I was sitting at a cafe one day, when a client was raving about my articles. Of course, I was smiling from ear to ear–as you do when someone is a big ‘fan.'
“So how come I'm mesmerised by your articles?” he asked.
“What's your big ‘s-e-c-r-e-t?”
“One word”, I said.
Every article boils down to one word.
Most articles go up the hill, down the valley, into the mountains and into the woods. Our articles don't.
They stick to one word.
One angle.
They drill down like crazy.
So if you were talking about a topic like ‘pricing', it's almost too vast a topic. But what if you stripped it down to one angle?
Like how to increase prices by 10%.
Or how to increase prices by 10% on your website.
Or how to increase prices by 10% with a live presentation.
Or how to increase prices by 10% with specific terminology.
You see what I'm saying?
Most writers don't follow this level of drill-down.
They write about massive topics.
They don't have specific ideas.
And then the article feels soggy. And non-crunchy.
You see any dope can write articles.
And most articles are dopey anyway.
Because they don't follow a structure. Or a grid.
They don't understand drama. They don't understand sandwiching.
They don't understand the intensity or the difference between mystery.
And suspense. And when to use what.
So the article falls apart before it even gets off the ground.
And that's not all.
There are also the myths.
The stupid myths of talent.
That some people are better writers than others.
That some people can think better than others.
But what if that were indeed a myth?
Because it is a myth. Writing good articles is within your control if you understand the structure and flow.
and get the newest bonus. (Note: There is a form to file in, before you get the bonus)
So what does the bonus cover?
When structuring, does length of the article matter? And why not?
Find out for yourself.
Warm regards,
P.S. About that client who was raving. We got $35,000 worth of business from them. Not only did the article impress the client, but it was then easy for the client to show the articles to her bosses, who in turn were sold. So yeah, long story short: Well-written articles work to get you a chunky bit of business. But find that out for yourself at the link above. 🙂
P.P.S. The goodies are free. However if you are considering the course you should look at the Home Study, as it has very precise instructions on how to get outstanding at article writing. If you're a member of 5000bc.com we may also put together a Home Study course group in the Cave.
P.P.P.S. The Home Study prices will be increased shortly. Get it while you can at the existing price (Note: We've raised prices consistently year after year).
Nice concept Sean. I hope I can try to do your one word article too.
I often find my writing tries to cover too much. Best to keep things in small doses – good advice!
You’re right when you say most articles are about too broad of a topic. I am definitely guilty of that. But drilling down to one word makes sense. I will use this as a strategy looking at my upcoming articles. I see some revision in the future.
Your article makes so much sense Sean. It was interesting and worth reading. I have just spent 1 hour on the internet looking through my google alerts to choose one article to either write a post about or comment on. Every article was definitely “dopey”. I think that almost every article and been through an article spinner because most of them did not even make sense. How do so many of these “dopey” articles get noticed by google and put on google alerts?
I thought this was an excellent article and reminder to
keep things focused. Having one potent point is so much more
impactful than having that point diffused by tangents. Will
definitely be incorporating these thoughts into my blog as well.
Best regards!