Have you ever wondered what it might feel like to not be me-too? What would it be like to stand out from the competition in a way that customers choose you over everyone else? And what if you were to raise your prices, and they still kept coming?That’s what uniqueness can do to your product or service. Yet […]
Early Bloggers
When did blogging begin? Earlier than you think!
Cartoon: One Day In Junior High
Remember how we all wanted to be astronauts and teachers when we grew up? Well that hasn’t changed a lot, but there have been some changes for sure. Have a look below, and be sure to leave your comments. 🙂 Like it? Well don’t be shy: Tweet or Facebook it, or Google+ it 🙂 If […]
Why Small Business Fails: The Myth of Things Getting Easier
Work doesn’t gets easier. Ever. You just get more efficient. Think of it as a marathon runner. The odds are crazy. Just having to run a marathon is hard enough. To be first in your field? Huh? Are you nuts? Yet, the marathon runners know one thing. That giving up is not an option. Even […]
How To Get Rid of Tyre-Kickers
Often in your business, you’ll get a call or an email for a quote. Or potential customers will want to meet you. And you have to drive half way across the city to get to the meeting. You get your quote across. And then silence. Nothing ever happens. Because the so-called clients weren’t overly interested […]
How to Make a Workshop Training Pay For Itself If You’re a Small Biz Owner
The most interesting word in the sentence is “pay”. Or rather payback. Why would you put in time, money and effort without a clear payback? And yet most people have not a clue what this payback could be For me it was about confidence. When I first started out in business I saw myself as […]
How Planned Disconnectors Create Powerful Articles
Imagine you were reading a mystery novel. You’ve just finished five pages. The story line is becoming really interesting. And then you turn the page And find the sixth page has been torn out. Now that’s really irritating, eh? But let’s suppose you decide to continue reading anyway And you move to page seven, and […]
Why Competitors Steal Your Clients (And How To Stop It)
How do I stop competitors from stealing my customers? What can you do to stay ahead of the competition? If your customer had $1000 to spend, would you rather they spent it on you? Or would you rather they spent it on your competition? OK, so it’s a silly question, but let’s go beyond the […]
How Today’s Promotion Is An Ad For Tomorrow’s Sale
Most people make a mistake with promoting a product or service. When they promote a product/service, they expect sales. And rightly so. But you’re missing out on the most important aspect of all: that people don’t buy when you want to sell. And this is why most of us go bananas in sales and marketing. […]