Have you tried to create your uniqueness and failed? It’s more than likely that you’ve tried to create uniqueness before. Yet, it seems a bit of a pain, because it sounds so trite. Well, how about we look at uniqueness from a “construction” point of view. Instead of just trying to dream up the uniqueness, how […]
How To Create A Uniqueness That’s Difficult For Competition To Replicate
Finding or creating a uniqueness is hard enough all by itself. But how can your small business create a stunning uniqueness as well as defend it mightily from your competition? Tah, dah, you bring on the power of difficulty, both for you and for them. What’s the power of difficulty? Find out in this episode […]
Announcing: How To Stand Out From Your Competition
Have you ever wondered what it might feel like to not be me-too? What would it be like to stand out from the competition in a way that customers choose you over everyone else? And what if you were to raise your prices, and they still kept coming?That’s what uniqueness can do to your product or service. Yet […]
The Concept of the Star and the Supporting Cast When Creating Uniqueness
Every movie you’ve ever watched has a common factor. You have a star. And you have the supporting cast. The star gets all the lines. The star gets to do most of the work. The star is the focus. So what does the supporting cast do? The supporting cast comes in from time to time. […]
Branding Strategies— Why You Need To Carve Our Your Uniqueness
Ever been to a buffet? You know how you start off with the spring rolls, then it’s baked ham with pineapple sauce. Then it’s roast lamb with mint jelly and rich brown gravy. Top that up with roast seasoned pork loin with apple sauce and a little chicken with apricots and Camembert. Do you get […]
Why It’s Critical For Your Business To Have Uniqueness for “Individual Products and Services”
It’s easy to say that every individual product or service needs a uniqueness of its own, but what if it doesn’t? Let’s take an example. Imagine you were selling a program like Adobe Photoshop Would Adobe Photoshop CS5 have the same uniqueness as CS4? Or CS3? Or CS2? No, it wouldn’t, right? And would Adobe […]
Why The Wrong Uniqueness Fails Quickly (And Why The Right Uniqueness Is Built On A “DNA”)
The biggest problem with most companies is that they are afraid of their uniqueness becoming obsolete. You have your uniqueness one day, and they it is gone. So how do you stop that from happening? Let’s take an example Let’s suppose you’re a teleconference company. And you say that your equipment is so darned good […]
Free!: How To Create Your Uniqueness Series (Yup, it’s here!)
Have you heard about Domino’s Pizza? What about FedEx? And how about the uniqueness of Volvo? So yeah, these companies found their uniqueness. But what about you? Why can’t you find or create your own uniqueness? Why does the uniqueness of your products and services play hide and seek with you? And is there a […]
The Fundamental Flaw in Creating Your Uniqueness (USP)
“Say cheese”, says the person behind the camera. And you say cheese. Your facial muscles are frozen. You have a dumb, goofy look. And under your breath you’re muttering, “C’mon Take the picture, take the picture, c’monnnn!” Click! You blink. The picture’s been taken. And then the photographer runs across to you, all excited to […]