Do you feel like an imposter? Almost all of us feel like impostors from time to time. And we even have an official sounding name for it. But the impostor syndrome is an unfair burden to carry. What if we’re just beginners? And what do real impostors look like anyway? Right click here and ‘save […]
How To Create A Uniqueness That’s Difficult For Competition To Replicate
Finding or creating a uniqueness is hard enough all by itself. But how can your small business create a stunning uniqueness as well as defend it mightily from your competition? Tah, dah, you bring on the power of difficulty, both for you and for them. What’s the power of difficulty? Find out in this episode […]
Do We Really Need To Start With Why?
In Tokyo, under the Ginza railway station, there is a famous restaurant run by Jiro. The spotlight is obviously on Jiro, because of his Michelin-star status. Among all the restaurants in the world, few restaurants get the privilege of getting an extremely high rating in the food industry. And in this unassuming 10 seats restaurant, […]
When To Re-Run Articles (And Salesletters) To Your Email List
Have you seen the “Daily Show” hosted by Jon Stewart. Every year, like any sensible person, Jon takes a break. But the “Daily Show” goes on. All the producers do is run some of the best of the “Daily Show” while John lounges on a beach somewhere. You too need a “beach” scenario for your […]
The Curse of Super Momentum: Why We Feel Stuck
Have you ever driven a car really fast? At some point it seems like the car is standing still. You’re doing 100mph, but it sure feels like you’re not really moving. You get this feeling on a plane as well. You’re hurtling at 500mph and you feel like it’s a terribly long flight and you’re bored, frustrated and […]
Can Clients Judge You In 2 Seconds? (And How This Applies To Your Website Branding)
How long does it take for you to know if someone is a good teacher or not? Nalini Ambady, a psychologist, didn’t have that answer. So she set out to do an experiment She asked students to rate their teachers after spending a whole semester with them. But then the experiment got a bit weird. […]
How To Avoid The Clash of Testimonials and Feedback
I like tequila. And I also like lime juice. When you mix the two together, with a bit of Cointreau, you get a yummy margarita. The results aren’t quite so good when you mix up your testimonial with critical appraisal. So what is the difference between a testimonial and a critical appraisal? As you probably […]
How To Be A Critic
As you chomp into any dish, something happens in your brain. Your brain analyses the contents of the dish, compares it what it knows and then spits out a critique. So the dish could be too salty, too sweet—or, or, or,—it could be just right, or even better than you’ve ever tasted before. In a […]
Why We Struggle To Get Awesome Testimonials (And How To Overcome It)
It’s not like you haven’t tried getting testimonials before. You sure have. You have at least some testimonials, but somehow they don’t have that snap, crackle and pop! There’s a reason why testimonials fall short of the mark Mostly it has to do with the length. And yes, yes, the detail. Instead of a testimonial […]
How To Attract The Customers You Want
Nothing bugs you more than a painful client. A client who hassles you at every step of the way. A client who won’t pay on time. A client who takes up so much of your energy that you get drained. I used to have clients like that And then at some point I stopped getting […]