We continue on our two part series of why adults struggle with learning. And this time around, we have an unusual enemy. The enemy is “vocabulary”. How can that be the case? Let’s find out. Right click to save this episode. Reason 3: The curse of vocabulary In 2013, a cognitive scientist analysed the vocabulary […]
The “Pain Map Of Learning”: How Trainers Can Make Learning Fun Again
Cartoon drawn by cartoonist Keira Menon When we get into a learning situation, we’re usually excited. Then, almost immediately we feel unsure. We stumble along, not keen to move ahead. What’s happening in our brain? I’ll tell you what: a pain map is being created. This pain map is because of a lack of good […]
Why Does Learning Seem To Take Forever? The Surprising Reasons Behind Slow Learning
If you’re a teacher, you might be surprised at times at why people seem to learn so slowly. You may wonder if it’s because of your method of teaching or if it is the material. The reasons why learning is so slow aren’t always apparent, but it usually comes down to a factor of trust—and control. […]
How To Speed Up Client-Learning With The Incredible Power of Infotainment
What causes clients to keep coming back? Is it information? Or could it be entertainment? For too long we’ve treated teaching and learning as an activity that needs endless slides, pages and work. But what if clients get better results having fun? And what if you had a ton of fun as well? Let’s find […]
How To Get Smart (And Stay Smart)
How do you get smart? Can you get smart overnight? And how to you get smarter? Let’s find out shall we. Many of us believe that smartness comes from learning skills in our own field And yet, that’s only partially true. We can never be as smart as we want to be if we only […]
The Four Critical Zones Required to Speed Up Your Learning
Have you ever seen two pianists play the same music? It’s the very same score, the very same piano, but one seems to play it better than the other. Not just a little better, but a lot better. So what makes one person’s playing so different from the other? It’s inborn talent. That’s what most […]
Multitasking: Skill or Talent?
Is multitasking a skill? And is it good for a small business owner? Let’s find out. When I was in school, I’d often do algebra while listening to music playing in the background. And at that point, I was scoring almost perfect scores on my algebra tests and exams. In effect, I was multitasking. So […]
Why Daily Learning Beats Gobble-Gobble Learning
There are two ways to eat a cake. You can eat it in small pieces. Or gobble the whole thing down. Most of us would like to gobble, whether it comes to cake or learning And like cake, learning needs to be tackled in small portions. Small portions not only help you learn, but help […]
How Plateauing Occurs: Pace vs. Potential
Imagine you had thirty-three seconds to pick up a glass of water, take it across the room, and throw the water down the sink. Could you do it? Sure. And you wouldn’t need more than ten seconds to do the task, especially if the sink isn’t very far away. Now give that very same task […]
Creating A Style Of Your Own: Why It’s So Hard (And Easy)
If you were to look at Picasso’s work, you could spot it anywhere. If you were to listen to Sting’s music, you’d know it was Sting. If you were to read Dan Brown’s book, you’d know it was Dan. So how come these folks have a style, and you don’t? How do you create your […]