Well, not quite 16 years. 16 years, one month and a few days. But 16 years ago, this is approximately how it all started. I gave a presentation. I was asked for notes. I didn’t have notes. I wrote a document. Whether this was the exact document, I’m not sure. But it’s close enough. This […]
Early Bloggers
When did blogging begin? Earlier than you think!
Clueless Cartoon: iPhone Dead?
So my iPhone didn’t exactly die. It just ran out of power. Apparently dropping it didn’t help because it blew up some stuff in the iPhone. I know, I know. It’s just a phone. But I was distraught. After all I use the iPhone for almost everything but a phone. I use it to learn […]
Cartoon: Why This Bat Won’t Drink Coffee
So why won’t bats drink coffee? Or rather why does this one bat avoid coffee? Here’s the answer. So how did I go about creating this cartoon? It was a tricky one. I couldn’t work out what to do. And while most cartoons of this nature may take about an hour or so to draw […]
Clueless Cartoon: The Four Hour Work Week Effect
Kids, these days! They have no sense of respect, no sense of hard work. It’s all easy going for them, huh? How do they get these ideas? Like it? Well don’t be shy: Tweet or Facebook it, or Google+ it If you aren’t already on the ‘Friday cartoon list’ then here’s a link to make […]
Cartoon: One Day In Junior High
Remember how we all wanted to be astronauts and teachers when we grew up? Well that hasn’t changed a lot, but there have been some changes for sure. Have a look below, and be sure to leave your comments. 🙂 Like it? Well don’t be shy: Tweet or Facebook it, or Google+ it 🙂 If […]
One Evening On Facebook
You know those evenings when you get on Facebook after work is almost done? What happens next?
Clueless Cartoon: Um, new Linked-In Members
So Linked-In helps networking, doesn’t it? Well it does. More than you think! Enjoy!
Twitter-Crazy Future: Cartoon
So will Twitter take on the world? Who knows? But it sure is driving some folks crazy!
Announcing Brain Audit 3.2
If you’ve been wondering whether or not to purchase the Brain Audit then here’s the perfect moment. And it’s perfect because you get the Brain Audit Version 3.2 just launched in June 2009. Two years in the making… This book has been two years in the making, and now it’s finally out! And you not […]