The Article Writing Live Online Course With Sean D'Souza
Learn why articles do a far superior job of attracting the clients that you want (and how the right articles make you the expert in your field)
How to stop knocking on clients' doors, and get them to call you instead
Knocking on a client's door is the hardest way to get business – yet we do it all the time
In order to get the client's attention, we send out sales letters; we make presentations; we do everything we can to try and sell to clients. The more we try to sell, the higher the client's hackles go up. The more we try to convince; to persuade, the more the client starts avoiding you. Or at the very least, they put off buying from you till much later.
So why do clients put off the purchase?
There are two big reasons. The first reason, is that they don't want to buy at the exact moment that you want to sell. So even if you've just made this wonderful presentation of your product or service, there's a close to zero-response on the client's part. And that's just because they're not ready to buy right away. The second reason is that the client doesn't really recognise you as an expert. All they can see is someone who's trying to sell something to them. To them you're just another ‘sales pitch' coming through the front door. What you really need is a side-door entry!
Why articles help you sneak in the side door
Articles help you get the client's attention, because articles rarely if ever, try to sell. Articles educate. They give the client the various angles to a concept. And in doing so, clients don't put up a wall. The more you inform a client about a topic, the more they're interested in getting in touch with you. And not only do they get in touch with you– but they also choose you (instead of your competition).
Well-written articles are not only vital for your website and newsletter, but can earn you revenue, as well as free publicity. Articles published in offline magazines, can drive hundreds of readers to your business. And yes, if you write really well, you are actually given a column in a magazine or newspaper or online portal. The above are just some of the magazines that I've written for. And the articles were published in sales, training, marketing, business as well as alpaca magazines 🙂 And this is a small representation of places where our articles have been published.
But hey, the competition can write articles too, right?
Right. They can, and they will. But there's a difference. And that difference lies in the ability to not only attract the client to what you're writing, but to keep the client reading from the start to finish. And then to actually look forward to reading more than ever before. Now you've stopped becoming the ‘salesperson they want to avoid', and have become the educator and entertainer.
Entertainer? What's entertainment got to do with article writing?
Everything. Drama is what causes customers to keep reading your words. Think of a movie being rolled out in a word format. Each of your articles not only need to educate, but need to take the client on a rollercoaster ride. The biggest mistake most article writers make (actually most amateur writers) is that they believe in just writing words. Words don't create stickiness. Drama does.
Presenting: The Article Writing Live Online Course With Sean

Do you stare at a blank screen every time you have to write something? Does it drive you crazy and then you just give up in frustration? Do you figure you're never ever going to write an article? If so, then this course is just for you. You'll learn how article writing, or writing for that matter, is a simple science. It's a paint- by-dot system.
By the time you finish the course, you'll have not only learned how to write an article, but have written one yourself plus have generated two or three future articles. And as we've seen before, you'll not only be able to write articles, but write articles that keep your customer riveted to your writing.
But there's always the fear…What if you're not a good writer? What if you've tried to write before, and gotten so-so results? What if you have other issues like dyslexia? Could you still learn to write captivating articles?

Debbie & Andy Perkins
Tauranga, New Zealand
“I have dyslexia and Irlen syndrome, which is why I have so much difficulty reading.”
Words on a page look like a waterfall to me– a fuzzy one at that. So I could not see how an article course was going to help me write. Our business was just starting to grow, when we hit an almighty hurdle. We realized that to grow the business further we were going to have to write articles. Andy did not have the time to do this and, saying he has no imagination at all, it fell to me (Debbie). Horror is the only way I can explain how I felt at having to write articles, as I had avoided reading and writing all my life. At the time of the Article Writing Course I had never (and I mean never) read any story books, not even at school (I managed to fake it at school by watching movies etc.).
Reading and writing to me was the worst nightmare ever
We came to realize I have dyslexia and Irlen syndrome, which is why I have so much difficulty reading. Words on a page look like a waterfall to me– a fuzzy one at that. So being dropped in at the deep end on this course was a huge thing for me – the hurdle I faced felt about 20 feet high. And I could not see how an article course was going to help me write.
How wrong can you be?
The course was interesting, and laid out in simple steps on how to write. At first I could not do it, or so I thought. With Sean's help, I kept plugging away. At times I felt like I was hitting my head against a brick wall. With persistence (and the help of a Dictaphone), out of nowhere the hurdle that was 20 feet high started to lower. And before I knew it, I was writing articles and rewriting everything Andy had written previously.
The best thing of all was that I was beginning to enjoy it.
We implemented the course in several ways. I now have articles published in magazines. I have rewritten our website and adverts, and I've written the intro to our technical book that's currently being worked on by Andy. I also use all of the course teachings in every aspect of our lives now. Now I can take a boring technical subject (we write articles about ignitions for classic bikes), and turn it into something that everyone can understand and enjoy–which helps educate our customers better.
My confidence in my ability has grown
And I am now communicating with people better than ever. You do not realize how much not being able to write rules your life (it stops you doing things, and holds you back). I also now read story books, and study the writing styles. Something I never thought I would be able to do (and enjoy). After this course I am now unstoppable. Nothing is too hard, and I am seeing the world with different eyes. For people who say they cannot write, I would say to them: everybody can (no matter what you think). You just have to find the right teacher, and luckily we found Sean. And you must trust that you can do anything you put your mind to, because if I can do it, then you can too.
The Article Writing Course is unique in many ways
It's not about writing per se, it's about the structure of writing, the rules and the whys and wherefores, which to me was a godsend. It made sense, and with a bit of practice is now easy to do. I still have trouble with my spelling, but have a wonderful husband Andy, who corrects for me.
My hurdle at the start was 20 feet high.
It's now non-existent, and I have Sean and the Article Writing Course to thank for that. Thank you, Sean.

The biggest problem with writing is a lack of confidence. Are the words making any impact at all?
This lack of confidence causes every article to be slow and tedious. Learn how to write with a great sense of confidence and speed.
Then add the power of drama and watch your articles come alive.
The Article Writing Course is designed to do the following:

- Enable you to write faster than ever before.
- Reduce the frustration of never getting past the first line
- Create content that is so captivating that customers consider you the expert.
We use a simple system to achieve the above
- Deconstruction
- Reconstruction
In deconstruction, you'll take apart articles and other forms of copy. You'll see why the best writers in the world, became who they are, and what systems they used to persuade their audiences. In construction, you'll learn exactly what strategies and tactics you need to create text that moves people to action.
Anyone can write an article. What we are looking to create is speed, drama as well as expertise within the article. And I'll be there with you to guide and teach you, and more importantly to show you exactly what you need to fix, so that your articles improves instantly.
Have a look at the prospectus

The prospectus takes you on the journey of the Article Writing Course through the years. It shows you how the course is conducted and then moves into the experiences of past participants.
Click here for the 72-page pdf with details on how the course is conducted and what people say.
A Tiny Insight Into What You'll Learn
- The three main systems of writing. And how to pick a system that is suited to your own individual personality. This means you can be who you are, instead of simply copying someone else.
- Spotting an instant disaster before you write the article. You'll learn how to spot if an article is useless, simply by analysing parameters in your headline. This alone saves you hours of frustration and toil of going round in circles.
- Why writing effective headlines is critical. Most articles are read, or deleted solely on the basis of a headline. If your reader doesn't get attracted by your headline, the rest of the article is almost never read–leading to a massive waste of time on your part. (This applies to both online as well as offline articles, by the way).
- How to get the reader to slip-slide (yes, there's no better word) right from the headline to the first fifty words. And what to put in those first fifty that captivates the reader, and almost compels them to read the entire article.
- How to then take the reader past the first fifty words. The secrets to connecting thoughts, and disconnecting thoughts. And how connectors and disconnectors, when used with structure in mind, create intense drama and flow.
- How to create a grid that speeds up your article writing by 50% or more. The grid also enables you to construct an article that suits both the reader who reads every word, as well as the reader who scans.
- How to never run out of ideas. You'll have so many ideas, that you'll realise that writer's block is really a myth.
- Learn why ‘creating a wall' or ‘disturbance' in an article is critical to keep the reader's attention, and why it so appeals to human nature. Most mediocre articles avoid the ‘wall', thus creating a boring, tepid style of writing.
- How to literally outline half a dozen (or more) articles in less than an hour, sitting at the cafe.
- How to mesh articles with selling products/services. Just writing an article will not get your customers to respond. You need to actually guide the customer to buy the product or service. How do you move from editorial to sales seamlessly?
- The secrets of formatting an article. Formatting is the visual aspect of your article. Most people look at a page, before they read a word. In an instant, your ‘lack of formatting' can lose the reader.
- Learn which article headlines work better–and why. Why: That's what you want to learn. Why does this headline supercede that headline? The key isn't in copying blindly, but having a deep understanding of human psychology (It's easier than you think).
- Understanding what makes an article boring–and how to avoid that scenario like the plague. It's not enough to know what makes an article exciting. There are factors that make an article boring too. What are those factors?
- The Secret of writing angles to a story–and how you can write on one topic over and over again–without losing audience interest. This saves you enormous time and effort. Imagine having one topic and being able to generate ten, twenty, even a hundred angles. And yet the audience is clamouring for even more angles to that topic.
- How to use structure to build up momentum. Without structure you're simply writing without parameters. Every time I write randomly, I waste more time than ever, and end up with a half-baked article that can't be used. The structure is what will enable you to avoid making the mistakes I made at the start–and write faster than ever before.
- How to leverage articles into books, reports and other forms of revenue and customer-generation.
Who is this course for?
This course is for those who want to master the ability to write. And not just write, but write with drama and flow. Therefore, we've had complete beginners on this course, and seasoned copywriters, or article writers. Just because you're comfortable writing, doesn't mean you're outstanding. It takes a certain discipline to be outstanding at your writing, and in this course, everyone (from beginner to advanced writer) finds a lot that they can learn and move ahead.
If you're a complete newbie at writing it doesn't matter. And if you're a pro, there's a lot to learn. This may appear weird to you when reading this paragraph, but you can trust me on this. Every course has a mix of people from different countries, backgrounds and skills. And this course moves them all along the path where they become superb at what they do.

John “Wiz” Withers,
“I'm not saying I thought Sean was a liar – I just didn't think one course could do all that”.
In June 2009 I began the live Article Writing course. I was simply looking to write better, faster articles – because I wanted to establish a level of expertise in my industry. Prior to signing up for the course, I emailed Sean. I had two main concerns:
– I was S – L – O – W : writing just a short article took me forever! I was already tight on time with my existing business. – There are some “big names” in my industry who also write – a lot. Deep down, I didn't think I had enough expertise to compete with them. Sean promised me three things.
If I did the work and completed the course: – I would be able to write an article per day without a sweat; – People would love my articles – I would become a thought leader (and get more business); – I would be able to write “expert” articles in ** any ** field, regardless of what it was. I didn't believe him.
I'm not saying I thought Sean was a liar – I just didn't think one course could do all that. I would settle for just being able to write faster. So I signed up for the basic course – not the premium version. (Note: John went on to complete the entire 9 month premium course). And I did everything I was told to do. Not always willingly – I had a couple “adamant” disagreements with Sean. But we worked through it – or rather I did. Here's where I found myself in January 2010:
I landed my biggest client to date. I contacted an agency in my industry about outsourcing some of their workload to me. In our discussions, I discussed writing articles for their site. I pointed to articles I had written in the course – class assignments, mostly. My articles helped seal the deal – not only did the agency start sending me a significant amount of industry work, they also wanted me to write articles for their marketing. I was told, “we're glad to have someone with your expertise helping us.” I proved to myself I could write about anything.
A colleague of mine is in industrial sales – selling certain technical components to large manufacturing firms. He wanted to position himself as an expert in his industry. We discussed articles – he knew that's what he wanted, but said he wrote “like an engineer”. I heard myself saying: “Dan, you and I have a 60-minute telephone conversation, and I can turn out a dozen articles for you.” I had no qualms about saying that – because I knew I could do it. We're still negotiating terms, but it's very promising. But even if the deal falls through, I still have another service to offer my clients. Article writing is becoming more and more natural.
My wife writes a newsletter for her industry – something completely separate from mine. She was having difficulty with a recent issue, and asked me to review something she'd written. Almost immediately I could “see” where her article could be adjusted: things to tweak, thoughts and tangents to take out, how to tie the opening and closing together. I could see these things because I had seen literally hundreds of critiques (from Sean and also my classmates) and written dozens of them myself. It was as simple as tying a shoe.
My wife was happy – and also saw the power of that “expensive” course I had taken. In short – not only did I get what I was looking for, but all three things that Sean promised had come to fruition. I can't even begin to calculate the ROI of the course.

Nadira Jamal,
Boston, USA
“Right after I signed up, I got dizzy. Literally: my head swam a little and I had to sit down. This was the biggest-ticket line item I've ever bought, other than my house. (I don't own a car.)”
Before joining the Article Writing Course
The biggest obstacle in my mind that would have prevented me from joining the Article Writing Live Course
was the price. I didn't doubt it was a good value, but my business is very very small, and I didn't have that much money set aside. I broke my “incur no business debt” rule to take this course.
My Three biggest objections?
a) Scheduling was a big concern. I have a day job, and I had to rearrange my schedule and get permission from my boss to take 90 minutes in the middle of the afternoon.
b) Spending so much on one course. For perspective: I spent about as much on this course as I do on a year's worth of dance classes.
One Week After Joining
Right after I signed up, I got dizzy. Literally: my head swam a little and I had to sit down. This was the biggest-ticket line item I've ever bought, other than my house. (I don't own a car.)
1 month into the course
After a month the 3 biggest benefits I found.
a) After one month, I wouldn't say that I was writing well, but I understood what I had to do.
b) The course gave me some great tools for generating article ideas (ask for questions) and content (answer them).
c) I felt pretty comfortable with the other students.
What progress had you made in the month?
The who/what/why/how structure made a HUGE difference in my writing.
On completion
The feature I liked most about this course?
The course did a good job of giving us bite-sized pieces of information. None of the concepts or tasks felt intimidating.
The three biggest benefits from completing the course are that:
– I've got an action plan for writing. I know how to get started and get moving.
– I've developed a habit of writing every weekday morning. I turn off the alarm, make some coffee, and get back into bed with my laptop. If I don't write, my whole day feels off.
– I know how to audit my own writing. It isn't always easy, but I can get it done.
I would definitely recommend the course. If you do the work and ask questions, you can learn a lot. I always know that I will learn something good from Sean: after all, when he tells you exactly how he goes about selling you something and the sales process still works, you know it has to be good!
Teaching Style
Sean is a very friendly teacher, which makes me feel less self-conscious about making mistakes.
Course Material
It was helpful to get the notes and audio in advance because it allowed me to do some of the preparatory work in advance if I knew I'd be busy the following week.
I know the struggle of writing
For one I know how it feels to deal with a blank page. When I started, I had what was called the ‘article graveyard'. I'd write half an article. Then I'd stop. Then I'd start off with another another. Soon I had a graveyard of articles. (Aarrrrrrrrrgh!) But that's not all. I was also taking a whole two days to write one article. So in order to just write 12 articles a year, I was taking close to a month!
Well, now I write hundreds of articles a year…
So going from all that struggle, I found a way to write faster and with more effect than ever before. And today, our articles are not just for Psychotactics subscribers. They are published in magazines both online and offline. They help run a membership site at 5000bc. And they form the basis for books, products etc. (What is a book or product but a series of articles in a chapter format? What is a video but a series of articles in a set of frames? What is a teleclass but an article being spoken out?) But of course you may want to put off this learning till later…
So could you do this course later?
There are several reasons why you may think that you'll need to do this later.
Reason 1: You're busy now and later may be better…
Unless you're going through a really messy situation in your life (you know what I mean) there's never going to be a better time to do this course. I'll tell you why. Most people think that somehow there will be more time in the future. Think about it. Do you have more time today, than say even a year or two ago? You're never going to have free time in the future.
You're going to have to make that time now. And the nice part about article writing is that it saves you enormous time in the long run. In fact, at first the course will indeed suck up all your time (read that again).
That's normal when you're learning any skill. Then as you get better, you'll be able to turn out articles in a fraction of the time. And not just articles—any idiot can write an article—but an outstanding article. So time is a good excuse, but time doesn't free itself, and it's up to you to make the time for this course.
Reason 2: The Difficulty Factor
In terms of difficulty, you have three levels. Anything in life can be described in three ways. Cat, dog or baby level.

Anything in life can be described in three ways. Cat, dog or baby level. The Article Writing Course needs a lot of work. It's like having a baby.
- Cat Level: Little or no maintenance
- Dog Level: A bit of maintenance
- Baby Level: A lot of maintenance
To get you to sign up to something, people will give you the impression that your course is going to be at “Cat Level”. That you'll learn some techniques and voila—you'll be super duper at the skill. This course doesn't give you that false impression. And really, feel free to do another article writing course because then you can see for yourself how much more is put into this course.
So yeah, it's not easy, and that may put you off. But nothing really great is easy to achieve. If you put your mind to it, and we pulls oars together, we'll get there—difficulty or no difficulty. If you want to learn this skill like it should be learned then now is a good time. The more you put it off, the more you'll start believing in “talent” (see below). Depending on how much effort you put in, the value you get will scale accordingly. I'm here to make sure you struggle for a while, because it's in the struggle that you're going to really learn.
So if you're wondering what level you'll need to do the course at, it oscillates somewhere between “dog” and “baby” level. It's never going to be at “cat” level, because frankly you can't learn anything with zero effort. Which of course takes us to the age-old misunderstanding of inborn talent.
Reason 3: It seems scary and possibly you don't have the “talent”
Most people were told by their parents and teachers that some people are more talented than others. This course is proof that talent (if it does exist) doesn't matter at all. What matters is daily practice, making lots and lots and lots of mistakes (and fixing them), and application of the methods to write better and faster.
I personally don't believe in talent, because I've seen dozens of people do this course. People who believed they could not write; people who had dyslexia or other issues, and they all come out at the other end writing outstanding stuff. If you are ready to rise above the beliefs of your teachers, parents (and possibly the belief in your own brain) then yes, you'll get there—guaranteed!
Warning! BIG Warning!
If you are prone to making excuses, this is not the course for you. I want to make you exceedingly good at creating superb content.
If you're not serious about getting outstandingly good, then don't bother. If you are self-motivated, you will indeed be encouraged and given the tools and the expertise to move ahead.
This article writing course is not about hundreds of pages of notes, endless videos and audio. You'll be given precisely what you need to get a high level of confidence—and skill—in article writing. This course is not about even more information—it's about skill.
But what if you're already good at writing?

Michael J Smyth, Approachable Lawyer,
Auckland, New Zealand
“I always thought I was quite good at writing articles.”
Anyway, I decided to implement everything I learnt.
At the end of the day you can't argue with the figures – the Psychotactics methodology works. The open rate for my newsletter was at best average, and as I said, I always thought I was quite good at writing articles. Then after going to the Psychotactics articles workshop, I decided to implement everything I learnt about structure and content — just to see what would happen.
Since the newsletter went out I have monitoring visits to my web site and new subscribers. All of a sudden my daily average number of visits and new subscribers have shot up. I have done nothing else other than the newsletter to generate this increase. To add to that, I now find it much easier to and quicker to write.
At the end of the day you can't argue with the figures—the Psychotactics methodology works.
Complete Details of the Course:
Duration: How many sessions do I get for my money?
Prospectus and what clients say: Click here for the 72-page pdf with details on how the course is conducted and what people say.
Topics: What are the topics that will be covered?
Format: How is the course conducted? And who conducts the course? Will there be a live course next year?
Cost and Installments: What does it cost? What are the installments?
Purchase: How do I sign up for the article writing course right away?
Guarantee: Is there a guarantee?
Self Study Vs Live: Can I do the live online course after I do the self study?
Support: Do I get any support?
Cancellation: What if I can't attend the course?
This leads us to the nitty-gritty details
How many sessions do I get for my money?
The course starts on 28 April 2025. However, you can start learning a few weeks before the start of the course. You get access to some materials, and therefore there are no surprises. You come to the course fully prepared and relaxed. And everyone on the course is on the same page.
We don't believe in “shock and awe”. We believe that learning is best done when you are better prepared and have gone over the material once or twice. So the course starts on April 28, 2025 (and runs for 12 weeks). The Premium option gives you access to the forum and other material for 90 days after the end of the course.
Course Schedule |
Stage 1: You will get access to the course material in stages. Starting 14 April onwards. |
Stage 2: The course begins on April 28, 2025. Note: The entire course will be conducted via the forum. |
Other Information—Forum Access: With the Premium Option, your forum access will be extended another 90 days after the end of the course.
Some of the topics that will be covered
1) How to write with drama–so your material is actually read.
2) How to use structure to speed up your writing considerably.
3) How to use articles online as well as offline to create expertise.
4) How to craft stories, analogies and metaphors like clockwork.
5) Deconstruction of the work of other articles (and other media).
6) How to write consistently great headlines that pull clients in.
7) How to write even if you believe you're not a writer.
How is the course conducted? And who conducts the course? Will there be a course next year?
The primary program will be forum based. You will be given a syllabus and notes for the entire course. You will be working through the forum for the duration of the course. Sean will be working with you right through the course. Sean will be conducting the entire course. He will be checking your work 5-days a week.
Important Note: This is the only live course in 2025 and there will be no live course in 2026 or 2027.
Do I get any support?
Yes. There will be a forum specially for the participants. And you can ask all your questions, and Sean will answer them. Also, with the premium package, you get 3 months of email support from Sean.
What does it cost? And do you have an installment plan?
See below for information and the installment plan.
Is there a guarantee?
This course has been running since 2006 and the results are more than evident if you read the prospectus, hence there is no money-back guarantee on this course.
What if I can't attend the course and wish to opt-out?
If you have to opt-out of the course because of an emergency, you will be given your money back PROVIDED someone on our waiting list takes your place.
Can I do the live online course after I do the self-study course?
Yes, you can do the live course if you have completed the self-study course. If you already have the self-study course, you're on the priority list for the live course. However, you will need to email Renuka to make sure you're availing of this priority. The priority matters because we only take between 15-20 people on any given course (and the course often sells out within a day). To get on the priority list, here's Renuka's email address.
How do I sign up for the Article Writing Course right away?
Click here to get on the waiting list.
P.S. Note: Not everyone will be chosen. You need to meet the requirements. The first requirement is that you own and have read The Brain Audit. And once you register, we will be sending you a questionnaire as well. If you fail to respond to the questionnaire, your money will be refunded back to you.

The course is designed for frighteningly outstanding results

This isn't your yada, yada course where you get notes and you get a little nudge. If you want to play around with your career, then this course is not for you. This is not a course for those who want to avoid dedication and hard work. You can become an average writer by reading a book or two, or doing a course or two.
But you can't become a stunning writer
A writer who demands and gets attention. For that, you need to be able to put in the effort to make mistakes—yes make mistakes—and then correct those mistakes. This course requires time for your brain to make all of those mistakes, and then systematically correct them, so that you become close to flawless in your writing.
It's not designed to simply give you information about articles, but enable you to become a master at writing, and then going on to create audio articles/podcasts, and video. It's designed so that you can create powerful presentations, just by sitting down for 10-15 minutes and implementing the lessons learned.
In short, it will make you a master of being able to communicate.
The course isn't treated just like another ‘hobby', but instead that you're learning a language where you need to be super-fluent and super-confident. And to get to this super level, you need to go through stages that don't allow for laziness or excuses.
- It's designed to maximise your time and money by helping you make “mistakes”.
- It's structured in great detail.
- You're never ever alone to work out things.
Maximising Time By Increasing Your Mistake-Rate
If you look up “article writing courses” on the Internet, you'll find courses that are a lot cheaper than ours. A lot. This one isn't cheap and it's not cheap because it's designed to maximise your time and your money. The way to maximise your time is to get you to deliberately make mistakes. Most courses tell you what you should do, and then leave you alone.
That is not the way the human brain learns.
Instead the brain needs to learn the right way, then make mistakes and then fix those mistakes. This is how you truly learn. This is how we learned to walk, talk, drive cars etc. You have to make mistakes—and get instruction. This course is aware how busy you are, and hence allows you to make more mistakes—thus speeding up the learning process.

Article writing isn't just about “writing”.
It's about creating drama and flow. And this drama and flow can and is taken across to other media, thus giving you complete control of creating content on the fly, while others just struggle.
Intense, Detailed Structure
Most courses have no structure. They give you a whole bunch of concepts and tell you to implement them. Blind implementation is not a good way to learn. You have to know what to do, when to do it and most importantly WHY it needs to be done. Each piece of the puzzle is critical, otherwise your brain doesn't really get a full understanding of how to implement a system at high speed. E.g. You speak a language today, because you know what to say, when to say it and why you can say certain things and why you can't.
This structure and subtle understanding of article writing is what enables you to put your thoughts on paper. And to do it with drama and flow (drama and flow are critical). And then caress it to a fine finish. Structure is paramount. Just telling you what you should do is never enough. And yes, each course has breaks. Why breaks? Because you'll need the breaks. The intensity is so high that you and I will both need a rest at every stage. So yes, there will be breaks to help you get a breath or two and then come back refreshed.
You are never alone
The reason why this entire series of courses are expensive is because of the time and effort involved. Most courses will have you write when you please. Not this one. Each section is designed for you to make and fix mistakes. To make and fix mistakes, we have to have a daily routine of writing. It doesn't have to be a complete article, but it needs to be a daily routine. You're fooling yourself if you think you can write once a week, or once a month and become a great writer. You can be average, that's for sure, but you'll never stand out.
I am there to watch everyone of you.
And read every article. And comment on every article. And give you assessments of your progress. And this takes time. Lots of time on your part, and lots of time on my part. And you'll never be alone. You'll always have your group (you'll see how the group really helps) and you'll have me—sometimes ten times a day, or fifty times a day. I'm there to help you and move you ahead. Without the help, you'll quickly get into trouble, and believe that article writing is not for you.
What’s Unique About This Course?
The difference between this course, is simply ‘the drama'.
Drama enables you to get and keep the attention of the reader from start to finish. Something that most articles just fail miserably to do. Drama is everything. Learning how to mix drama with structure is what makes this course different from anything else. Other courses simply give you the ingredients of basic article writing.
The Psychotactics Article Writing Course is different, because you write using methods that are similar to what's used in movies, television series etc. In just three months, you progress from just any ol' writing to stuff people stop, read—AND read again. The Article Writing Course brings out that drama in your writing.
This article writing course is not about hundreds of pages of notes, endless videos and audio.
You'll be given precisely what you need to get a high level of confidence—and skill—in article writing. This course is not about even more information—it's about skill.
I'm there all the time, seventeen thousand times a day to help you along.
You are never alone. I will push, cajole, encourage and move you along. This course is not about more information—it's about skill.

Difference between a Psychotactics Course—and any other course
The only way you can experience the difference between a Psychotactics Course—and any other course on the planet— is to experience it. There are three reasons and a P.S.:
1) It doesn't allow you to make excuses.
You are not allowed to make excuses. Success isn't a fluke. It's a combination of deep practice, of a robust system and detailed support from a master coach. On the article writing course, you get all three. It's then up to you to do what's required to succeed. On a Psychotactics course you won't find whiny folks. That alone should tell you that you'll be amongst people who are determined to succeed no matter what the odds.
2) You learn how group learning is way superior to solo-learning.
It follows the system of: If you want to go fast, you go alone. If you want to go far, you go in a group. There is intense group activity that enables you to work with me, and to work with your peers. You will not realise how much power a group has, till you do a course like this. If you've ever felt the loneliness of working alone before, you won't feel it on a Psychotactics Course.
The rule is simple: Be kind, be helpful or begone. And the group works together, and you learn like never before. (Interesting fact: We attract lots of introverts who become very active in a warm, friendly environment of a small group. Extroverts feel very comfortable too).
3) The learning methods are quite different from what you've been exposed to so far.
The methods are based on a combination of text, audio, visuals, cartoons and forums. You learn in tiny little bits and you master those bits. It's like learning notes of music. You master each ‘note', then you move ahead steadily. And in time, you're able to play awesome ‘music'. Sure this is about getting information about how to write articles etc., but don't fool yourself. Information alone will not help you write like a pro.
What's critical is that we work on all of these three core concepts. It's designed to bring skill—not more information You'll be given precisely what you need to get a high level of confidence—and skill—in article writing. This course is not about more information—it's about skill.
P.S.) I don't sleep. The course is conducted ONLY by me.
I will be working with you 5-days a week. I don't sleep. I really don't. I'm there all the time, seventeen thousand times a day to help you along. You are never alone. I will push, cajole, encourage and move you along. No this isn't “Hell's Kitchen”. I don't use bad language and will not disrespect you in any way. But I won't let you disrespect yourself either. I set a very high standard for you, and I make sure I'm there to keep you moving (because believe me the road gets pretty darned rough as you go through the course). At the end of the course you will acquire a skill and not just more information.

Important: Reason Why You Shouldn't Delay
#1: It's more economical than most consultants
You get the benefit of working directly with me. You get the chance to ask all the questions you want to ask on the topic. And the entire course costs far less than what most consultants or coaches will charge you. Most coaches and consultants will charge you between $750-2400 per month. And many of them don't even have the practical experience. You'll get practical experiences on training, consulting, info-products, marketing, selling and no B.S.
#2: No Hidden Cost
Another reason is that this program doesn't include any hidden costs. Many a consultant will give you a figure, and then put in some hidden costs (and you're robbed of time, money or both). On this course, what you see is what you get…and a whole lot more as well.
#3: It's not about the info-dump. It's about the applying what you learn
And at Psychotactics, we make it fun to learn. Instead of simply drumming you with truckloads of data, you get to learn in the way we all learn best–by having fun.
#4: You are in a ‘safe-zone'
You are in a ‘safe-zone', so that both introverts as well as extroverts feel un-intimidated. When we're comfortable, we learn well. When we're scared in some way, we hold back restricting our learning. And you'll find that when you do this course, you're in a ‘safe-zone' with very limited numbers of people. This makes you comfortable and focuses on the learning, instead of fighting for ‘air-space'.
And then there are the applications What you learn on this course isn't restricted to article-writing. Because the concepts are built on drama, and flow, and other media concepts, they end up helping you in your speaking, networking, making presentations, sales etc. This course shows you what you've been missing from your communication, and how to spot the missing pieces–and then insert them into future communication.

Incredibly Valuable Bonuses

# 1 Big Bonus: Psychotactics Archives worth $300 (Premium)
Imagine getting over 100 articles from the archives specially chosen. You'll have an instant inspiration, that you can draw upon when you write an article.
#2: 12 Article-Starters worth $300 (Premium)
Often the hardest part about just about anything is starting up. Well, it's not such a big problem if you have a bunch of article-starters. With the Premium Option, you get a dozen ways to start up any article. That gets you well on your way.
# 3: (Worth $1500) Two Critiques by Sean (Premium)
Every time Sean critiques a sales page or any marketing material, there is a fixed fee of $750 per critique. As part of the Program, you will be entitled to two complete critiques worth $1500. (Note: Critiques are valid until 6 months from the date of purchase).
# 4: Special Password Protected Forum
The forum will be just for those doing this course, and will be monitored by Sean. All the questions you need to ask, will be answered on this forum, thus ensuring you're never short of solutions to your copywriting and strategy problems.
#5: Email Support For Three Months (Premium)
You know how you always need something clarified? Well you will have email access to Sean for three months.
#6: Special Extended Password Protected Forum (Premium)
You will have access the forum for an additional three months after the course finishes.
How do I join the Article Writing Online Course ?
You will have to have purchased and read the Brain Audit. If you do not own a copy of the Brain Audit, please do not get on the waiting list. The details are below.
Article Writing Course - Live 2025
| ||
Article Writing Online Course | Regular | Premium |
PDF Notes and audio for Entire Course | ||
Special Password Protected Forum | ||
Sean will be working with you 5-days a week - Daily Assessment of your work - Unlimited Critiques During the Course + Three Post Course Post Critiques - Additional Learning methods + article rants | ||
Big Bonuses | ||
Psychotactics Article Archives (worth $300) Downloadable | ||
Article Starters (worth $300) | ||
Email Support For Three Months | ||
Special Extended Password Protected Forum (3 additional months) | ||
PLUS: (Worth $1500) Two Critiques by Sean* (valid for 6 months) | ||
Special Price | ||
Option 1: Single Payment (save $100) | US$ 3830 |
US$ 3880 |
Option 2: 4 Monthly Installment Payments | US$982 x 4 |
US$995 x 4 |
Note: All Payments are in US Dollars. Note: The last batch sold out in a few hours. This course will not be held in 2026 or 2027. |

Warm regards,
Sean D'Souza
P.S. If you need this course, and are hesitating, just remember that he or she who hesitates is lost. The law of nature is simple: Sow and you shall reap. You have to be prepared to sacrifice today, for even greater gain tomorrow. Like you, even I struggled from month to month. Now the copy I write, brings me tens of thousands of dollars each month. I too was scared and still am, when I have to make a big decision. But I know from experience, that if I don't make the sacrifice earlier, I never get ahead in life. If you want to get ahead in life, this is your moment. Don't hesitate.
P.P.S. The fees for this course have been kept very affordable so that even a small business can take advantage of this training program. If you have any doubts about how economical it really is, simply pick up the phone and call a business coach. Just ANY coach will charge you more than this fee for consulting.
If you have questions, please email me directly using the link below at the bottom of the page, and let me know how I can help.