Two people
There are two kinds of people on the planet.
Those who make excuses.
And those who don't.
The ones who make excuses don't start that way
No one is ‘born talented' at making excuses. But over the years they learn to get out of things. They learn how to blame the weather, their parents, their teachers, the system, the chewing gum—yeah, pretty much anything that can deflect the blame. And give them the excuse they need.
And then there are those who don't
Or rather won't.
We all have our difficulties and some days we feel like making excuses. And we start mumbling, but stop before the mumble pushes itself into a rumble. And we get the job done.
Amazingly all of us have similar capabilities. Similar capabilities to get stuff done.
Or completely screw up our lives with excuses.
When you wake up in the morning you get to choose which route to take. As one wise person said: The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that smart people hate doing the same things that unsuccessful people hate doing—but successful people do it any way.
As you go on this journey, you get the chance to back out.
To make excuses.
To blame the chewing gum.
Or not.
You have the choice.
You decide.
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