The first line is what pulls us into an article. Yet we end up writing a really boring first line. What’s worse is that you could use the power of story to create an intensely powerful first line in minutes. Don’t believe me? Well, do you have 10 minutes? Here are two methods to write […]
Headline Psychology: How To Use Headlines To Get To One Thought
Do headlines work? How do you use headlines? How do headlines grab attention? What are the things to keep in mind while writing a headline? Let’s find out, shall we? Haven’t you stood in the wrong supermarket queue before? Every other queue seems to move ahead, but no, you had to pick the wrong queue. […]
How To Craft Interesting Stories and Analogies (For Articles and Sales Letters)
How do you make your articles or sales letters more interesting? Analogies and stories always increase the drama and attention span. Yet, it’s hard to find and craft interesting analogies and stories on a regular basis. Or is it? Find out how you can use a simple and effective ways to tell great stories and […]
How to Avoid Gaping Holes in Your Article Writing (and How Objections Fill Those Gaps)
Objections aren’t something we necessarily think about when writing articles We’re so focused on the main content that we might see no need to contradict ourselves. Yet, it’s this very contradiction that makes the article more robust and removes those chunky holes. Let’s find out why objections are crucial in our articles. Right click here […]
Writer’s Block Series: Why Cross Pollination of Ideas, Media and Styles Is Crucial (And Avoid Shutdowns When Writing)
Most of us are content to learn a great deal about what’s happening in our industry, but is that causing a blockage when it comes to writing? When we go into the depths of writer’s block, we find that you need cross pollination not only across industry, but across styles as well as media such […]
Writer’s Block Series: Why the Lack of Outlines Even Stop Professional Writers In Their Tracks
If you’re already good at writing, do you need an outline? It might seem one more barrier and yet it’s the first element that creates this so called Writer’s Block. Find out why outlines are a map that quickly get you to your destination. Right click here and ‘save as’ to download this episode to […]
How to Research An Article (Without Killing Your Productivity)
Researching an article is so frustrating because it’s time-consuming But there are ways to beat the pressure—and the pain. Believe it or not, there are ways to be productive with zero last minute research. This episode shows you how to make advance research work for you, as well as in situations where you have no […]
Why the “End in Mind” Principle Should Be Avoided When It Comes To Learning
We’re all told we should start with the end in mind, but we still get lost along the way. Why do we go off track? Could there be some barriers that show up a lot before the end? Let’s find out how we can stop focusing so much on the end and work on the […]
Can You Successfully Defend Your Work Against Criticism? (Lessons from Malcolm Gladwell)
What happens when your book finally goes out into the world ? Gladwell has been attacked time and time again for his chapter on the 10,000 hour rule. But was the attack justified? Or was it all wrong? How do you defend yourself against something you’re innocent of, in the first place? Plus, a bonus […]
The Secret to Becoming an Expert in Your Customer’s Eyes?
How do you become an expert in your customer’s eyes? How do you become the person the customer most wants to work with? How do you then increase prices 500% and still have customers wanting to work with you? To understand how this unusual situation occurs, let me tell you a story: I was a […]