Was your credit not accepted? Did you have a question?
* If by any chance, you are not able to validate your card please don't tear your hair out in frustration email me directly and I will help.
*If you have any questions that have been unanswered, please email me directly and let me know how I can help. I'd be interested in getting your feedback. The feedback that you give me, is strictly confidential. Don't forget to include your telephone number and a time to call you.
Sean D'Souza- Brain Auditor 🙂
Other way to connect with me
Get across to me any way you possibly can (use carrier pigeon if you have to). Because I do respond–but only if I get a question/message from you. So don't wait. That's kinda the moral of the story.
Other Options:
Facebook: Look for Sean D'Souza
Skype: psychotoon
(Always expect to hear back. I respond to “all” email promptly).
If I still don't respond, it means I'm not getting your email. Beep me on Skype : psychotoon. Or call me on +64 9 449 0009. (Please check the time in New Zealand before calling)