Many coaches and trainers struggle to get precise results for their clients And it’s not for want of trying, either. They work very hard, probably too hard, and yet the clients don’t get the results they seek. The question is: How do we go from mediocrity to excellence? Find out the guidelines to becoming a […]
How Do You Incentivise Clients To Finish A Course?
Most courses have huge dropout rates. And yet that’s not the case for some teachers and trainers. What makes some courses so dramatically different? The slightly surprising answer is that the course material itself can doom the course. If that makes no sense, follow along, because there’s a method to this madness. Find out how […]
Are You Tempted To Use Hype? How To Avoid Hype And Still Get Clients
Hype works exceedingly well, even when the client knows they’re being duped a bit But what if you can’t stand hype? Does that mean you roll over and play dead? Here’s how you can avoid hype completely, if you wish to do so. And if the hype is so great, that it can’t be ignored, […]
Why “Elegance” Not “Information” Creates An Addictive Business Model
Why do some books, courses or workshops end up becoming so addictive? Is it the teacher, the system, the information, or is it all of the above? In this podcast we look at why your business needs a bit of movement through three precise stages. Those stages are information, results and elegance. Elegance is hard […]
Why Smaller Lists Work Just As Well As Big Ones
Why would clients trust you when you’re new and you goof up? This is an incredibly insightful question as clients can be skeptical. Yet, it’s incredible how much enthusiasm and results can play a part. Find out how to get a bad start and still get great results. Right click here and ‘save as’ to […]