We hate it when customers object. We'd prefer if they simply bought our products and services. Yet objections are a critical indicator of sales and marketing. Without objections you'd never know if the customer is interested or not. And without objections you'd never know how to improve your products and services (you improve them, don't you?). And here are two videos on why objections are so very critical to improve your conversion rate.
All a LEGITIMATE Objection is, is the client asking for more information or a clarification.
Of course that depends on whether or not the client/potential client is qualified (has the ability, and desire) to buy.
Oh even unqualified clients can come up with some pretty good holes in your sales message. They’re just objecting. And often they can bring up things you’ve never considered.
it’s true, all the deals I end up closing have sales processes full of objections. when the client just sits there and agrees with everything i say it concerns me. objections are definitely a good thing!
Good points, Sean. Using objectives to improve your message is better than becoming defensive or taking the comments personally. I’m going to have to remember that!
Yup the trick is to put masking tape on our mouths.