The Landing Page Online Course With Sean D'Souza
A hands-on live course that will not only let you create the sales page you need (but give you the permanent skill for creating any landing page, any time)
When writing landing pages, do you get overwhelmed even before you start?
Other people’s landing pages look so perfect, it’s hard to know where to start. So many pieces to collect and organise. It’s such a complicated, time-consuming task that it’s tiring just thinking about it.
We had a similar problem when we first started selling products and services online
We”d spend loads of time creating a product or workshop. But there's no point having a wonderful offering, if clients can't see a sales page. So we'd cobble together something and send clients to buy from our sales page. However, this was less than ideal because we didn't follow a system, and hence there was little or no consistency between the pages.
Which is why we had to sit down and work out a system
A system so simple that it wouldn't take weeks, or even a week to get a sales page going. Instead, every element of the sales page needed to be up within three days (or fewer). And somehow, within three days it had to be perfect. Could such a goal even be possible?
Presenting: The Landing Page Live Course With Sean

If you ask seasoned copywriters, they'll tell you it takes a while to write a great sales page. And they're right, because a sales page is complex, with many elements. Just getting started with the headline and the first few paragraphs could take days, even weeks.
But what if we're approaching the construction of the sales page in the wrong manner?
Why should we start with the headline, just because it's the first thing we see on the page? What if there was a superior method; a quicker method to get the job done? Instead of slaving over the page for days and weeks, what if you could learn the system so that you could get a landing page up and running in a few days.
That's what this course is all about.
No more agony over which elements you need on the sales page. No more wrestling with what-goes-where. Instead, you have a solution that works seamlessly every single time, and ticks all the boxes. What's better is that the process is systematic, involving three separate stages. You will acquire a permanent skill and will be able to create landing pages any time you want.

Katherine Radeka,
Lean Enterprise Institute
“I know that we have great products, and we have solid results and wonderful testimonials, but I couldn’t figure out how to put the pieces together so that there’s a “picture” that someone would actually purchase.”
I know the technical side of the website pretty well, so I can work my way around it. And I’m pretty good at writing, but what I don’t know is how to lay everything out, so that I get the end result that I want. And that end result is that someone clicks on our registration button.
I know that we have great products, and we have solid results and wonderful testimonials, but I couldn’t figure out how to put the pieces together so that there’s a “picture” that someone would actually purchase.
I have a very small group of highly committed fans and I have a whole bunch of people that don’t even know our products and services exist. And they could really benefit from it. I know how to market to the people that I know but I don’t know how to market to the people I don’t know.
The course has helped me understand how I need to layout everything on the landing page, then when people do come to us, and find us, then they’ll take that next step, which could be to buy the book, or attend the workshop or whatever that next step happens to be.

Put in the information of the journey from start to finish. You'd need three simple graphics like this to upload to your site, but once you have them, make sure you put in a few lines that describe why the journey is so very important.
The Landing Page Course is designed to do the following:
Stage 1: Assembly of Sales/Landing Pages

It takes ages to get a sales/landing page together even when you know exactly what you need on the page. How do you speed up the assembly of the landing page without resorting to sloppy shortcuts?
Here are some of the topics covered in Stage 1
- Why assembly matters (and how to go about assembling the page from the bottom-up)
- Why you should work through the assembly process using three distinct partitions (and how this three-part process helps you make sure nothing is left out
- How to systemise your assembly process while spending the least amount of energy
- How to assemble the elements in a way that makes it simpler for the client to see value—and buy products and services
- How to write between 30-60 bullets for every sales page (even if you haven't created your product or service quite yet)
- Why bullets are the foundation of your sales or landing page (and how to make every single one attractive to the buyer)
- Why you're going to need a bonus to increase sales (and get higher prices over 95% of the time).
- How to use the bullet-system to create an extremely powerful set of bonuses (even if you end up using just one bonus on your landing page)
- How to go about creating a uniqueness for any product or service (and how to make it almost impossible for the competition to copy)
- Why the “uniqueness conjunction curse” confuses clients (and how to avoid it completely)
- How to test your uniqueness in a matter of seconds with the power of the echo
- How to expand the uniqueness in a way that clearly positions you against the competition (and shows why your system is superior)
- How to choose the most critical features and benefits for your landing page (and why overdoing the features and benefits can work against you).
- How to systemise the features and benefits in a way that gets clients to slow down, instead of simply scrolling past madly.
Stage 2: Creating the opening section of the sales page + pricing grid
Once we're done with the bullets, features, benefits and bonuses, it's time to shift our focus to the headline, the problem and the solution. Simply slipping in a headline won't get your client to respond, let alone buy a product or service. Knowing how to construct a headline with oomph and then keeping the client's attention, is what we'll cover in Stage 2.
Once we've handled the section at the top of the sales/landing page, we then move back down to the elements of pricing. We examine how you can price your product or service and how to increase those prices systematically over time.
- How to start your page without a target profile (while using bullets)
- Why clients tend to avoid getting right to the real problem (and how it ends up with you having a page that doesn't convert well)
- Why you need to drive home the consequences in a greater amount of detail (and how the target profile plays a big role in the emotion and wording)
- Understanding the difference between the solution that the clients seek vs. your solution (and how it makes all the difference to your sales)
- How to know when you've hit the right target profile (and when you're just wasting your time)
- How to create a pricing grid that empowers clients (and gets you higher prices, 95% of the time)
- How to systematically test and increase the prices of your product or service (in a matter of months, or even weeks)
- The obvious—yet ignored—connection between testimonials and objections (and how to use objections to get testimonials that really resonate with clients)
- How to use testimonials of varying length (and why the variety matters).
- Why graphics are critical to create greater interest (and how to find graphics that can be quickly put together)
- How to dig deep to find the risk-reversal that clients want (most of the time it's not a money-back guarantee)
- Why you need to work on objections, testimonials, graphics and risk reversal long before you sit down to write your sales page.

Stage 3: Immediate, Expert Feedback

The entire course is designed to make you go through the process of working on a project (to familiarise yourself with a product or service). This reduces the intimidation factor of jumping right into implementation. Once we're clearer on the method needed to implement the sales page, Stage 3 involves putting your page together.
As you work through your page, you'll get constant feedback about what to fix and how you can improve the power of your communication. It's a hands-on situation that enables you to get your sales page ready before the end of the course.
A Tiny Insight Into What You'll Learn
The Landing Page/Sales Page course is dedicated to a single task: to make sure you have all the elements of a sales page put together in a way that a client is forced to pay attention.
When a client gets to a sales page or landing page, they know they're expecting to buy (or at least expecting to buy in future). What they require is the presentation of information in a way that's informative, and enables them to make a decision. This course is designed to make your life easier, because you'll know what to do to present this information, but it also makes the client happier, because you're not wasting their time and money.
What This Course Is NOT About
This isn't a course on how to create a copywriting or pre-sell strategy. That's beyond the scope of this course. The goal of this course is to get you to have a powerful sales page that you can put together in under three days.
What's the difference between copywriting/sales page and landing page?

Mariel Heiss
“Sean breaks down everything into such tiny parts that even a total novice could be successful.”
(Testimonial from the live landing page workshop)
We didn’t just learn theory – we really learned a step-by-step way for making landing pages.
I’ve already done 4 landing pages and it’s been 3 days since the workshop ended!
Before the workshop I absolutely could not have produced so much content so quickly – and some of the pages are already converting at a much higher rate than old pages.
What’s Unique About This Course?
The biggest reason why sales pages are such a problem is because they take too much time.
By the end of the course, you will be able to create a landing page in three days, possibly sooner. You will accomplish what takes seasoned copywriters a week or more. You will acquire a permanent skill and will be able to create a landing page following the system—Every Time; Any Time.
I'm there all the time, seventeen thousand times a day to help you along.
You are never alone. I will push, cajole, encourage and move you along. This course is not about more information—it's about skill.

Complete Details of the Course
Duration: How many sessions do I get for my money?
Format: How is the course conducted? And who conducts the course? Will there be a live course next year?
Cost and Installments: What does it cost? What are the installments?
Purchase: How do I sign up for the course right away? Why get on the waiting list?
Guarantee: Is there a guarantee?
Self Study: Is there a self-study course?
Support: Do I get any support?
Cancellation: What if I can't attend the course?
This leads us to the nitty-gritty details
How many sessions do I get for my money?
(These are tentative dates. The actual dates will be decided in December 2024.)
The course starts on October 2026. However, you may get access to some materials before the course starts, and therefore there are no surprises. You come to the course fully prepared and relaxed. And everyone on the course is on the same page.
We don't believe in “shock and awe”. We believe that learning is best done when you are better prepared and have gone over the material once or twice. So the course starts runs from October 2026 (and runs for 12 weeks). And the Premium option gives you access to the forum and other material for 30 days after the end of the course.
Course Schedule |
Stage 1: You will get access to the course material in stages. Starting from October 2026. |
Stage 2: The course starts on October 2026. Note: The entire course will be conducted via the forum. |
Other Information—Forum Access: With the Premium Option, your forum access will be extended until 31st March 2027.
How is the course conducted? And who conducts the course? Will there be a course next year?
The primary program will be forum based. You will be given a syllabus and notes for the entire course. You will be working through the forum for the duration of the course. Sean will be working with you right through the course. Sean will be conducting the entire course. He will be checking your work 5-days a week.
Important Note: This is the only live course for 2026, and there will be no live course in 2027.
Do I get any support?
Yes. There will be a forum, especially for the participants. And you can ask all your questions, and Sean will answer them. Also, with the premium package, you get 3 months of email support from Sean.
What does it cost? And do you have an installment plan?
It cost US$3500.
Note: There is a 4-part installment plan too.
Is there a guarantee?
This course has been running since 2017, and the results are more than evident hence there is no money-back guarantee on this course.
What if I can't attend the course and wish to opt-out?
If you have to opt-out of the course because of an emergency, you will be given your money back, PROVIDED someone on our waiting list takes your place.
Is there a self-study course?
At present, there isn't a self-study course. However, if you would like to be informed when we do create a self-study course, click here to get on the waiting list for the self-study.
How do I sign up for the live online course right away? Why get on the waiting list?
Once you are on the waiting list, you will be given first preference before we open the course to the entire Psychotactics list. If you are a 5000bc member, you will be able to join a few days earlier.
Click here to get on the waiting list.
P.S. Note: Not everyone will be chosen. You need to meet the requirements. The first requirement is that you own and have read The Brain Audit. And once you register, we will be sending you a questionnaire as well. If you fail to respond to the questionnaire, your money will be refunded right away.

Difference between a Psychotactics
Course—and any other course
The only way you can experience the difference between a Psychotactics Course—and any other course on the planet— is to experience it. There are three reasons and a P.S.:
1) It doesn't allow you to make excuses.
You are not allowed to make excuses. Success isn't a fluke. It's a combination of deep practice, of a robust system and detailed support from a master coach. On the course, you get all three. It's then up to you to do what's required to succeed. On a Psychotactics course you won't find whiny folks. That alone should tell you that you'll be amongst people who are determined to succeed no matter what the odds.
2) You learn how group learning is way superior to solo-learning.
It follows the system of: If you want to go fast, you go alone. If you want to go far, you go in a group. There is intense group activity that enables you to work with me, and to work with your peers. You will not realise how much power a group has, till you do a course like this. If you've ever felt the loneliness of working alone before, you won't feel it on a Psychotactics Course.
The rule is simple: Be kind, be helpful or begone. And the group works together, and you learn like never before. (Interesting fact: We attract lots of introverts who become very active in a warm, friendly environment of a small group. Extroverts feel very comfortable too).
3) The learning methods are quite different from what you've been exposed to so far.
The methods are based on a combination of text, audio, visuals, cartoons and forums. You learn in tiny little bits and you master those bits. It's like learning notes of music. You master each ‘note', then you move ahead steadily. And in time, you're able to play awesome ‘music'. Information alone will not help you write like a pro.
What's critical is that we work on all of these three core concepts. It's designed to bring skill—not more information You'll be given precisely what you need to get a high level of confidence—and skill. This course is not about more information—it's about skill.
P.S.) I don't sleep. The course is conducted ONLY by me.
I will be working with you 5-days a week. I don't sleep. I really don't. I'm there all the time, seventeen thousand times a day to help you along. You are never alone. I will push, cajole, encourage and move you along. No this isn't “Hell's Kitchen”. I don't use bad language and will not disrespect you in any way. But I won't let you disrespect yourself either. I set a very high standard for you, and I make sure I'm there to keep you moving (because believe me the road gets pretty darned rough as you go through the course). At the end of the course you will acquire a skill and not just more information.

Nicholas Lal
“I know I am smart, have a lot of information and experience, but I’ve never been able to put it all together and it’s frustrating.”
(Testimonial from the live landing page workshop)
With that said, it’s why I HAD to be at this workshop because I knew it would be life changing and it was. I needed a person I respect that I can start to model myself after.
I learned the psychology of a proper landing page and had a big mindset shift. All the little nuances that Sean teaches really stick in your mind and put you in a position to implement them immediately.
Sometimes the internet marketing world gets lonely and boring being trapped behind a computer all day. This is the type of event I needed to really get myself going. I was motivated by the people I met and the path that brought everyone there.
Sean is hands down one of the best educators in the business.
Learning from him I believe is worth more then a 4-year college education and will make you more too. I just wish I had met him sooner when I was younger and had more to look forward to than I do now. But it’s never too late.
Important: Reason Why You Shouldn't
#1: It's more economical than most consultants
You get the benefit of working directly with me. You get the chance to ask all the questions you want to ask on the topic. And the entire course costs far less than what most consultants or coaches will charge you. Most coaches and consultants will charge you between $750-2400 per month. And many of them don't even have the practical experience. You'll get practical experiences on training, consulting, info-products, marketing, selling and no B.S.
#2: No Hidden Cost
Another reason is that this program doesn't include any hidden costs. Many a consultant will give you a figure, and then put in some hidden costs (and you're robbed of time, money or both). On this course, what you see is what you get…and a whole lot more as well.
#3: It's not about the info-dump. It's about the applying what you learn
And at Psychotactics, we make it fun to learn. Instead of simply drumming you with truckloads of data, you get to learn in the way we all learn best–by having fun.
#4: You are in a ‘safe-zone'
You are in a ‘safe-zone', so that both introverts as well as extroverts feel un-intimidated. When we're comfortable, we learn well. When we're scared in some way, we hold back restricting our learning. And you'll find that when you do this course, you're in a ‘safe-zone' with very limited numbers of people. This makes you comfortable and focuses on the learning, instead of fighting for ‘air-space'.

Incredibly Valuable Bonuses

# 1: Checklist (PDF)
# 2: (Worth $1500) Two Critiques by Sean (Premium)
Every time Sean critiques a sales page or any marketing material, there is a fixed fee of $750 per critique. As part of the Program, you will be entitled to two complete critiques worth $1500. (Note: Critiques are valid until 6 months from the date of purchase).
# 3: Special Password Protected Forum
The forum will be just for those doing this course, and will be monitored by Sean. All the questions you need to ask, will be answered on this forum, thus ensuring you're never short of solutions to your copywriting and strategy problems.
#4: Email Support For Three Months (Premium)
You know how you always need something clarified? Well you will have email access to Sean for three months.
#5: Special Extended Password Protected Forum (Premium)
You will have access the forum for an additional three months after the course finishes.
How do I join the Landing Page Course?
You will have to have purchased and read the Brain Audit. If you do not own a copy of the Brain Audit, please do not get on the waiting list. The details are below.
Landing Page Online Course: 2026 Batch | Regular | Premium |
PDF Notes for the Entire Course | ||
Special Password Protected Forum | ||
Sean will be working with you 5-days a week - Daily Assessment of your work + Unlimited Critiques During the Course + Three Post Course Post Critiques. —Assembly of Sales/Landing Pages —Creating the opening section of the sales page + pricing grid —Immediate, Expert Feedback on your landing page |
Big Bonuses | ||
Checklist (PDF) | ||
Email Support For Three Months | ||
Special Extended Password Protected Forum (3 additional months) | ||
PLUS: (Worth $1500) Two Critiques by Sean* (valid for 6 months) | ||
Price |
Option 1: Single Payment (save $100) | US$ 3400 |
US$ 3500 |
Option 2: 4 Monthly Installment Payments | US$875 x 4 |
US$900 x 4 |
Note: All Payments are in US Dollars. |

Warm regards,
Sean D'Souza
P.S. If you need this course, and are hesitating, just remember that he or she who hesitates is lost. The law of nature is simple: Sow and you shall reap. You have to be prepared to sacrifice today, for even greater gain tomorrow. Like you, even I struggled from month to month. Now the copy I write, brings me tens of thousands of dollars each month. I too was scared and still am, when I have to make a big decision. But I know from experience, that if I don't make the sacrifice earlier, I never get ahead in life. If you want to get ahead in life, this is your moment. Don't hesitate.
P.P.S. The fees for this course have been kept very affordable so that even a small business can take advantage of this training program. If you have any doubts about how economical it really is, simply pick up the phone and call a business coach. Just ANY coach will charge you more than this fee for consulting.
If you have questions, please email me directly using the link below at the bottom of the page, and let me know how I can help.