What makes some courses vastly better than others? The answer lies not in the content, or the instruction, but rather in the set up. But why is setup so crucial? Setup becomes vital because it gets rid of clients that don’t follow instructions and gives you the cream of the crop. You get clients that […]
Why Bad Testimonials Attract Bad Clients (And How To Avoid It)
Nothing bugs you more than a painful client. A client who hassles you at every step of the way. A client who won’t pay on time. A client who takes up so much of your energy that you get drained. I used to have clients like that And then at some point I stopped getting […]
Why “Lazy Testimonials” Attract The Wrong Clients
Most folks think that the easiest part of their marketing is testimonials. What’s to know about testimonials? You ask the questions, you get the answers. Or the client gives you a testimonial and you slap it in. In other words you’ve got a “Lazy Testimonial”. And “Lazy Testimonials” prevent you from getting outstanding clients Clients […]
Three Core Elements of Testimonials
Most testimonials are sugary sweet. Sickening, even. They go on and on, and on about the wonders of the product or service. And amazingly, these testimonials work. They still continue to sell products or services, no matter where you look. And yet there are harder-working testimonials. Testimonials that stop the reader in their tracks. Testimonials […]