Competition? That’s the enemy isn’t it? Why would you sell or worse, give the competition your ideas? It doesn’t seem to make sense at all and yet it’s a very solid business strategy—and especially for small business. In this episode, you’ll find three solid reasons why competition can change your life for the better. Right […]
Why A Unifying Theme For A Product Helps Tell/Sell Your Product A Lot Quicker
What is a unifying theme? And how can it help sell your product or service? Let’s find out. Some days I will put on my music, I turn it on and let it choose a set of songs for me. By the time it’s playing its third Sting song, I decide—yup, let’s just turn off […]
Why Client Doodles Cost You Sales (And How To Stop the Doodling)
Doodles. Gosh you hate doodles. And as you’re speaking to a client, they’re doodling away. Random, scribbly drawings on a sheet of paper are causing you to get more hassled by the second. Because somehow, it seems your client really isn’t paying attention. And this lack of attention might cost you the sale. Aaaaaaaaarghhhh! So […]
How We Confuse the Heck Out Of Our Customers
You first hear a jingle in the distance. It’s soft but audible. And it’s kind of familiar. About four seconds and one millisecond later, you hear doors being slammed. Excited, shrill voices fill the air. The quiet of the afternoon is suddenly punctuated with kids enthusiastically scanning the horizon in anticipation of something. That something […]
How a Single Bullet Can Get a Customer To Buy
I remember going to a workshop in the year 2003 The price of the workshop was $8000. Plus there was overseas travel involved. And yes the usual accommodation and food expenses. In all it was going to cost me almost $12,000 to get to this one workshop. And I made the decision on the basis […]
A Tale of Two Sales Pages: Which One Ends Up With The Paying Customers?
You’d think it would make sense, wouldn’t you? I mean here you are surfing the Internet. And this website is giving you $86 off compared with another site. That’s a whole 30% difference. Yet you end up buying the product from the site with the higher price. Now why on earth would you do something […]
Do Barriers Improve or Worsen Customer Qualification?
There’s a legendary story about a French Bank. Apparently their elderly customers took up too much time dealing with the banking clerks, and did little business of value. So the bank decided they wanted to give the elderly customers the ol’ heave ho. But how do you get rid of elderly customers without igniting a […]
How Segues Reduce Friction in Sales
Imagine you’re a roadroller. And there’s a bit of a bump in the road. In fact, lots of bumps in the roads. As you rumble across the bumps, you’ve got this smug look on your face. Because you’re pretty darned sure that the bumps have been smoothened, as you went over them. Now if you’re […]
How to Make a Godfather-Offer
I’ve never actually seen ‘The Godfather’. Or read the book. I know, I know, I haven’t lived. 🙂 But I’ve lived long enough to understand the concept of a Godfather-offer. Namely: To make a offer that simply cannot be refused. Cannot be refused? Does such an offer exist? Yes, it does, but only once you […]
Why Your Brain Stops You From Buying
You often wonder why you can’t get things done and why success seems to be a little late in coming. There’s a precise reason that has something to do with you zzzzzzzzzzzing in the physics class. Huh? What’s physics got to do with marketing and business. Remember the second law of physics? Two objects cannot […]