When you are starting up should you work for free? The advice about “free vs fee” is clear. Free should be avoided at all costs because you will just be taken advantage of, while others get paid. Yet, this seemingly black and white advice has shades of grey as well. As a startup, payment isn’t […]
Coaching Series 1/3: How to Start Up with a Great Niche
The toughest part of coaching isn’t necessarily coaching itself. Instead, it’s the niche, isn’t it? How do you go looking for the right niche? And how do you know when you’ve found one that’s rewarding as well as profitable? We go back in time with the British Cycling Team and what turned them into champions, […]
Why You Should Stop Looking For Your Passion (And Let It Find You Instead)
Most of us are told to start up a business doing what we’re passionate about. There’s just one problem. We don’t know what we are passionate about in the first place. How are we supposed to find something we know nothing about? Let’s explore the concept of passion and how to stop looking for it, […]