Does a big list guarantee success? You know the answer to that one, already, don’t you? Your small business isn’t going to grow exponentially because you suddenly have a big list. Yet, in many ways a smaller list has the potential to do better than a big list. Find out how to start ignoring the […]
The Importance of a Safe Zone
Manhattan, New York isn’t a scary place. And yet, as I stepped out of the subway into a sea of people, I was intimidated. I wasn’t sure where to go. Or what to do next. I was completely out of my safe-zone. I’d gone from a country of 4 million people (and a zillion sheep), […]
Strategic Alliances: How To Work With Competition
Most of us think of competition the same way we think of Dracula: Totally avoidable. You’re sure they’ll suck your blood, rob your ideas and then sneak away to their glossy dark oak coffin. But hey, you’ve been watching too many Dracula movies. Competition can be a great alliance. And it depends on various factors. […]
Why A Report Matters In The Mind Of Your Audience
Imagine you wrote a report 20 pages long. Then imagine that report got translated into seven languages – French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Dutch and Italian. Imagine that that single “work of art” was requested in a print format well over 10,000 times (at a cost of about $2.50 – $3.50 each. And then sold […]
Insourcing. Why It Beats Outsourcing
At 7 am, once a week, across New Zealand, a group of between twenty-thirty people assemble. These groups of people don’t belong to a sect. They have no secret handshake. No password or code. They’re simply networking. So what makes this group so interestingly different? The difference is insourcing. So what’s insourcing? Well, it’s kinda […]
Pre-Sell: How To Sell Something That Doesn’t Exist
Not one of us has ever been able to check in to our local airport, get on a rocket and zoom into outer space. Well, not yet at least. So for all practical reasons, the product/service doesn’t exist. But that doesn’t stop people from signing up to be on the first space flight. So how […]
There Is No Try
In the movie, Star Wars, Luke Skywalker and Yoda, the Jedi Master, stand near the edges of the Dagobah swamps. Luke is training in earnest to be a Jedi. Yoda turns to Luke and asks him to raise his sunken starfighter, which weighs several hundred tons, from the Dagobah swamps with the power of his […]
Outsourcing: When Do You Do It?
Most of us are experts at trying to fix problems at the last minute. It ain’t broke, so why fix it, we think. Well, how do you know it ain’t broke? And is it really important to become a jack of many trades, or just concentrate on your niche? Heck, that’s one tricky question… But […]
The Curse of Self-Edit
When we sit down to do a project, we never seem to see the end of it. Let’s say you want to create a simple information product such as a fifteen minute audio. Technically speaking, this audio should take you fifteen minutes to create. If you sit down and write an outline, it should take […]
The Choice Paradox: Why Customers Want More And Less Simultaneously
Take out that Nokia from your bag. And look at the features. It can tell time; it can be a stopwatch; it can keep diary appointments; it can help you pass time with ingenious little games; it can probably take photos; send text messages; maybe even double up as an mp3 player or a torch. […]