When it comes to testimonials for our product or service, we assume clients have to get to the end. Or do they? The reality is that it’s a mistake to wait until the end because anyway clients aren’t giving you a review of the entire product or service, but only a small section. But what […]
Why Clients Shy Away From Giving Feedback Despite Liking Your Products and Services
When a client buys your product or service, they obviously like it at some level, right? So why is it so very hard to get feedback? The answer may not lie in the act of feedback itself, but instead in trust factors, formats and follow up .Find out how the simple act of feedback is […]
The Secret of How To Get Clients To Keep Coming Back Repeatedly
Most of us are like crazy chickens, focused solely on attraction and conversion. We fail to see the biggest resource in our business—returning clients. If you’re able to keep your existing clients and they buy everything in sight, you may never need new clients again. But what magic spell would cause them to buy everything […]