Three year old Kara was throwing a tantrum. She didn’t want to go to bed, of that she was certain. “Do you want to brush with the red or blue toothpaste?” her dad asked gently. “Blue,” she says, glad to be given the opportunity to make a decision. Ten minutes later, Kara was well tucked […]
Why It’s Silly Not To Announce A Price Rise
Imagine you’re driving down the road to fill some petrol. As you get to the petrol station, you see the headlines on the newspaper, letting you know that petrol prices are likely to go up by 20 cents. What do you do? Fill just $10 worth of petrol in your tank? Or $20? Or do […]
Why Roger Does No Networking: The Power of Recurring Payments
Right outside my front door is a guy called Roger. And Roger has almost zero-cash flow problems. He also happens to have no need to go to networking meetings And no need to do any advertising or marketing whatsoever. You see, Roger mows the lawns. And he’s got a revenue-generating system that most businesses never […]
How To Make A Godfather-Offer
I’ve never actually seen ‘The Godfather’. Or read the book. I know, I know, I haven’t lived. 🙂 But I’ve lived long enough to understand the concept of a Godfather-offer. Namely: To make a offer that simply cannot be refused. Cannot be refused? Does such an offer exist? Yes, it does, but only once you […]
How To Avoid Under-Quoting On Your Next Project
You know the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, don’t you? The one where Goldilocks entered the bear’s house, and ate the porridge. And the porridge in the first bowl was too hot. The porridge in the second bowl was too cold. The porridge in the third bowl was just right. Now if only […]
The Logical Case For Increasing Your Prices
Let’s do something really, really stupid. Let’s avoid increasing your prices. Let’s actually decrease them. By a whole 50%. So instead of earning $50 per hour, you actually start earning a measly $25.Then just for good measure, let’s reduce your prices by another 50% to $12.50 an hour. And now let’s do some calculations, shall […]
How Un-Bundling Can Help You Increase Prices
You see that house on the hill? What’s the price of that house?The owner thinks the price should hover around $550,000.The real estate agent thinks she’ll get $575,000 or more if you go to auction. The council sincerely believes the property is worth $495,000.The bidding fails to rise about $528,000. But then along comes a […]
Why Your Marketing Material Needs An Auditor (Not A Critic)
Are you worried you’ll get more unsubscribes if you send a newsletter fornightly instead of monthly? Do you think your ad has too much copy and customers won’t read it? Do you think your presentation is too salesy? The answer depends on your auditing ability So how much is 5 + 5? Well, the answer […]
Why It’s Silly Not To Announce A Price Rise
Imagine you’re driving down the road to fill some petrol. As you get to the petrol station, you see the headlines on the newspaper, letting you know that petrol prices are likely to go up by 20 cents. What do you do? Fill just $10 worth of petrol in your tank? Or $20? Or do […]
Why Customers Won’t Buy (Despite Getting To Your Product Page)
Imagine you own a toy-truck company. And on your toy-truck website you sell red trucks. And blue trucks. And green trucks. And yellow trucks. And mauvish-orange trucks (ok, so I’m running out of primary colours) Which means you’ve pretty much got a Products Page with loads of trucks. So logically, or so you think, the […]