We hate it when customers object. We’d prefer if they simply bought our products and services. Yet objections are a critical indicator of sales and marketing. Without objections you’d never know if the customer is interested or not. And without objections you’d never know how to improve your products and services (you improve them, don’t […]
How To Ask Hundreds of Questions on a Marketing Topic (Without Paying Thousands of Dollars)
There’s a problem with the last page of a book or a course We all have this problem. When we get to the last page of a book or a course, we are enlightened, yet still confused. We’re confused because we know a fair bit about the material, but still have loads of questions that […]
How To Get High Scores In Seminars and Workshops
When I first started doing seminars in the year 2001, I’d start off talking. And flipping slides. And then talking some more. And then two days or three days would pass. Then I’d hand out the feedback forms. And invariably someone would be upset. They’d think the music was too loud. They’d wonder why there […]
Why Do Press Releases Get Rejected?
As a journalist, I might reject your PR piece for lots of reasons. Here are just a few. Avoid as many as you can, and you’re more likely to have positive results. 1) It’s irrelevant to what I do or what I’m working on. If I cover health topics exclusively, don’t send me a release […]
The Importance of the ‘Critical Learning Period’
You may think your brain is all hardwired. And that you’re supremely suited for learning. But in fact, your brain is incredibly at the mercy of the sound environment. And the reason for being at the mercy of sound is because most of our early references as children are purely based on sound. This early […]
Announcing Brain Audit 3.2 + Special Goodies Offer worth $158 (This offer has expired
If you’ve been wondering whether or not to purchase the Brain Audit then here’s the perfect moment. And it’s perfect because you get the brand new Brain Audit Ver 3.2 Two years in the making… This book has been two years in the making, and now it’s finally out! And you not only get the […]
How ‘Hearing Problems’ Cause People to Fail
If someone says pass the ‘cheese’, what are they saying? They’re saying: Pass the cheese, right? Except that’s not the way some kids hear it. They hear pass the grease. Or pass the peas. Or pass the fees. And in many cases these kids don’t even hear a word in English. Or Japanese. Or French. […]
The Concept of Spinning Plates
Most people want to do everything. They want to do blogs, websites, video, Twitter, Facebook and add another twenty thousand things to that list. What’s worse is that they get bad advice. People giving advice tell you, you should branch out, do different things. And that you if you do different things, you can become […]
Why Photographs Should Never Have A ‘Problem’
When we look at a photograph, we start seeing ourselves, even without meaning to do so. This is why you can never put a ‘problem’ in your photograph. But how can that be true? When you see the newspaper photos, they always seem to have something that’s blown up, or burnt down, or something that […]
A Year Called July
July was always the worst month of the year for me! In the years 1997, 1998, 1999, I dreaded July. Because you see, back then I wasn’t in marketing—I was a cartoonist. And somehow in July all the cartooning work mysteriously dried up. The phone would stop ringing. And it would stay dead no matter what […]