I was worried that this would be like most other online courses that I have taken in the past. Lots of information provided in PDF and audio with maybe some teleconferences where you could listen and perhaps ask some questions.
I had already read a lot about writing headlines from various sources. I was wondering if this course would be worth the money and the time?
Once I enrolled in the course, I immediately received several audios and PDFs to review in preparation for the course with instructions on how to prepare. This was different from other course that I have taken.
Sean wanted us to be prepared for the course. The next thing that was different was the amount of practice that was expected. Daily practice of 15 minutes over a period of six weeks.
All of the other courses gave you the material (audio, video, PDF, whatever) and wished you luck. With this course there was lots of practice and lots and lots of support from the course leader and the other members of the course via a forum.
The daily practice with feedback was the most important feature for me. This feature helped to re-enforce the learning on the course.
Earlier I have been talking about the structure of the course. Here I am talking about the content of the course.
– Learning the different types of headlines and how to write them well. How and Why headlines are the most common and the most effective.
– adding specifics to headlines to narrow down the focus. Your headline should talk to a narrow target profile.
– using unusual terms to increase curiosity.
I would recommend this course to anyone that wanted to learn how to write better headlines. This course will teach you how to write better headlines and make sure that you solidify the learning by doing lots of practice.
You are not alone learning this material. The other course members and course leader are available to provide feedback and insights.