Is it really possible to get a surge in sales with products? And are product sales similar or different from services? In this episode, we go exclusively into the sale of products. But more importantly, you get to see where you need to dig to create the power of your headline and how the consequences […]
How To Sell A Product When There’s No Scarcity Factor
So much effort goes into the launch of a product, but what happens next? How do you handle the calm after the launch? How do you keep selling products on an ongoing basis? These are the questions we tackle in this episode as we get rid of the “post-launch” blues. You can listen to the […]
How To Get Clients To Return Repeatedly
How do you get clients to return? One of the most underrated tactics is often right under your nose. Yet most people having events don’t realise the mistake they’re making and have to work a lot harder to get clients to come back. In this episode we look at what every business should do: not […]
16 Years of Psychotactics—and a Tiny Bonus!
Well, not quite 16 years. 16 years, one month and a few days. But 16 years ago, this is approximately how it all started. I gave a presentation. I was asked for notes. I didn’t have notes. I wrote a document. Whether this was the exact document, I’m not sure. But it’s close enough. This […]
Six Questions To Get Outstanding Testimonials
(This is an excerpt from The Brain Audit) The Brain Audit—Bag 5: The Testimonials You’ve seen résumés haven’t you? And what’s common with all the résumés on the planet? Yup, they’re all created to make the candidate look wonderful. Yet what’s the first thing a company does when you present them with a résumé? They […]
Why Clients Don’t Buy (Understanding The Elements of Risk)
If you were to boil down marketing to a single word, it would be “risk”. When a client is ready to buy they still hesitate. Even when there’s a sense of urgency on their part, they still go through a series of steps before they come to a decision. What are those steps? Why do […]
Announcing: How to Sell Without Selling (Special Offer)
Marketing provides thousands of ways to get and keep customer’s attention… But you don’t want thousands of ways. You just want a simple system that’s effective. A system that has been tested for over 12 years and got results. And most importantly a system that you don’t have to pull up a 675 page manual to even work […]
How to get a FREE 30-Page Excerpt of The Brain Audit (Without Even Needing To Fill A Form)
If you’ve always wondered what The Brain Audit was all about. Or if you’ve ever wondered what’s in this book that’s caused thousands of businesses to ‘sell without selling‘, then here’s away to stop wondering. Because you can get a chunky 30 page excerpt of The Brain Audit. And it’s free. You’ll enjoy the cartoons. You’ll […]
Two Critical Components For Getting Attention
Let’s say you’re sitting in the audience, about to hear a speech on “Why Customers Buy”. You’re expecting the presenter to introduce himself. You’re expecting that presenter to say something about conversion and purchasing decisions. You’re not 100% sure what to expect, but you’re not expecting what you’re seeing right now. The speaker has grabbed […]
Sales Pages—The Problem With The First Few Paragraphs
Most of us make a fundamental mistake when dealing with the first few paragraphs. We put too many problems in, right away. And it’s a mistake. A big mistake! It’s like an air traffic controller letting three planes land on the same runway. So how do we avoid this problem? And is the problem over […]