Travel can be good, bad or even ugly. But in our travels through India in Feb 2020, we ran into a sense of warmth that needs to be shared. Get yourself a coffee or tea as you settle in for some really heartwarming travel stories. Right click to save this episode. Is it possible to […]
Stories Of Failure (Filos Moments)
Note: This is an automated transcript of the podcast. Therefore you might find few errors in it. You know how you’re told to make lemonade when life hands you lemons? Well, what do you do with overripe bananas? You make Filos! This episode is about the times when we should have given up because the […]
How To Craft Amazing Stories For Business
Storytelling is a craft that small business owners need to improve their marketing. Without stories, a marketing strategy is like a boat without a rudder. Fact, figures and data can only go so far. Learn how stories help to create powerful marketing, in a completely non-threatening manner. Right click and ‘save as’ to download The […]