with meeting your idols or people you enjoy learning from. Meeting someone in person whose books you read and podcasts you listen to. It can go terribly wrong. It can destroy the image you have of someone. (No pressure for future meet-ups.) But the meet-up was a blast! Meeting you guys over coffee was amazing.
It didn't feel like a seminar, a sales talk or a business meeting. Rather like joining some friends over coffee, laughing a lot AND taking away lessons for your professional life. It can't get better than that, can it?
And there's an extra benefit. Apart from meeting you (Renuka and Sean), you get to know the other people who sign up. All of them have interesting stories. Participants can learn from one another.
There's no set agenda. You don't learn or hear about that one specific thing. Instead, you get a chance to converse about topics that matter to you. And everyone present can share their experiences and thoughts.
I am already looking forward to the next chance for a meet-up (remember: Marbella please!) 😉
Re-joining future meet-ups has huge potential in my eyes. You get more chances to (re)interact with various people, go home, apply what you have learnt and share your experience in a future meet-up.
That being said, I'll see you over coffee! 😉
Patrick Sievernich
“I really enjoyed getting to know Sean and Renuka, and just hearing their thoughts on business and life.”
The atmosphere at the Meet-Up was fun, chilled and very intellectually interesting.
I really enjoyed getting to know Sean and Renuka, and just hearing their thoughts on business and life. It was a real blessing to see the creative duo and meet them in-person finally! Sean has a very straightforward and simple way of simplifying elements through elimination, and he really does a great job in explaining different things.
The other people were really nice! Since I flew in from another country, it was really cool to get ideas from the locals on where to eat and where to go. Sean attracts a very diverse and interesting group of people.
It was an awesome experience, especially hearing Sean share some more personal stories about his adventures. I like how the environment was really chilled and relaxed, and very small and intimate, very different to a BNI gathering or business meeting.
Absolutely, I would do it again. I think there are certain things that can only be caught in-person, and from the recent meet-up I went to, I really appreciated the simplicity of thought that Sean conveys.
Benn G
Hong Kong
“This was a small meetup so there was a ton of opportunity to talk to both Sean and Renuka, to hear their stories, and get their points of view.”
The atmosphere at the meet-up was great. The conversation ranged all over. Everyone present had something interesting to add. Most of all, it was a small and intimate group, and everyone was cool. Everybody was working on interesting projects, and was ready to talk openly both about business and about everyday stuff.
This was the second meetup I came to, because I enjoyed the vibe the first time, and this time was the same.
I would definitely do it again. I enjoyed the meetup, the opportunity to talk to some new people who are all doing cool stuff online, plus it gives me an excuse to take a trip for a few days and get out of my routine and experience a change of perspective.
John Bejakovic
It was a day out of my usual hustle, an inspiring conversation, great people, beautiful city… Surely I will do it again.
We were at the hotel cafeteria, a quiet place with no background noise or distractions. We were having coffee around the table, as if we were a group of friends. It was a relaxed and also intimate setting to share my concerns and challenges.
This was the first time I met Sean and Renunka in person, however, as I've read abundant material and I've had several email conversation with them, I have to say I felt I knew them well already. Renuka picked me up at reception and I felt welcomed at all times. Sean shared his views on the points I raised. I now think differently about the challenges I have ahead, and I am going to change how I structure and offer my services, among other things.
Everybody was listening (and listened to) and willing to help. One of the participants had gone through a similar situation and his comments were “on the money”. I felt surrounded by interesting people, out of the ordinary, people I can learn from.
I felt stimulated during the conversation and ended with a good feeling that stayed throughout the rest of the day.
A day out of my usual hustle, an inspiring conversation, great people, beautiful city… Surely I will do it again.
Kind regards,
Alberto Belle
I'd never done anything like this in person meetup before. I wasn't expecting anything and didn't know what to expect.
The atmosphere was super Pleasant. I got lucky that it was such a small meetup but it was very comfortable and yet had some vibe of an unusual and special event that I guess put me in a bit of a trance and made my mind more open.
I loved meeting both Sean and Renuka. It was great to see Sean's sketches from earlier in the day. It was great to talk food and travel and history. And it was great to hear your own stories and experiences and perspectives on business stuff. Of course I knew these to an extent from following Psychotactics, but hearing it in person had a different impact.
Interaction with other people was totally positive. The other guys were pleasant and interesting and interested. Adam had his personal experience to share, including the case study of starting up his own recent new business, which really set my head spinning. It was as good as any Jay Abraham story of, let's see how we can take air and turn it into gold in three months' time.
I felt fascinated and enthusiastic.
The whole experience came together — having to travel a bit to get there, being in a new place, a real life meetup at an odd time, a small and intimate and smart conversation that ranged over lots of topics and didn't flag for three hours, and specific key ideas that stuck out in my head afterwards and that might very likely influence me and what I do in big ways in the coming weeks and months.
I do it again absolutely. I would do it if you came to Barcelona because it would be convenient, and I would do it even more if it were some new place relatively nearby, because it would be an excuse to make an event out of it. I'm curious how I would feel the second time now that I have something to compare it to, but this first experience was so positive I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Thanks for organizing this. Again, I didn't know what to expect, but this ended up being more enjoyable, and maybe more useful long-term, than if I'd come with an agenda and a list of goals to accomplish. Hope you guys are enjoying Seville and have fun the rest of the trip.
John Bejakovic
First Meet Up—Spain

Germany Meetup Testimonials
Some coaches and mentors have a “dédain”. They give you the impression that they know it all and that it’s a real privilege to meet them. Not Sean and Renuka.
It’s really conversational. You can ask questions, take a selfie with them and if you really look with puppy eyes Sean will be autographing his book or one of his cartoon cards. The fact that no one really wants to leave the Meet-Up after the informational part says enough.
The Meet-Up was like a class reunion where you are happy to see your old friends again. The only difference is that the people at the Meet-Up are not people you used to know.
You know these gatherings where people are scrolling all the time on their phones? This is not like that.
The only moments people took their phones were to take selfies, share numbers and book a restaurant to continue the official Meet-Up. I was looking forward to the Meet-Up for weeks. I was happy to be there and now, a few days after the Meet-Up, I still feel energized, inspired and revitalized.
Sean says: “You only need to take away one good insight or idea from this Meet-Up” but I’ve had many.
Katleen Van Landschoot
The atmosphere at the meet-up was very relaxed. You felt right at home and accepted.
Even among the participants, easy conversations quickly developed, since only nice people were there.
It was quick and easy to get in touch with Sean and Renuka. It was easy to get into conversation with everyone. I learned interesting things and made some new contacts.
I felt comfortable the whole time.
As an introvert, I always need some time to warm up in groups. At the meet-up, too, I stayed in the background at first. Despite this, I never felt uncomfortable and later had conversations with many other people.
Jan Faßbender
Sean answered everyone’s questions and also explained in detail how people want to be acknowledged.
The atmosphere at the Meet-Up was very relaxed and friendly. It was a small group, so it was very easy to talk and listen to everyone.
Sean answered everyone’s questions and also explained in detail how people want to be acknowledged and how the best way to do so is to start asking them questions and go into increasing depth. We kind of started practising this during the meet-up. For me, it was worth attending to understand this point alone.
The interaction with other people was very good. It was easy to talk with everyone, and three of us went out for something to eat afterwards.
I was very glad that I attended. I am feeling increasingly confident in my ability to manage my business, and yesterday confirmed this.
I would do it again because it was very practical, it was good to catch up with Sean and Renuka, and it was great to make new friends.
I practised the ‘asking questions’ exercise during the evening while having dinner at a Greek restaurant. I spoke with Alex (he’s from Ioannina) and Rita. I got a free ouzo!
Rob Middleton
“It was such a breeze of fresh air for the usual business meetups!”
The meet-up felt cozy and intimate – I felt at ease immediately. We were in deep and personal discussions almost immediately.
It was lovely to get to meet Sean and Renuka in person after all these years of reading their newsletter, listening to the podcast and even attending one of their online courses.
What struck me most was the type of people that were attracted to the event.
Everyone was inspiring and impressive, but in their own very calm and gentle way. It was such a breeze of fresh air for the usual business meetups! I would totally do it again, and can highly recommend this to anyone. If you’re thinking about going, just go! What’s there to lose?
Felix Alcala