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Dartboard Pricing Series
Is it possible to raise prices and still keep customers? And how do you keep those prices going up, up and away—and still keep customers coming back?
Find out here: Dartboard Pricing Strategy
Dartboard Pricing provides you a robust strategy for not only setting higher prices but also increasing prices on products that already exist. Dartboard Pricing comprises of three books focused on understanding the psychology of pricing, setting a higher price on products, and sequential selling strategy (this book is the coolest one of them all).
The Power of Storytelling
Do you know how to put that Zing-Kapow in your articles (with storytelling)?
A well-told story is like a well-told joke. It has zing. And kapow! So what are the elements of a well-told story? Why have they been playing hide and seek with us for so long? Find out right here in this three-part series on Storytelling!
The Secret Life of Testimonials
Do you know why some businesses get wonderful clients, while others seem to get clients that are a pain in the neck? Don't you just hate painful clients? Learn how to use the power of the ‘six critical questions' to get incredible testimonials—and attract clients that make every day an absolute joy. Click here to have a look at The Secret Life of Testimonials.
Critical Website Component Series
Wouldn’t it be just wonderful to have a systematic approach to create the important pages on your website? Most website-based books talk about usability and design, but often all you really want is a way to be able to write the important pages.
Just a simple, step-by-step method that will help you put the content together. And no matter how much you seem to look, most books don't seem to give you a system. Instead they show you tons of other websites, never stopping to put together a system you can easily follow. Find that system laid out for you in Critical Website Component Series.
Suddenly Talented
Can we overcome the struggle of learning? If you want to be outstandingly good at something; do you have to be a genius at it? Understanding why one person is so very talented and the other is just mediocre at almost everything, is the key to “Suddenly Talented”.
Judge for yourself and find out what is holding you back.
Suddenly Talented: It's magical when you realise how you've gotten slightly misplaced advice for so long and that talent is comfortably within your reach.
How Outlining Speeds up Article Writing
Do You Often Hit A Wall Called ‘Writers Block'? Learn how knowing the core elements in outlining can save you from the misery of writing your next article.
Outlining: How To Speed Up Article Writing With Simple Outlines
Chaos Planning
Organised people already know how to plan. They don't need information like this. Yet most planning books are written without considering chaos at all.
Learn how the ‘Chaos Planning System' is a radical, yet perfectly intuitive way to plan. And learn how to get things done, and take long vacations as well. Chaos Planning: How ‘Irregular' Folks Get Things Done
Design Clarity In Minutes
Do you want to put some sanity into your design even though you are not a designer? Learn how structure and guidelines of elements can immediately improve your design with simple tweaks. Design Clarity In Minutes
Client Attractors
You already know that 80% of a sales letter depends on your headline. So what's the remaining 20% that causes customers to buy? Find out: How To Increase Your Web Conversion Rate With Client Attractors
How Visuals Help Increase Conversion
You need visuals on your sales page, but how do you use visuals to immediately improve your sales conversion? Learn how visuals create drama and curiosity and help improve your web page conversion. How Visuals Help Increase Conversion
Goal Setting: How To Achieve At Least 50% Of Your Goals (In Any Given Year)
Do you find your goals running away from you and you find it hard to catch up?
Our perfect plans runs into a lot of trouble because they are far too perfect. But how do you go about getting those goals together? How do you roll them out in sequence so that you can achieve them without pressure? Find out in Goal Setting System.
Consistently Better Photos: The Four-Step Process to Getting Professional Photos
Find out how you can take extraordinary pictures—and you can do so in the next hour.
You don't need to thumb through hundreds of pages or go through dozens of videos. Instead, by using just four core principles, you will “see” the world in a different light and be able to capture that magic like never before.
Have a look at: The Four-Step Process to Getting Professional Pictures (Even With Your Phone)
Not sure where to start?
A good starting point is The Brain Audit. It shows you the seven red bags sequence of marketing.