You’ve started reading a newsletter. And before you know it, you’re at 500 words. Then at 750 words. And hurtling past 1000 words. How on earth did you end up reading so much, when all you wanted to do was skim through the article? The answer is in the connectors in copywriting. So what are […]
Can You Build A Business On Article Writing Alone?
Imagine you were to start up an Internet-based business. And told that to promote your business, you would not be allowed to do any affiliate marketing. Or joint ventures. Or any external publicity. No Twitter, no Facebook, no social media. No pay-per-click advertising. No goo gaa search engine optimisation. All you had was one weapon: […]
The Kiss of Death: How to Read Between The Customer’s Lines
Read my lips. No, not mine. The lips of the customer. Here’s one of three things customers are telling you, right after you’ve made your presentation about your your product or service. Your product or service is boring. Your communication is boring. Where have you been all my life? But they don’t say any of […]
The Power of ‘Knew’ and ‘New’
If you were to step into a disco today, you’d run bang, smack into a hit song by Madonna. It’s a song called ‘Hung Up.’ And then your fingers would start snapping. Your feet would go tappity-tap. And you’d find the tune familiar. …Even though you’ve never heard the song before So what’s in the […]
Why Researching Articles to Death Is A Waste of Time
The world was flat. Now it’s round. Who knows? Maybe it’s square. Research helps. But there’s a problem with research. And it’s called counter-research. Tea is good for you. Tea is bad for you. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Drink 16 glasses of water a day. The list goes on forever. And forever […]
Slip-Sliding: How To Get Customers To Read Every Word Of Your Copy
Do you know how you flip one page of a novel, not expecting to read the book, and before you know it, whooops away you go, and then you’re reading, and reading, and reading…and may I add…reading. Copywriting isn’t much different. If you write copy that slip-slides, then your audience will read it to the […]
How Pre-Sell Sold The Article Writing Course In Fewer than 24 Hours
A client wrote to me and told me that he was amazed that we’d managed to sell an extremely high-priced course in a matter of 24 hours. He was curious. How is it possible to sell a course in fewer than 24 hours when the price tag is well over $2000? And here’s what […]
The Headline Breath Test
Do long headlines work? Or are short headlines better? The answer doesn’t lie in length. It lies in the ability to say the headline aloud in one breath. Let’s assume you sit down and write an absolute stunner of a headline, your next job is to read it back aloud. Can you read it? Ok […]
The Overlooked Secret Of Article Attraction and Conversion
Which articles convert? And which articles attract? And how do you roll out a strategy that maximises the twin impact of attraction and conversion? Hah, you can learn everything you need by just scanning a New Yorker and Cosmopolitan. Cosmo-type of articles are great for attraction. New Yorker type articles are great for conversion That’s […]
Announcing: The “Toughest Article Writing Course” in the World
On Saturday 26th November 2011, you’ll get the details for what’s easily the “toughest article writing course in the world.” And it’s the toughest course because it’s not just another information-dump. Instead of getting even more information, you actually acquire—then master the skill of article writing. And not just master it, but write with a […]