When we first start writing, we know we’re hopeless. However, in time, we all get to the stage where we’re average. What does it take to become outstanding and then an absolute maestro in writing? The answer doesn’t lie in “practice, practice, practice”. Instead, it’s something as mundane as a combination of “structure” and “confidence”. […]
Why You Have To Keep Writing Articles (Even If You Have Written Articles For 20 Years)
Isn’t it better to recycle your articles instead of writing all the time? Why do you have to keep writing articles? A tiny bit of recycling may not be out of place, but there’s a good reason why we should keep writing new articles all the time. Well, here are my reasons anyway—Why I keep […]
How To Write Extremely Detailed Articles Without Getting Exhausted
The moment we sit down to write an article, we need to do a fair amount of research. Case studies, stories, they’re all needed to create a solid article. Yet that very research causes us to spend so much time on our article, that we’re exhausted. Is there a way to research without getting tired? […]
How To Get Ideas When Writing Articles
It might seem that it’s impossible to get ideas for your articles. And it is. You go completely blank. Of course, there’s a reason for all this blankness. And just as you can go blank, you can have more ideas than you know what to do with. Wow, can this really be possible? Can you […]
Writing Salesletters or Articles? How to Ditch The “Tired” Analogy
I remember how I always groaned when my father started to tell his story of “how he drew a kingfisher”, when he was just a boy in school. I loved the story, but I’d heard it so many times, that the thought of escape always crossed my mind when he’d start up that story. The […]
How to Create An Overview Topic (Without Spending All Day)
What is an overview of a topic? How do we write an overview for an article topic? Let’s say you want to write about New Zealand. Or electric chairs. Or malaria. Or just about any topic that has enormous potential and detail. The problem is simple: Where do you start? Even at the outline stage, […]
Why Articles Lack Emotion (And How To Get The Emotion Going)
There’s a specific reason why I wake up in the morning and end up writing three-four articles before I even hit the first sip of coffee. It’s because I’m all charged up. The emotions are flowing. I’m either happy. Or sad. Or frustrated beyond belief. And the reason why I get into these crazy moods […]