It was the year 2012. There we were in Washington DC doing a three-day workshop on Uniqueness. And among the group of about 35 people, there was one person who was being disruptive. She casually interrupted the presentation to ask bizarre questions. She wouldn’t co-operate within the group. In short, this person was that pain-in-the-butt-client […]
Why “Tying Shoelaces” Get Better Results When Training Clients Online
You may have never heard of John Wooden. He was a coach. And a darned good one too. In a space of 12 seasons, he won 10 championships with U.C.L.A, putting him in an orbit all of his own. John Wooden holds the amazing record for national championships in men’s basketball at ten. The next […]
Why Bother With Article Writing When You Can Just Sell?
If you stepped into a restaurant and asked for a wine, you’d get a question back. The question would be: Which wine would you prefer? Red or white? And of course those questions would lead to more questions. Until finally you got down to the exact wine you were looking for. Article writing has that […]
How A Single Article Drew Tens of Thousands of Customers To Sign Up.
Imagine you woke up one morning and wrote an article. Just another article like all the articles you’ve been writing. And then suddenly you had tons of folks clicking on this article. Reading it. Then signing up to your newsletter. These tons of folks go into the hundreds, then into the thousands, then into the […]
How Attacking the “Problem” Is The Problem (And Why Structure Helps)
Imagine it’s a rainy night. And suddenly you hear a drop of water coming from the roof. One drop, two drops. Five hundred drops and a bit of mopping up later, and you’ve got a bucket under the leak. So what do you do next morning? Do you leave the buckets or do you resolve […]
Why We Get Writer’s Block (And How To Overcome It)
You know the feeling of getting stuck, don’t you? You set out to write something: Maybe an email, maybe an article. And you sit there at the computer completely disgusted. Because no matter how much you try, and whatever you write, the words just don’t seem to flow. So why don’t the words flow? To […]
The Truce with Time Management
People often ask: Where do you get the time? Or instead they’ll say: I can’t be bothered to go into forums etc., because then I never get any work done. And they’re right. If all you ever do is go into forums to waste time, or to just hang around, then you’ll end up doing […]
Is Brand Extension Possible? The Concept of the Umbrella Brand
Imagine you had five kids. Imagine they were all boys (oh, perish the thought!) Imagine you called them John. As in John, John 2, John 3, John 4, John 5. We’re bordering on the ridiculous here, aren’t we? I mean this naming convention you’d never consider in a squillion years. But what if you do […]
The Side Effects Of Expertise
Yes, yes, so everyone tells you you should become an expert. And yes, you know that you’ll earn more and get more customers. But there’s also a side-effect to expertise. It’s called influence. And when you’re influential, people pay attention. What do I mean? Well, read on. Here’s a letter from a company XYZ Inc. […]
Turning Tears into Gold: How to Create A Personal Marketing Success out of Pure Despair
Dylan and Rita were at their wits’ end when I met them at the World Internet Summit . By this point in their lives, they were supposed to be successful. They were supposed to be vrooming around in flaming red Ferraris, living the plush life and knocking back champagne on the harbour. Hah! They should […]