Imagine you woke up one morning and wrote an article. Just another article like all the articles you’ve been writing. And then suddenly you had tons of folks clicking on this article. Reading it. Then signing up to your newsletter. These tons of folks go into the hundreds, then into the thousands, then into the […]
Stuck for a topic? Here’s how the Internet Helps
If you’re trying to write articles, the chances are that you’ll be up early in the morning trying to get your brain cells churning, right? Not really. Most people actually do quite the opposite. They’ll sit down to write an article when all the rest of the work is done. And that’s when they’re most […]
Why “WHAT” Is A Good Starting Point For Most Article Outlines
In any article writing outline you could start with just about any point of view. Your article could start off answering the questions “why, how, when” etc. So why start with “What”? And when do you start with “What”? There’s a simple answer… “What” brings all your readers on the same page in a microsecond. […]
How To Avoid Article Bloating: Part 2
Articles bloat. You start writing an article, expecting it to stay well within the boundaries, and then it just takes off. And about two hours later, you’re wondering where things went wrong. Why is your article looking like a dog’s breakfast? There are two reasons for article bloat Reason 1: Avoiding Outlines Reason 2: Bullet […]
Why Outlining Keeps “Article Bloating” In Check
If you were to walk into a Hollywood studio, you’d expect to see actors, lights and action, right? Right. But actors, camera and lights are expensive. So every movie director and producer on the planet does one thing: They outline. They outline the script. They outline the storyboard. They outline every darned thing that can […]
How To Reduce The “Huh” Factor In Your Articles
You may not realise it, but your articles are creating a ‘huh’ factor. A ‘huh’ factor is like a speed bump on a road. If you don’t remove that speed bump, it causes the reader to bounce over your words. If you have too many of these speed bumps, it frustrates the reader. And they […]
Why We Get Writer’s Block (And How To Overcome It)
You know the feeling of getting stuck, don’t you? You set out to write something: Maybe an email, maybe an article. And you sit there at the computer completely disgusted. Because no matter how much you try, and whatever you write, the words just don’t seem to flow. So why don’t the words flow? To […]
How To Become An Expert In Your Industry
Imagine you had a fairy godmother. And she gave you one wish: The wish of ‘perceived expertise’. This ‘perceived expertise’, means that your customers would look atyou and say: “There goes the expert in the field. I only want to work with her/him.” I had such a godmother. And I got a wish from that […]
The Sec’ret to Becoming an Expert in Your Customer’s Eyes?
How do you become an expert in your customer’s eyes? How do you become the person the customer most wants to work with? How do you then increase prices 500% and still have customers wanting to work with you? To understand how this unusual situation occurs, let me tell you a story: I was a […]
The Importance Of Curiosity When Creating Bullets
Step into a bookstore, step into the business section and pull out a book. Then flip the book to the back cover. And here’s what you’re sure to find on almost every business book. Yup you guessed it. You find bullets. And there’s a reason why bullets make it to the back cover of a […]