Power-packed one-hour consulting
This is a one-on-one phone consultation where you can ask me questions related to your marketing, your website, your advertising or just about anything to do with your business.
How this works
You send me a whole lot of questions that you want to be answered. This gets me prepared. It doesn't mean we have to stick to the very same questions in the one-hour consultation. We set a time and a date, and you call me on the allocated time and date.
What is your investment?
US$995 per consulting session. I do only two consultancy sessions per month. So it is advisable to book in advance. See the chart below.
Email Renuka if you're interested in going ahead.
Power-packed one-hour consulting
Booking Schedule 2025-26 |
Jan One Session |
Feb One Session |
March Fully Booked |
April Two Sessions |
May Fully Booked |
June Two Sessions |
July Two Sessions |
Aug Fully Booked |
Sept One Session |
Oct One Session |
Nov Two Sessions |
Dec Fully Booked |
The difference between Sean and the mentor-ship I'd received before can be boiled down to one word: CLARITY.
Can you give me an experience of any coaching advice you'd got before?
My previous coaching mentors imparted advice suitable for the first layer of the cake I was crafting. Some of the ingredients were not suitable (being told: people don't care about your story, Bill. They don't care that you are in Singapore. They want to know how you can help them.)
I didn't discover the raw and wrong ingredients until I sat and chatted with Sean. Sean's guidance was like the icing on my cake. Now it's time for me to bake, slice and serve the pieces, to my clients.
What was different this time around when working with Sean?
This was the first time. There will definitely be future meets. This was only the dessert (cake). I've yet to complete the main meal, salad and appetizers. I'm coming back to Sean's kitchen. The difference between Sean and the mentor-ship I'd received before can be boiled down to one word: CLARITY. Until now I'd been confused. Now I have clarity and confidence. Oops, that's two words, huh?
What did you feel at your end when the advice was being given?
Stupid, adolescent, and reborn. The clarity and direction Sean helped me grab seemed so simple. Why hadn't I seen that before? Because NOBODY guided me the way Sean did. I felt like a child, learning lessons for the first time. It may be a bit drastic but, I'm literally going to re-do much of what I thought was right…re-birthed Bill, oh yeah!
Did Sean resolve your questions? Or did you feel shortchanged?
“Resolve” my questions? Absolutely! “Shortchanged”? Yep but, not by Sean. Father time was the culprit. Father time should have helped stretch the laws of physics so I could have squeezed 120-minutes outta 60-minutes.
Anything else you experienced and would like to add.
Freedom from farce and previous guru-garbage…Hoorah!
Bill Calhoun
“$800+ dollars for an hour of consultancy?! That's a lot.
I mean, I charge $550 a day, and some people think that's high! That was my first thought, and I clearly didn't know what I was thinking.
Having done a consultancy session with Sean, I now have my next 6 months mapped out in my head.
Now I know what I am doing, why I am doing it and can reject all the distractions getting in the way.
When you run your own business, you can't see the woods from the trees, so you need someone objective to give you advice.
Then you need someone who has been there, done it, and has got the t-shirt. Then, if you're smart, you also need the best who's done it, can be objective and is at the top of his industry.
That's what you get with Sean.
You'll have a friendly and focused chat.
And what Sean says spins you off for months in the right direction and it saves you hours and hours of going in the wrong direction on things you shouldn't do – and that can be very costly. You could use 5000BC and get the same advice, but getting such rapid feedback is so much quicker and personalised to what you need.
So my thinking now is “only $800+ dollars an hour?!”
Simon Lamey
Not yet ready?
A good starting point is The Brain Audit. It shows you the seven red bags sequence of marketing.