No one wants to put together an info-product that’s ho-hum, so how come so many books, videos and presentations put us soundly to sleep? You know as well as I do, that an information product isn’t just about putting information together? Information itself is super-boring. It’s just a bunch of stuff stacked up together. Sure […]
Search Results for: feed
Are you tearing your hair out trying to get a tag line or an elevator speech that works for your company?
Writing Salesletters or Articles? How to Ditch The “Tired” Analogy
I remember how I always groaned when my father started to tell his story of “how he drew a kingfisher”, when he was just a boy in school. I loved the story, but I’d heard it so many times, that the thought of escape always crossed my mind when he’d start up that story. The […]
Lynn B
I want to tell you that I really appreciate the way you run your network marketing. I’ve been on your list for several years, I’ve bought a few things, I’ve participated in a few things and have participated in feedback ;). You are one of the VERY few I’ve kept and I’m going to […]
Why Marketing In 2020 is like being in 1920
In 1920, marketing was a chore. People were separated by vast distances. To get any sort of message across was a royal pain. And this is what 2020 looks like as well. There’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Glitter, Mitter and a million methods that are distracting you–and your customer. And with every month that passes, the […]
“What if you put in time and effort to create a product to sell, but no one buys?”
Why bother with the recording of The Brain Audit Workshop when you’ve already read The Brain Audit?
(If you’ve already bought The Brain Audit, you’re likely to have read it many times—and listened to the audio as well. So why bother with the recording of the workshop?) One of the most fascinating aspects of a workshop is watching how clients make mistakes When we read a book or take in some information, […]
Are Your Headlines Missing These Precise Psychological Triggers?
Are you avoiding learning about headlines because you’re not a copywriter? Better not, because no matter whether you make a PowerPoint Presentation, sales call, or write an email, you’re going to need this information. The last thing you need is a headline that will go glug glug and take your marketing strategy down with it. […]
Is the Customer King? How To Profit When Business Is Slow
Is the Customer King? How To Profit When Business Is Slow Article 1: When Business Goes Slow Sometimes you can see it, sometimes you can’t. Sometimes the month sneaks up on you. Sometimes you can see it coming a mile off. What are we talking about? Why, the month that seems to bring little or […]
Why Your Marketing Material Needs An Auditor (Not A Critic)
Why Your Marketing Material Needs An Auditor (Not A Critic) Are you worried you’ll get more unsubscribes if you send a newsletter fortnightly instead of monthly? Do you think your ad has too much copy and customers won’t read it? Do you think your presentation is too salesy? The answer depends on your auditing ability […]