Remember the time Steve Jobs stood on the podium with a yellow Manila folder in his hand? A Manila folder that should have held some sheets of paper—at best. Then—amazingly—he slides out a computer from the Manila folder and the audience gasps. That is storytelling! Storytelling is when you create drama through analogies, case-studies and personal stories. You can […]
Announcing: A Hidden Reason Why One Book Made Over $600,000 in profits
Over $600,000. One book alone has made us over $600,000 in nett profits. That book is called The Brain Audit. Interestingly, it’s never been on any bestseller list We’ve never bothered with any joint ventures to help us sell the book. No advertising, no affiliates, not even any adwords of any kind. No book tours, no […]
Announcing: StoryTelling Workshop in Nashville (US), Amsterdam ( Netherlands)
If you look at the ten top podcasts, they are all about stories. If you look at the books, you remember, again, stories. Presentations, webinars, the best sales pitches—every one of them depends on storytelling. Storytelling so darn good, that clients get locked into the story—and are rooted to their seats. In the radio industry, this is […]