Do you pre-sell if your audience is away on vacation? Should you pre-sell if you’re unsure of a full house? These and other questions are answered in this article on pre-sell. Right click to save this episode. What if the pre-sell falls flat? One of the most-repeated stories I tell is about the article writing […]
How To Create Intensely Catchy Book Names (Without Too Much Of A Struggle)
Naming a book or info-product is often a royal pain in the neck. And that’s because most of us tend to sit down at our desk hoping for inspiration to strike. The weird bit is that inspiration is often in some other place altogether. It’s right in front of your nose, but often you may […]
How To Avoid Time Overruns When Making A Presentation
How to avoid embarrassing time overruns when making presentations? Timing your presentations are crucial yet all the practice in the world may not help if there’s an external issue. An emcee may cause confusion, the sound system might cause delays. And all of these unexpected issues eat up into your time. But some presenters keep […]
Announcing! BlackBelt Presentations Series: How To Make Your Presentations Come Alive
When you make a presentation, wouldn’t it be amazing to completely control the room–without turning anyone off? Wouldn’t you like to create a presentations that enthrall, hold and move an audience to action? So what causes presentations to come alive? There are three core components to presentations: 1) Design control. 2) Delivery control. 3) Event control. […]
Announcing: How To Create Black Belt Presentations
I am resending this email in case you missed it on Tuesday For the past year (and a bit) I’ve been working on an incredibly interesting project. It’s a series of books on Presentations. So notice one thing: It’s not a single book. It’s a series. Three whole books. Three whole audio-books as well. Announcing: […]
Announcing: How To Create Black Belt Presentations
For the past year (and a bit) I’ve been working on a incredibly interesting project. It’s a series of books on Presentations. So notice one thing: It’s not a single book. It’s a series. Three whole books. Three whole audio-books as well. Announcing: How To Create Black Belt Presentations And now the books and audio […]