Most of us don’t realise the attraction power of two-minute noodles. So let me explain… You’re hungry. You boil some water while you desperately tear open the packet. The water bubbles away madly as you reach to cut the tastemaker within the two-minute noodle packet. Two minutes, maybe three minutes later, you’re burning your tongue […]
How To Remove The Flatness From Your Audio InfoProducts
You are peachy keen to record an infoproduct. You are sooooooooooo keen to record some audio. Or some video. Or get something written. So you sit at your computer and record the audio. Or video. But your voice sounds flat. And that’s because you’re not used to speaking to a computer. Or to a video […]
The Myth of Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is built on a massive myth. The myth is that customers need to talk back to you. That they need to comment. To post a response via text. Or audio. Or video. And it’s a myth, because response it doesn’t take into account the lurkers. Lurkers don’t feel the need to post. Or […]
The Three Month Vacation: How To Take Insane Amounts Of Time Off
Could you actually take three months off every year? Or do you get swamped with work, and more work, and even more work? It’s a good question, and seems like an impossible one too. So would it surprise you if I said we take more than three months off every year? Would it surprise you […]
Why Strategic Alliances Matter
Nothing is more important to a business than strategic alliances. And there’s a reason why. When we started out, there was nothing. Vast emptiness. Sure we had five or ten pages of good content on Psychotactics. But other than that we had nothing. No subscribers. No visitors. Nothing. What’s critical is that we also had […]