Why do some books, courses or workshops end up becoming so addictive? Is it the teacher, the system, the information, or is it all of the above? In this podcast we look at why your business needs a bit of movement through three precise stages. Those stages are information, results and elegance. Elegance is hard […]
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The Overwhelm Virus: How To Get It Out of Your Daily Routine
We tend to believe that we’re more overwhelmed than ever before. Yet look around you and you see people who are doing twice or thrice as much. It’s hard to admit it, but often their work is of a higher standard too. How come they’re not overwhelmed? Is it because they’re more talented, or is […]
Alumni: Article Writing Refresher Course
What you get by being alumni: 1) The course material (Version 2.0 of the Article Writing Course) (which you’re already likely to have) 2) Access to the forum and assignments. 3) You’ll get your own forum (away from the beginners). 4) Following a long and doing the course a second time but with a greater sense of […]
How to Overcome Perfection With Speedy Revisions
Is there really a cure for perfectionism? How can you make your work far superior in a shorter amount of time, often moving ahead of your peers? The answer lies in nature. In this episode, we look at two different kinds of plants: the monkey puzzle tree and the campion flower. The monkey puzzle tree […]
Anyone can tell a story, but how do you create a “driveway moment” story? So what’s a “driveway moment” story, and how is it different from a regular story? Imagine you’ve just driven back from the supermarket with your groceries—and yes, a tub of ice-cream. You park in your driveway, but you don’t open the car door. You’re glued […]
How To Get And Keep The Attention Of Your Client
Is it really possible to get a surge in sales with products? And are product sales similar or different from services? In this episode, we go exclusively into the sale of products. But more importantly, you get to see where you need to dig to create the power of your headline and how the consequences […]
The Incredible Power of Kindness (And Why It Has Nothing To Do With Business)
In 1970, two psychologists did a very interesting experiment called the “The Good Samaritan experiment”. It was meant to determine whether we’re kind under some conditions and oblivious at other times. What makes us kinder, more generous? Is there something that’s been under our nose all along that we’ve been missing? Let’s find out. Right […]
Why You Need An Offline Event To Boost Your Chances Of Success
Most of us dream of having an online business We are led to believe it’s fine to just start up a blog and the audience will show up. Reality is a lot different. It takes time for an audience to appear. And when they do appear, it takes time to trust you. So how do […]
How To Overcome Mental Blocks That Derail Your Progress
What causes a mental block? Do you have a bad memory? Well, so does the memory champion of the US Memory Championships. How’s that possible you may ask? But that’s exactly the point. We have misconceptions about learning and memory that need to be wiped out and replaced with accurate representations of how our brain […]
Why You Should Stop Looking For Your Passion (And Let It Find You Instead)
Most of us are told to start up a business doing what we’re passionate about. There’s just one problem. We don’t know what we are passionate about in the first place. How are we supposed to find something we know nothing about? Let’s explore the concept of passion and how to stop looking for it, […]