After attending or listening to The Brain Audit Sessions, I would love to hear from you. Can you post your questions and what you have learned below? Warm regardsSean D’Souza P.S. Here is the link for more details on: The Brain Audit seven-part webinar series that shows you why clients buy and why they don’t.________________________________________
Why Random Learning Is Superior (And Other Weird Learning Methods)
We tend to learn in sequence. Chapter one, two and three. But what if we broke the sequence? Would that enhance our learning? In this rather sequential piece, you learn how I tend to break quite a few rules to get the results I want, and you’ll find it works very well for you too. […]
Why The Top-Half Of The Sales Page Goes Wrong (And How To Fix It)
Why are some sales pages so confusing? Is it because of the message or rather because there are way too many messages hitting you all at once? A sales page needs a powerful message to get the client not just interested, but to keep reading. And yet sales pages often miss that goal. But there’s […]
How To Avoid Time Overruns When Making A Presentation
How to avoid embarrassing time overruns when making presentations? Timing your presentations are crucial yet all the practice in the world may not help if there’s an external issue. An emcee may cause confusion, the sound system might cause delays. And all of these unexpected issues eat up into your time. But some presenters keep […]
Coaching Series : 3/3 – Why Clients Nod But Don’t Call
One of biggest problems with any sort of prospecting is the dead silence right after clients love what you’ve said or done. You’d think they’d call immediately, but there’s not a peep out of them. Is there some flaw in the system? And how can you overcome this obvious glitch? Right click here and ‘save […]
Coaching Series 1/3: How to Start Up with a Great Niche
The toughest part of coaching isn’t necessarily coaching itself. Instead, it’s the niche, isn’t it? How do you go looking for the right niche? And how do you know when you’ve found one that’s rewarding as well as profitable? We go back in time with the British Cycling Team and what turned them into champions, […]
How to Ramp Up Curiosity (Even When Using a Controversial Topic)
Most of us avoid controversy because it brings up too much pushback. But what if you were able to get your very controversial topic across and delight your clients? Let’s find out how to ramp up that curiosity and controversy-level without alienating your clients. Right click here and ‘save as’ to download this episode to […]
Why Clients Shy Away From Giving Feedback Despite Liking Your Products and Services
When a client buys your product or service, they obviously like it at some level, right? So why is it so very hard to get feedback? The answer may not lie in the act of feedback itself, but instead in trust factors, formats and follow up .Find out how the simple act of feedback is […]
Why Smaller Lists Work Just As Well As Big Ones
Why would clients trust you when you’re new and you goof up? This is an incredibly insightful question as clients can be skeptical. Yet, it’s incredible how much enthusiasm and results can play a part. Find out how to get a bad start and still get great results. Right click here and ‘save as’ to […]
Why Smaller Lists Work Just As Well As Big Ones (And Often, Even Better)
Does a big list guarantee success? You know the answer to that one, already, don’t you? Your small business isn’t going to grow exponentially because you suddenly have a big list. Yet, in many ways a smaller list has the potential to do better than a big list. Find out how to start ignoring the […]