How To Audit Your Benefits and Features For Singleminded Impact
In 333BC, Darius, the ruler of Persia was sure of his victory on the battlefield. After all, his soldiers outnumbered Alexander the Great’s army by 2:1. And yet, Alexander used an unusual ploy. Instead of the usual strategy of both armies battling it out, he decided to just go after Darius. That single-minded command caused […]
Multitasking: Skill or Talent?
Is multitasking a skill? And is it good for a small business owner? Let’s find out. When I was in school, I’d often do algebra while listening to music playing in the background. And at that point, I was scoring almost perfect scores on my algebra tests and exams. In effect, I was multitasking. So […]
Understanding How Tiredness and Self-Control Are Mistaken for Resistance
I noticed something very unusual when I went for my 7 km walk. I noticed that as I passed the liquor store, my brain would start to wander. And it wasn’t the liquor. It was just the point in my walk. You see I’d pass the liquor store at about 40 minutes into my walk. […]
Why You Lose Focus—And How “Brain Maps” Play Their Role
I remember sitting in a queue at JFK airport in New York waiting to take off. As I sat in the plane, I could see our plane stuck behind about six or eight other planes. They were all waiting to take off. And as we waited the weather conditions changed, causing the planes to keep […]