I had a revelation a few years ago. You see I was just like anybody else. I read books. I attended seminars. I did stuff. And I trundled along. Made profits and had my day in the sun. Till I decided I wanted to have a lifetime in the sun. So I studied people. One […]
How To Reclaim Your Life
I used to love dancing. I used to listen to music all day. I used to really enjoy going to movies and eating popcorn. I used to…I used to…I used to… What’s happened to us? Why has work taken over our lives? And how can we reclaim it back? I’m not talking about you. I’m […]
How To Get 400 Additional Hours of Learning Every Year
Imagine I told you I could give you 400 hours of time. Time you could spend doing nothing but learning. Learning a new skill. Or getting relevant information. But where could you get 400 hours of undisturbed time? In your car,that’s where! Take the time to learn while you’re on the road, rather than just […]
Why You Lose Focus—And How “Brain Maps” Play Their Role
I remember sitting in a queue at JFK airport in New York waiting to take off. As I sat in the plane, I could see our plane stuck behind about six or eight other planes. They were all waiting to take off. And as we waited the weather conditions changed, causing the planes to keep […]