Understanding the Rosetta Stone (And How It Affects How You Learn) Do you know the story of the Rosetta Stone? You do, don’t you? You know how archaeologists couldn’t make head or tail of hieroglyphics. And it’s not like they didn’t try. They just weren’t able to figure out what those nice little pictures on […]
The Bicycle Moment: When Everything Falls Together
If you learned to ride a bicycle, there’s a pretty good chance you fell. And fell down a lot. I sure did. What’s worse is I learned to ride on hills, with red mud. And that means there was a good chance of losing control on the slopes. And grazing your feet, hands and face […]
How To Make Sure You Get Paid On Time
When you went to buy your computer, you paid for the computer in advance. When you went to the dentist, you paid your $5000 bill on the way out. And yet, when it comes to collecting money in your own business, you’re running up against a big, bad wall. So how do you get paid […]
How Attacking the “Problem” Is The Problem (And Why Structure Helps)
Imagine it’s a rainy night. And suddenly you hear a drop of water coming from the roof. One drop, two drops. Five hundred drops and a bit of mopping up later, and you’ve got a bucket under the leak. So what do you do next morning? Do you leave the buckets or do you resolve […]
How The Gottman Principle Unlocks the Mystery of Intuition
Have you heard of Gottman? Gottman, as in John Gottman. What if I told you he was the is the co-founder and co-director of the Gottman Institute? Nope, doesn’t ring a bell? Well that’s interesting, because Gottman’s research is all about ringing bells. Or intuition, as we call it. And Gottman is a good example […]
How Marsha Stopped Saying “But”
Listen to yourself as you’re speaking. You’ll invariably find yourself saying the word “but” several times a day. You’ll use the word to nullify what you just said, as in: You did a great job, but… Or you’ll use the word to defend your actions, as in: I would have done that, but… My niece […]
The Unknown Secret of Time Management
Imagine a close relative needs to be driven to the hospital and you don’t have time to call an ambulance. You have to drive your relative to the hospital right away. So what do you do? You drive, don’t you? And you get your relative to the hospital. And obvious as it may sound, you […]
How To Retain 90% Of Everything You Learn
Imagine if you had a bucket of water. And every time you attempted to fill the bucket, 90% of the water would leak out instantly. Every time, all you’d retain was a measly 10%. How many times would you keep filling the bucket? The answer is simple: just once. The first time you noticed the […]
Mini Article: The Importance Of Idleness
So you’re going/have gone on a vacation, aren’t you? Well, the weekend will come up, and you’ll have some sort of break–your to-do list non-withstanding. But you won’t take a break. No you won’t. You’ll do something silly. Like filling it up with stuff. How about filling it with idleness instead? Yeah, idleness. As in […]
Why Stevie Wonder Doesn’t Learn By Reading
Have you ever considered how some people say they learn quicker by reading than audio? Have you ever considered Stevie Wonder’s plight? Ah, but that’s not the question The question is: Can Stevie Wonder learn faster than you? Well, I wish it were a pat answer, but it’s not. It depends on various factors including […]