Just two short announcements today.
1) The Da Vinci Cartooning Online Course
Can anyone draw?
Sounds like a ridiculous question, eh? You've been told (and told yourself) time and time again, that you couldn't draw a straight line. Well get this: Cartoonists don't draw straight lines. They draw circles and squares and triangles and they get amazing work out.
The proof, they say, is in the pudding.
And this pudding (the Da Vinci Course) has been proven to be amazing to turn anyone, yes anyone, into a solid cartoonist. And you can see amazing results in just six months. If you've ever wanted to illustrate your own books, ebooks, or even your blog, this is the opportunity.
We've had over 100+ people on this course. People who believed they couldn't draw.
And you can read their own stories at the link below.
But don't take my word for it. Check it out for yourself.
2) Announcing: The Headline Online Course (8 Weeks)
If you've ever needed to write headlines, you know what a pain it is. Then, of course, some genius marketer tells you that you have to write 200 headlines to get one great headline. But what if they were wrong?
What if you could write 200 headlines brilliantly?
And what if you could do them in a fraction of the time that you're taking right now? And what if your headline could then attract customers, just like you intended?
You'll discover that you can write headlines as easily as you can write an email
Just as you can write 10 lines in an email, you can turn out 10 brilliant headlines–and guarantee that every single one is a winner. Sounds hard to believe? Read the page below and judge for yourself.
But in the meantime judge for yourself.
Participants Experience
Course Details
Warm regards,
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