Many coaches and trainers struggle to get precise results for their clients And it’s not for want of trying, either. They work very hard, probably too hard, and yet the clients don’t get the results they seek. The question is: How do we go from mediocrity to excellence? Find out the guidelines to becoming a […]
Coaching Series : 3/3 – Why Clients Nod But Don’t Call
One of biggest problems with any sort of prospecting is the dead silence right after clients love what you’ve said or done. You’d think they’d call immediately, but there’s not a peep out of them. Is there some flaw in the system? And how can you overcome this obvious glitch? Right click here and ‘save […]
How To Find Your Niche (From Recurring Client Problems)
We all struggle to find our niches. But is it really that hard? Or have we been looking in the wrong places? This article shows you how you can find dozens of niches, all of which have great power and are profitable now and for years to come. Right click here and ‘save as’ to […]
Coaching Series 1/3: How to Start Up with a Great Niche
The toughest part of coaching isn’t necessarily coaching itself. Instead, it’s the niche, isn’t it? How do you go looking for the right niche? And how do you know when you’ve found one that’s rewarding as well as profitable? We go back in time with the British Cycling Team and what turned them into champions, […]