You could break your head trying to drum up one customer at a time.Or you could get yourself a strategic alliance. Or even better, a bunch of strategic alliances. So you rev yourself up. You dash off a series of emails. And nothing. Not a peep out of the strategic alliances. You try, try and […]
How A Few Measly Words Can Dramatically Improve Your Article Headlines
Put couple of tablespoons of petrol in your car’s tank today. And see what happens to the car. I’ll tell you what. It’ll probably take you a few inches further. And you’ll say to yourself: “What the heck? What difference will a few inches make?” Just as you’d say: “What the heck? What difference will […]
The Sec’ret to Becoming an Expert in Your Customer’s Eyes?
How do you become an expert in your customer’s eyes? How do you become the person the customer most wants to work with? How do you then increase prices 500% and still have customers wanting to work with you? To understand how this unusual situation occurs, let me tell you a story: I was a […]