Work doesn't gets easier. Ever.
You just get more efficient.
Think of it as a marathon runner. The odds are crazy. Just having to run a marathon is hard enough. To be first in your field? Huh? Are you nuts? Yet, the marathon runners know one thing. That giving up is not an option. Even if they come in second. Or third. Or fifth. Or last.
The marathon has to be run.
Because what are the options?
Go back to doing what? Start from scratch with what? Should a marathon runner start swimming? Or boxing?
The core to success is knowing what you want. And then getting your roots.
And yes, the wind will come. Yes the rain will fall. Yes, there will be days and nights of bitter cold. But the sun will rise. There is always a summer.
And even in the summer, you need to work. You need to grow.
Work and business doesn't get easier. That's what life is about.
But as a marathoner, you struggle to run the first few miles. Then after a year or two of constant practice. Of constant persistence; Of learning what to do; and more importantly what NOT to do…you complete your first marathon.
Then the second and the third.
You're becoming efficient. At this point, you're beyond struggle and have moved into efficiency mode. Work towards getting to complete your first marathon. It's a run you'll struggle every step of the way, but you'll make it in the end.
And completing the course is victory in itself. And rankings don't matter.
Thanks for putting together all these comments on your blog and throughout your site. It’s a veritable treasure trove of information, and has certainly helped me as I’m putting together my product on sales!
You’re welcome Matt 🙂