How do you get clients to return? One of the most underrated tactics is often right under your nose. Yet most people having events don’t realise the mistake they’re making and have to work a lot harder to get clients to come back. In this episode we look at what every business should do: not […]
How To Get Better, Higher-Paying Clients With Testimonials
How do you avoid losers as clients? How do you completely sidestep the clients that don’t pay, cause trouble and push you around? Surprisingly, the answer lies in testimonials. There are elements of testimonials that cause clients of a certain kind to get attracted to you. So how do you harness that latent power of […]
Sidestepping: Why Testimonials That Stay On Point May Be Boring
When you think about testimonials about a product or service, you think the client should talk about the product or service, right? Wrong—well, not entirely wrong, but not quite entirely right either. When a client reads a testimonial, sure they want to know about your product or service. But they also want to know […]
Why “Testimonials” Play The Supporting Actor Instead of the Lead Roles
In every movie, there’s the lead role and the supporting actor The lead, as you’d expect, gets the chunkier parts to play in the movie. And the supporting actor, well, supports that lead role. This same scenario plays itself out when it comes to testimonials. With one minor difference: testimonials play both the lead role and the supporting […]
Why Driving Home the “BEFORE and AFTER” Scenario Is Critical To Get Superb Testimonials
A testimonial can go wrong. Horribly wrong. And it doesn’t take much for it to go off track. All it takes is using the wrong words. If you use the wrong words, the customer is confused. And the testimonial goes over the hill, down the ravine and smashes into a million teeny-tiny fragments. No, we […]
How To Avoid The Clash of Testimonials and Feedback
I like tequila. And I also like lime juice. When you mix the two together, with a bit of Cointreau, you get a yummy margarita. The results aren’t quite so good when you mix up your testimonial with critical appraisal. So what is the difference between a testimonial and a critical appraisal? As you probably […]
Why We Struggle To Get Awesome Testimonials (And How To Overcome It)
It’s not like you haven’t tried getting testimonials before. You sure have. You have at least some testimonials, but somehow they don’t have that snap, crackle and pop! There’s a reason why testimonials fall short of the mark Mostly it has to do with the length. And yes, yes, the detail. Instead of a testimonial […]
How To Attract The Customers You Want
Nothing bugs you more than a painful client. A client who hassles you at every step of the way. A client who won’t pay on time. A client who takes up so much of your energy that you get drained. I used to have clients like that And then at some point I stopped getting […]