Is there really a cure for perfectionism? How can you make your work far superior in a shorter amount of time, often moving ahead of your peers? The answer lies in nature. In this episode, we look at two different kinds of plants: the monkey puzzle tree and the campion flower. The monkey puzzle tree […]
How To Fight Customer Perceptions (And Win)
Are too! Are not! Are too! Are not! Are too! You’ve played this game as a child. And no matter which side you were on, you simply stuck to your position, without budging an inch. So how do you win the battle of perception? You do what Grizz Wylie does. Grizz, a well-known coach for […]
The Power Of Enough
Imagine I asked you a question. A simple question where you could choose the answer. And if you chose the right answer, you’d end up with about $20,000 more per annum (theoretically, of course) Imagine that. You’d have twenty thousand more buckeroos in the bank. But instead–strangely–you’ll choose to forfeit the $20,000. How could this […]
Lesson Of The Moving Tree
Once upon a time there was a little tree. He sat in the soil and danced in the wind. And he looked around and saw the other trees. “Man, they sure look taller than me,” said the little tree. “Probably it’s the soil,” he mumbled. So he lifted up his roots and moved over to […]
Why Skill Upgrades Are Not A Luxury
Surely you’ve heard of the phrase regarding lousy carpenters. And lousier tools. It runs like this: A bad carpenter blames his tools. Well I agree. And I disagree. A great set of tools are useless, even dangerous in the hands of an amateur. But on the other hand, a great carpenter should never suffer with […]
Why mistakes can make you an amazing profit
What do you do when you make a mistake either on your website or in your marketing? Or in any communication for that matter? You hope no one sees it, right? Then you go back in the dark of the night and erase it. Like it never existed That way no one knows you made […]
The Myth of Focus
Imagine a one-year old child that is focused. Imagine that one-year old is on a focused mission. That mission is to ‘learn to walk’ First I shall walk, it says. Forget everything else. I’m going to learn to walk, and that’s it. And then I shall learn to talk. And then I shall learn a […]
Understanding Patterns: How Your Brain Thinks
Imagine you went to a friend’s house today. You’re in your friend’s kitchen. And you see a chair. And you sit down on that chair. How do you know it’s safe to sit on that chair? But even more interestingly, how do you know it’s a chair in the first instance? Your brain worked out […]
Why Skill Upgrades Are Not A Luxury
Surely you’ve heard of the phrase regarding lousy carpenters. And lousier tools. It runs like this: A bad carpenter blames his tools. Well I agree. And I disagree. A great set of tools are useless, even dangerous in the hands of an amateur. But on the other hand, a great carpenter should never suffer with […]
The Role of Get-Rich Quick Merchants
In the year 2003, I went to a presentation in Australia. There were 450 people in the room. And two fancy cars (yes in the room!) And then the speaker ran from the back of the room to the front, amidst thunderous applause. Five days later, I was $10,000 poorer. And none the wiser. I’d […]