When a client buys your product or service, they obviously like it at some level, right? So why is it so very hard to get feedback? The answer may not lie in the act of feedback itself, but instead in trust factors, formats and follow up .Find out how the simple act of feedback is […]
Why Good Habits Fail (And Bad Habits Thrive)
Are habits a matter of routine? You’d think so, wouldn’t you? Yet, there’s a bigger factor in play that goes beyond a cue and routine. It’s called the Reward. There’s just one problem: how do you put a reward? And how do you know it’s the right reward? What should you do if you want […]
How The Gottman Principle Unlocks the Mystery of Intuition
Have you heard of Gottman? Gottman, as in John Gottman. What if I told you he was the is the co-founder and co-director of the Gottman Institute? Nope, doesn’t ring a bell? Well that’s interesting, because Gottman’s research is all about ringing bells. Or intuition, as we call it. And Gottman is a good example […]
How Marsha Stopped Saying “But”
Listen to yourself as you’re speaking. You’ll invariably find yourself saying the word “but” several times a day. You’ll use the word to nullify what you just said, as in: You did a great job, but… Or you’ll use the word to defend your actions, as in: I would have done that, but… My niece […]
How To Retain 90% Of Everything You Learn
Imagine if you had a bucket of water. And every time you attempted to fill the bucket, 90% of the water would leak out instantly. Every time, all you’d retain was a measly 10%. How many times would you keep filling the bucket? The answer is simple: just once. The first time you noticed the […]
Understanding What “Focus” Really Means
Air traffic controllers don’t live in a state of fear. They live in a state of management. Because management lands planes. Fear doesn’t. If there is a fear of falling behind, you will always fall behind. If you look in the Cave, I was going to start a Brain Audit Trainer program in 2005. Last […]
Why Lack of Talent Can’t Be Blamed on Genes
It’s easy to blame your parents for your lack of great genes. It’s just as easy to praise your parents for their superb genes. But while genes may be a handed down trait, talent is not. And to understand talent you have to first understand genes. Genes are sequences of DNA letters that when activated […]
Why Stevie Wonder Doesn’t Learn By Reading
Have you ever considered how some people say they learn quicker by reading than audio? Have you ever considered Stevie Wonder’s plight? Ah, but that’s not the question The question is: Can Stevie Wonder learn faster than you? Well, I wish it were a pat answer, but it’s not. It depends on various factors including […]
The Curse of the 10,000-hour ‘Talent Syndrome’
Imagine if someone told you that you needed 10,000 hours to learn to drive a car. No? What about 5000 hours then? Would that be suitable? How about 3000 hours? Or 1000? Or 500? Ok, how about 60 hours? A very average person with a reasonable fear of cars can learn to drive in about […]
The Article Writing Challenge – How To Write Articles While Driving A Taxi
I was on my way back from the airport, when I struck up a conversation with a taxi driver. He was originally a landscaper, but was now driving taxis (as part of his retirement plan) and he did like the job a lot. But he did have some regrets. He wanted to write. It had […]