Imagine you've got a fireplace. And a fire going. Now imagine if you throw one log in the fire. And then another and another. How do you make the fire into a roaring fire? Do you put less logs or more logs?
What a silly question, eh? Well, it's not silly after all.
What's the ‘Logs in the Fire' success code, and how can you make it work for you?
First, let's analyse the codes in your brain
There's are two codes in your brain. One code is destined to pull you down. To make you fail. The other code is meant to bring you success. Not surprisingly, it's called the success code.
So how do you master the success code?
You don't
You can't.
I'll tell you why. Imagine you're having a workshop today. Or giving a speech. Or writing an article. And amazingly, you pull it off. Your workshop is full. Your speech gets a standing ovation. Your article gets the response you're looking for. Is that a success?
You'd say, ‘Yes', right?
But what if you did the same workshop, and article, or speech a week from now, and didn't get the same or even better results.
Is it a success then? Or is it a failure? You see, it's impossible to measure success. Or failure for that matter.
What's worse is that the success code overwrites the failure code
And the failure code overwrites the success code. And they follow in such rapid succession, that in one given hour, you could be having successes or failures. What's worse, is that because information is changing so rapidly, we're more likely to have more failures than successes.
So how do you improve your chances of success?
Someone said it a long time ago. You double your failure rate. Yes, double the failure rate. Ahem…put more logs in the fire. 😉
I see clients all the time who put their faith in one thing. Or two things. They put their energy behing getting one client. Or getting one workshop off the ground. And they attribute doing a few things down to focus.
C'mon, we both know better. We both know that there's pace and there's potential. You can focus on three big projects each year, but there are hundreds of tinier projects under those three main projects.
In most cases, what I tend to see, is people treating the tiny project as the big project. And then waiting for something to happen.
Something isn't going to happen. The next JV you do, isn't going to bring the windfall you hoped. The next super-client isn't going to be your saviour.
It's solely the number of logs that are going to get you the success you hoped for.
Personal Experience
For every workshop you see us do, we've got a few in the pipeline. Some have failed miserably. With all my marketing ability, some days are just rotten ones. Yes, we have had workshops that no one has signed up for. We've sold books online that no one has bought.
Was it the offer? Was it the timing? Was it the planet movement between Jupiter and Pluto? Who knows? The only thing we do know is that you have to keep throwing logs in the fire to keep the fire going.
Some burn. Some are too wet to be be burned, and have to be kept aside.
But if you want the fire to burn (and we do), we keep throwing logs.
That's it!
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Totally true.
And a great article.
Hi Sean!
I totally “get” what you are saying!
I wish it hadn’t taken me so many years of struggle to figure this out, but I am grateful that I finally did!
For years I took my so-called “failures” personally and now I finally know that it is not personal — it just means that I need to “throw another log on the fire”!
Love your work! Keep it coming!
Sean, one more thing…
Thank you so much for sharing your REAL experiences with us! So few people seem willing to share the challenges they had to experience to get to their successes. It seems like far too many people want to make us think they have the magic formula for creating success without having to experience the challenges (and without having to persistently keep “throwing logs on the fire”).
I appreciate you sharing the REAL you with us!
I recently started creating a series where I am conducting audio interviews with successful people about the challenges and struggles they had to “survive” in order to get to their success. I’d love to interview YOU for this series! If you’re interested shoot me an email. (I’m in your FB friends list too.)
Take care, Troyann
Email me.