You’d think you’d need to be someone great or at least do something wonderful to inspire others. Yet, you’re a source of inspiration. How do you inspire? It’s remarkably simple —and here’s a short piece on how you need to go about it. Right click below to download this episode Re-release: How To Be A […]
The 21-Day Habit Myth (And How You Can Create A Habit In Minutes, Instead)
You’ve heard that it takes about 21 days to create a habit. But what if that weren’t true at all? Could it be possible to create a habit overnight? Or even in the next few minutes? Let’s find out. Right click here and ‘save as’ to download this episode to your computer. Have you heard […]
Habit Change? 3 Unusual Angles On How To Look At Habit Transformation
It might seem that it’s always up to us to change our habits. And that idea might be quite incorrect. Instead, what if something around us changed and our habits changed with it? Instead of us taking the blame all the time, this series is about how to look at habits differently and achieve lasting […]
Why Good Habits Fail (And Bad Habits Thrive)
Are habits a matter of routine? You’d think so, wouldn’t you? Yet, there’s a bigger factor in play that goes beyond a cue and routine. It’s called the Reward. There’s just one problem: how do you put a reward? And how do you know it’s the right reward? What should you do if you want […]
Deconstructing Why Bad Habits Succeed (And Good Habits Fail)
It’s easy to pick up bad habits Knowing what causes bad habits to succeed, enables you to make good habits meet with similar success. In this episode we dig deep into the trio of trigger, routine and reward mechanisms. And how every one of them play their role. But then we go deeper into the […]