On this page you can do three things:
- Read the testimonials for The Brain Alchemy Masterclass. Look at the comments.
- Add your own testimonial in the comments.
- Click here to download for free Brain Alchemy Masterclass.
Warm regards
Sean D’Souza
P.S. In case you have any questions, please email me. I do answer every email.
Hi Sean,
I don’t usually placed a review even for paid products, but for this, I believe you had given tons of value with the contents I am receiving. I want to thank you for this.
I had listened, re-listened the sections on Brain Audit, and so far it had gave me a clear view on how to use it whenever I wrote my email or even when I have a sales conversation.
I will try to lead the conversation to start with talking about their problems, before talking about my solution for them. Then the rest comes in place after.
I will give more review after I listened, study intensively and apply, and wait for results I get from learning this workshop.
Thanks Sean!
Specialist Copywriter for Business Coaches
Brunei Darussalam
p.s. I was about to send you a FB personal message, but I guess here will do. Thanks again Sean.
I would definitely recommend this course to any business owner who wants to grow his business. Sean explains in a clear, simple and complete way the basic rules you have to know to work in a smart way.
The biggest benefit of this course for me has been that I did not learn only abstract things (like in many other courses) but I got very practical processes I have applied immediately to my business.
Amazing value, thank you so much Sean.
This is one of THE most useful pieces of literature that I have read. And it was free. Seriously Sean, you should charge for this!
I have started in the past 2 months working for myself and the 3 pronged system detail was invaluable in particular. It has given me a clear direction about how to grow. No fluff. A step by step system.
My biggest learning was how to go from selling time, to selling a product, and why it is so important to have 3 prongs to your business.
The power of conditional giving also has really helped me understand why I should give the best ideas for free. It makes sense.
I’d recommend this to anyone, of any business size. I have worked for agencies and clients over the past 10+ years and the advice here I have never heard before put in this way. It makes a lot of sense and any brand should learn from it.
One final point. There’s a lot of overnight success stuff out there, and I haven’t fallen for it (just). Sean’s work is really the best I have found – I just wish more people knew about it.
The Brain Alchemy MasterClass really helped me focus on some next steps I need to take. Besides for being very practical, with specific examples to illustrate the concepts, I found the audio classes to be very motivating! I just wanted to get working on some new ideas!
One idea I really loved was the idea of asking questions, both for getting great testimonials (which I am about to implement for the first time!) and also for creating content. I used a variation of Sean’s method of having a friend “interview” you by asking you prepared questions that you can answer to create a class. Instead, I prepared the questions and created my class outline by just answering these questions. I then removed the questions and created the video! This sped up my process and also resulted in a higher quality class.
I would definitely recommend this course. There is a ton in here to learn. Even ideas that you thought you already knew sometimes become more actionable, or Sean has a neat twist to make them more usable. I have more ideas in my notebook than I could implement in a year, and I’m only halfway through so far!
After you finish the course, go back through it again. You will find there is lots more to glean on your second pass!
Sean, I am so grateful for this class (and for all that you do!!
I’ve listened to it already a couple of times, and plan to listen again as I am in the very beginning stages of my business.
-What did you find as a result of listening and reading The Brain
Alchemy MasterClass?
I already knew a lot of the concepts, but this class really introduced me to Sean’s system :). It really helped me to conceptualize a long-term business strategy, as well as giving me a lot of practical tips to implement right away.
-What would you consider your biggest learning?
I think the examples and the detailed implementation of the Brain Audit and leverage ideas were the most helpful for me.
-If you did implement something, what did you implement?
I am implementing the stages of the Brain Audit, figuring out my trigger and my uniqueness.
How did the implementation make a difference to your business?
I haven’t quite got it up and running yet, but I hope it will help me from the get go.
-Would you recommend the course? If so, why?
Absolutely, and in fact I have already recommended it to a few friends! It is a wonderful introduction to Sean’s system, which is intuitive and yet helps with some explaining. Sean is very entertaining too, so I was never bored while listening 🙂
Is there any thing you’d like to add?
Listen to the course! You will not waste your time.
Michael 7-13-2016
-What did you find as a result of listening and reading The Brain
Alchemy MasterClass?
Even though I do not have a product or a consulting business at this time, it gave me ideas of how to start my business and what to do with getting it started – as I phase myself out of my regular full time job.
I had a business card and a name, not very moving – though. But this has me thinking more creatively. I haven’t turned it into the “how do you do that” yet, but I went from CSI (Computer Systems Integration) to “Patience of Job Computer Support” and maybe “Persistance of Noah Computer Support” Now I just need to turn that into a “what do you do” business card. I’m still working on that.
-What would you consider your biggest learning? The concept of outlining.
-If you did implement something, what did you implement? I’m just starting to outline everything.
-How did the implementation make a difference to your business? It is helping me get direction, a place to start, and something to measure myself with.
-Would you recommend the course? If so, why? Absolutely. Not only is this a most excellent marketing course, but also reminds you of the most valuable things in life, your beliefs, your wife, your family, your health, helping others, and helps remind you of these and how to accomodate those all.
-Is there any thing you’d like to add?
I would strongly recommend you take the course. Sean has read and studied a lifetime. This learning and filtering and organizing of it all for you is presented in a way you will remember. (proving his “story telling” importance).
It is like a home or office efficiency organizer came in and worked on your brain.
Sean is the next best thing to a brain implant that there is.
I haven’t implemented anything yet. I’m just in awe of everything I’m learning for free. I’ve only bought the Brain Audit which I lost in a computer crash) and one or two others from Sean. But I’ve spent thousands (to my last penny) of other programs that haven’t made me a dime yet.
I plan to implement what I’ve learned very soon, but I’m still absorbing.
Wonderful course Sean! Thank you so much. I love how you drill into us the importance of the 3 prong approach – consulting, training, and leverage. It is absolutely the way to take any business from a time consuming, consulting based treadmill to a time freedom, leverage based cash cow. I will be stressing the creation of leverage based products for my business from here forward. I whole-heartedly recommend this course to any entrepreneur that wants to move beyond trading time for dollars. Thanks again!
-What did you find as a result of listening and reading The Brain Alchemy MasterClass?
Currently I have only listened to the information contained in the first two sets of emails, so I can’t speak to the entire course yet. I don’t think you’ll mind to find out the reason I haven’t listened to the whole course is that this information that I decided to read through”The Brain Audit” first!
I was very surprised by two things in Brain Alchemy…
1 – Sean consistently tells you he doesn’t want to overload you with information, and he doesn’t. Even in a big course like this, every bit of knowledge is a small chunk to ingest. In addition, his explanations are so straightforward (see: How Sting employs the 3-Prong Approach), that it’s difficult to be confused and feel like you’re under an information avalanche.
Let’s be clear. NO ONE online does this. Nobody holds back for your good, they hold back as teaser for your money. This may well make me a psychotactics client for a long time.
-What would you consider your biggest learning?
I haven’t started a business yet, but I feel fortunate to have heard Sean cover the 3-Prong approach in detail prior to starting one. This is one of those course elements that seems difficult to change if you already have a direction for your business.
-Would you recommend the course? If so, why?
Is there any thing you’d like to add?
Yes! Sean’s information is great for all levels of business owner. As someone who has had a consulting/service business and who is looking to launch a product business – Sean’s information is prepping me to NOT blow it. It’s a helpful reminder not to rush, and what be thinking about and working on as I launch in the next few months.
-What did you find as a result of listening and reading The Brain
Alchemy MasterClass?
First I came away with actionable skills and ideas: like the trigger that should make the right client say “How do you do that?” or “What do you mean?” The 3 elements of the Brain Audit that make up the trigger and what you need to know first before you can have a trigger statement. That is just one tiny fraction!
-What would you consider your biggest learning?
The 3 Prong approach!!!! The explanation synthesized in my mind what I needed to do to help my ideal client in more than one way and how that would lead to more and more business. Nothing sleazy, nothing to be ashamed of or guilty about. No fooling anyone one. Just giving what they want and need and having them come back for more. It really is about knowing them well, working hard to provide what they need and then being rewarded by the client for a job well done. But it showed me how I could do this and not have to be present each and every minute as I have to now.
-If you did implement something, what did you implement?
How did the implementation make a difference to your business?
I decided to create more leveraged products and to include some online training. I have begun to move in implementing this. It is slow for me. I am way over-committed to consulting currently but I am scheduling time and creating what will eventually replace a huge piece of that time with equal or greater income and over all happier clients.
-Would you recommend the course? If so, why?
Is there any thing you’d like to add?
I would strongly recommend you take the course. I don’t know how Sean has learned all that he knows but he is really worth listening to. There are people who will give you info but never explain it and never as much and never ever for free.
I previously hired a business coach. She cost me $6000 for 6 months. She had me spend about $1000 on infrastructure that never made me a dime. I bought products that she received an affiliate commission for, that never benefited me. I have spent $250 with Sean for a membership that had enough free vanishing reports that paid for the membership immediately. I have bought some products about 4 or 5 at $50 each that each delivered $150 worth of material that when implemented will be worth thousands to me. Then he gave me $2500 worth of learning and skill building free. AMAZING!
This is the best thing I have done with my time and money since I began trying to make money on line.
-What did you find as a result of listening and reading The Brain
Alchemy MasterClass?
Oh man, so much. Not sure where to start. I learned about the power of free and education. (The examples were great for this.) And the Spider’s Secret was a revelation.
And I learned the power of the three-pronged system and how beautifully it flows together to reinforce each of the pillars.
-What would you consider your biggest learning?
Not sure yet since I am still digesting all of the information. But one thing that surprised me was how timeless the material is. It was actually strange to hear Sean talking about posting article online and how they were now being referred to as “blogs”.
And yet, the material related to online business is pretty much the same stuff being touted today. Really interesting to see that what gets promoted today 9with a few exceptions) was being implemented by Sean way back then.
-If you did implement something, what did you implement?
I;ve started working on my leveraged products (an ebook and an online course).
How did the implementation make a difference to your business? Too soon to get results from it.
-Would you recommend the course? If so, why?
Yes, absolutely. I’d recommend it if you are struggling to gain clarity on where your business is headed and what you are looking to get out of it. The Brain Alchemy Masterclass will give you a roadmap and clear the haze so you can see where you are going.
Is there anything you’d like to add?
Just a big thank you!
The material came alive for me with the audio files. Concepts I’d read about elsewhere on the site or in the pdf seemed to suddenly become concrete. I’m loving the processing of listening, applying what I’m learning to my own business, being able to listen again and wow, I heard something new this time! Love how the audio files are broken up into manageably sized files so I can listen and know where I’m up to and which file I want to revisit soon. This is a rich resource.
-What did you find as a result of listening and reading The Brain
Alchemy MasterClass? So far, I only listened to a few modules but I learned that I am not educating my clients enough and Sean is right, if I don’t change, I’ll be in the same place 3 years from now.
-What would you consider your biggest learning? How to market myself. I realize the best way to market is through education rather than the “buy now!” mantra.
Would you recommend the course? If so, why? Yes, I would recommend this course big time. Once I start to implement the teachings in this course, I know that Lord willing my business will be in a better place.
Hi Sean,
First of all the thing I noticed most was that from start to finish the way you ‘sold’ the course, executed it and followed up were all excellent examples of being consistent to your voice and style – no hype, no fluff.
What did you find as a result of listening and reading The Brain
Alchemy MasterClass?
I found what I was looking for – a system whereby I could run my business and not my business run me. Clearly and comprehensively set out – again without the hype or fluff.
-What would you consider your biggest learning?
How to create systems and use leverage to grow my business the way I want to.
-If you did implement something, what did you implement?
How did the implementation make a difference to your business?
As yet I’ve only been through the material once. However, it will make a huge difference once I’ve had time to assimilate, re-read and implement – in all areas I believe.
Would you recommend the course? If so, why?
Absolutely. It does what it says on the tin – and without hype and fluff pretty common elsewhere. And the most important thing is, if I feel later on that I want to take this strategy to another level, I would have no worries about using any of Sean’s other products or working with him.
The Three Prong System TM
I learnt the system of Consulting, Training and Writing Training Manuals in the Snowy Mountains and Earthmoving. From April ‘89 I remodelled my system into Consulting, Training and Developing Manuals, Reports, Recordings, Videos and DVD’s and Speaking Engagements for Business Brokers, Real Estate Agents, and Non Profits in the Education System.
I revised my early model from The Three Prong System, to include additional topics from Sean’s – The Brain Alchemy Masterclass:
Hourly Consulting
Long-Term Consulting Contracts
Subscription Consulting
Ghostwriting & Co-Authoring
Counselling Services
Compiled Reference Guides
Training online – Teleclasses (Webinars)
Supervising Progress and Undertaking Projects
Group Coaching Programs
Mentoring & Apprenticeship Programs
Keynote Speaking
Breakout Sessions
Speaking Representing Your Employer
Public Seminars
Train-the-Trainer Programs
Corporate Training Programs
Presenter at Large Events
Boot Camps
Teleboot Camps
Weekend Retreats
Media Expert
Syndicated Column
Industry Conventions &Trade Shows
Audio Books
Audio Programs
Single Audio Cassettes
Video Trainings
Multi-Media Programs
Home-Study Courses
Subscription Audio / CD Series
Radio or Television Show
Private-Label Magazine
Branded Retail Products
Syndication Rights
Infomercial Product
Special Reports & White Papers
CD-ROM / DVD Training
Seminar Company Workshops
I rechecked my Percentages from The Three Prong System:
Consulting – 45% (20)
Training – 40% (30)
Leverage – 15% (50)
Looking at Sean’s percentages, shows the level of freedom in your business. Consulting, Training, Books and DVDs was my main income for many years. In the last 36 months training is online with trainers earning very little income.
In Section 2 Sean outlines his model of Profit Centres – Quote:
Under normal circumstances all of these profit centres are an amazing source of income. If you pursued any of these profit centres individually, you’d still make a sizeable income. However, it’s the combination of leverage, training and consulting that really creates a system that rocks!
The key is to mirror Sean’s model. However, the challenge is to reorganise our own Business.
That is the challenge.
This masterclass addresses many common mistakes made in online marketing and sales. I have listened to the first half of the course which is recorded in a interactive classroom setting with Q & A.
First and foremost I learned about the importance of education as a strategy for selling. I also discovered several useful tactics and psychological triggers. Sean generously shares his hard earned wisdom and practical know-how in this masterclass. Recommended.
Hi Sean,
I’m busy outlining my new business adventure and your information including The Brain Alchemy masterclass helps me a lot to outline my business plan, website and other materials.
I’m still busy to listen and read all the materials. When I’m finished I will write a complete “review”.
Thank you very much that you share your insights with the world!
The Masterclass is a succinct and info packed course that builds upon and expands Sean’s Brain Audit. There are gems everywhere in this course. It’s **** sparkly **** 😉
I wouldn’t say there’s one single takeaway from this course for me personally. Instead, Sean teaches by doing. While there is no shortage of information in this course, pay attention to how he structures the educational process and you can learn by ‘reading between the lines.’ I am folding information from this course into my business on many levels, but this course has inspired me to look at the ways I can move by business from a consulting model to one that is more diverse, i.e. how I can make certain aspects of my business function more passively and how I can create more leverage.
I would definitely recommend this course. It seems (though I haven’t scientifically verified it) that many of the courses on marketing, advertising and business building are often done by and for other online marketing types. If you read the testimonials for many of these other courses, it seems like many, if not most, of them are written by people who are internet marketers – the people that are in business of making money by marketing.
On the other hand, the students in this course have their own businesses or are working for businesses that are not necessarily marketing focused, per se. They sell a myriad of products and/or services and as such, they are looking for that extra edge, the process, that will help them sell more and be more.
Sean writes for everyone, and while he’s obviously financially successful with this course and others, it’s clear he’s not about how much money he’s making. Instead, he’s genuinely concerned with helping people, and it comes across. He leaves nothing hanging and shares all (information wise 😉 ) . Check this course out. You won’t be sorry.
Hi Sean
I’m that tutor at BYOL who suggested you didn’t need to do the course and get a refund!
As a musician (and trainer) I was expecting the audio to do it for me. Not so! given time constraints and short attention spans, the audio lost me.
The pdf was better.
What about a perfect world?
An interactive fixed layout ebook, with pop ups, audio, even video, would be my perfect world.
Probably because I am a traveller on that highway already, I know what’s possible.
Someone would have to dredge through the river of audio files and collect the gold.
Love your work
Pip Payne
paper free evangelist
At first I was a little bit disappointed. I listened to the audio’s 2 or 3 times while driving around. I read the PDF file once and felt that there were not a lot of new insights. Mostly insights that are already known in general.
But when I listened more carefully to the audio’s to create a summary. Wrote down sentences, translated them to Dutch … the insights came much clearer.
For instance, we need to educate. Don’t sell. OK, most people can do that … but what do people want to be educated about is the real question ? What is making them so curious they long for your education. Well, when looking deeper into the material I found that people want to be educated about your process, your machine.
That’s just one example, but I discovered more of these tiny little lessons that make a difference.
My biggest learning was around guiding visitors. We all create material in the hope that visitors will find what they need. We create clues, apply some design rules and hope for the best. The thing is that we need to take the hand of the website visitor and lead him step by step.
-If you did implement something, what did you implement?
How did the implementation make a difference to your business?
I’m reorganizing the whole path on the website. Every landing page will start with a small video (motivation) just after the headline with “Start here” on it. At the end of the video they can download a document that will help them to avoid costly mistakes. At the end of that document they can download a special idea book, if they refer a friend … creating an endless loop J where they will find testimonials on the most objections … and will be leaded back to the site for more FAQ … and so on. I’m reorganizing and rewriting the content. We’re making the whole visitor route as lean as possible.
No results yet in figures, but it just feels like I know what I need to do. All the pieces are coming together.
I did recommend the course to somebody I know. I recommended it because I know he’s a doer and not a talker. These courses take time and effort to understand. It’s like learning a skill. If you don’t practice like a maniac you will get very little out of it. Actually that is a good thing.
Before you sign up for this be ready to have your world turned upside down and inside out.
I’m still working my way through the content. Slowly, step by tiny step because there is so much in here.
Admittedly I was prepared to transform my business and have been steadily doing so since I read the Brain Audit. The Brain Alchemy course tipped me much further over the edge. Some of this I’d read or heard before, but hadn’t really done anything about it.
The tipping point came for me when thinking about the strategy for my business going forward and a comment Sean makes during one session: “Hope is not a strategy.” It’s a kind way of telling me to get off my backside, and actually do this.
So I am. Slowly and steadily. The 3 Prong system is set as a base. I know how I want to shift from consulting time to leverage.
I’ve really dug into the seven bags and picking them up one by one.
And at long last I know who my target client is. It’s only taken me 23 years to work this one out, having stumbled across them in the past but never actually realising how it was a specific type of client that provided me with the best, and most profitable work. Hope, has been my strategy for 23 years. Now, I am s much clearer.
There has been a downside to this programme. I am running out of time to get all of it implemented because I have won new business. New business with exactly the right type of client. The right type of client because I finally targetted the right client and used a simple problem-solution combination to trigger their interest.
So, do I recommend this course? Absolutely, but do be prepared to come out the other end into a new and strange world. And be preapred to murder a few old darlings along the way.
Obviously, a lot of people get a lot out of this course, but for me personally, there was just too much to take in. So I didn’t listen to the audios and just looked through the pdf’s. I would have preferred a more streamlined version, delivered in smaller chunks over a longer period of time.
That would also make it easier to review and repeat key sections, because to get the full value from this (and from any good course), you really need to go over the material again and again, letting it sink in deeper each time.
The biggest benefit? It helps shift your mindset from, “This is what I must do to succeed in business because all the experts say I must do this, must do that, must, must…” to “This is how I want my business to be for me, and this is how I will make it so.”
Your course is not just a pile of information: it develops understanding of key principles and how to apply them.
The Brain Audit masterclass has been a great discovery for someone like me who has been trying to leverage the power of the Internet to set up a business online for the first time in my life. I found myself staring at blank screen whenever I attempted to do anything of the sort. After listening to all the audios, I have much better idea how and where to start.
Every single audio and the accompanying pdf has been a source of tremendous amount of information and has gives me an understanding of what makes a small business tick and how to grow it.
I am working on a plan to go online. Having the Brain Audit masterclass materials with me gives me hope that I will put my plans into action shortly.
I would recommend Brain Audit Masterclass to anyone who is planning to setup an online business and has no idea how to get started in the first place. No amount of reading, surfing, searching on the Internet or books can provide this information in manner that is easy to understand and implement.
The Brain Alchemy Masterclass gives you a lot of information you can find somewhere else, but it gives you all the information in a structured and clear way. To find all this information on the internet, you would have to subscribe to a gazillion blogs and buy to much kindle ebooks.
And as a bonus: almost every part of the brain alchemy is directly usable in your business. I enjoyed it very much.
Today I finished the last audio tape. I prefer reading and putting everything on CD to listen to it, took already some time. And what a revelation it was, learning by listening to audio. It was as if I was sitting in that class instead of in my car. Because I listened everything while driving: finally something usefull to do while driving my car.
All the stuff is not exactly new but structured in such a logical way that it gave me many ideas and inspiration. I can see now where I have to improve my website and my total marketing approach. I’m a marketeer myself but find it extremely difficult to look at my own marketingcommunication with the objective eye. By doing this course, I can look at it with a new perspective on everything. Very enlightening I must say.
I’m very thankfull to the person who put the link to Sean’s stuff on their website. And I’m also thankfull to Sean for giving us the opportunity to get acquainted with his system. I’ve already sent the link to a number of people who could use it.
Now, I’m going to dig into this website and see what more valuable information is hidden here for all our benefits.
I have listened so far to the Brain Audit part and it is full of help!
Immediately i have thought about howI can change our strap line: Get the Skills. Gain the Knowledge. Take Control” to something which highlights the problem. Ideas welcome!
I was so excited to find the Three Prong Approach and have now deemed it to be my new business model! I knew the information from seeing so many others do it, but I never put 2+2 together. Sean lays it out in black and & white and I’m now at work on two projects after only listened last night!
Having just started, I can already say this plan is going to change my position in the market for the better and I’m so excited!
Thanks, Sean!!
Thank you for all the downloads of the Brain Alchemy Masterclass.
While cleaning up or walking with my dog I get inspirered! My biggest learning so far is the Guidence, care, protection part. It makes me realize that that’s exactly what makes a difference for me and for my clients. Thanks a lot Shean!
Thank you for making the MasterClass available this way. As I went through listening to it, I felt further confirmation that having a “give” mentality would pay off. Your analogy of the spider’s secret vs the fox is what many business owners and providers need to realize — stop chasing who you should be educating and informing.
Having a service-based background that expects long term commitments, one of the lines that hit me was, “The opposite of risk is trust.” What the potential client sees as risk should be a way for you to educate and inform them so that they do set aside reservations and trust in what you have to offer. .. and this is where your keen note of what a client is (one under your care, guidance, and protection) allows you to prove to them that you would be deserving of them as clientele.
I will have to remember that value comes after the opt-in. I typically just assume that they would be interested in the knowledge I can impart. I had been trained in proceeding on the assumption but I should have known that assumption [does not equal sign] consent.
As odd as it may seem, my favorite part of the entire package was the audio on purpose, in which you described walking away from the options you and Renuka had to move where you didn’t know anyone to start a business. Typically, what I’ve run into with people that say they’d like to have a business is that they’d do so if their options at a job would no longer work for them and that they’d attempt only what they know; likewise, they see no reason to invest in themselves further…and then they wonder why they flatline or fail to start up at all! You two had the vision and heart not to walk off simply because you didn’t have a strong start and your story only endears you further…as if you weren’t already the type of person someone would want to know!
Thanks again for sharing this with us.
When I first discovered Sean, I thought it would be the same “bunk” that you can find anywhere on the internet. What I discovered was that he’s got an amazing ability to “boil it down” to the essence. Then guide you to your unique solution. The course is full of useful stuff to make your business better in all sorts of ways.
The Brain Alchemy Masterclass has been a great way to learn how to build stronger sales letters and lading pages, increasing conversion rates.
The fact of focusing on the sequence problem-solution-problem-solution has been extremely useful and effective.
Thank you so much Sean!
Thanks for all the cool stuff
I have not had a chance to go through it all but
Am looking forward to doing so.
I would still like like to the get the brain auditing my
Mac and IPod
I do not remember when I purchased the book
If you could make any suggestion that would be great
Looking forward to applying your tactics
To my new sales roll as business developer.
Warm regard
Jeffrey Jordan
Business Developer
(Sales )
I haven’t yet finished the course but I have found the material to be very useful and unique. I was expecting the information to be similar to that of other courses/seminars but I was surprised at how unique the information in the Brain Alchemy course was. Thank you for offering such a valuable resource free of charge.
What could have been an obstacle to listening and reading the Brain Alchemy class?
Basically there could have been two reasons for me not to listen or read the Brain Alchemy class.
First, I have already attended seminars on the overall structure on how to run my business. I heard about the term passive income, and I’ve been trying my hand on it. At the time of listening to the Brain Alchemy class I had already some projects going on how to generate streams of passive income.
The other seminar that I had attended also gave me so many ideas, and such a long todo list, that I felt I could not handle anymore. What I found as a result of the Brain Alchemy MasterClass that I got even more ideas. At a certain point having more ideas is not necessarily a good thing anymore, I want to feel that I accomplish things as well. And that’s where the MasterClass really helped. I saw links between my projects that I did not see before. I saw how I could easily create new products.
Whereas before I had a clear picture of where I want to get, with the Brain Alchemy MasterClass I have a better understanding of how to get there. The path is not that clear, it’s just that I have to try out things and see what works.
Again, that’s not news to me either, but somehow this time it was communicated on a level that reached me. I start to understand repetition is key to learning (I learned that by various products I purchased from Sean, and yes, I needed to hear that a lot of times before actually taking it in). Having heard the idea of “implementing making mistakes” (that’s not how Sean puts it, by the way) so many times, I start to believe it. So, the Brain Alchemy Class did repeat a few concepts I heard before, but it does so from a different angle. Maybe I understand concepts on a deeper level now, or maybe the angle Sean chooses is just more accessible.
Something which definitely held me back from listening to the BrainAlchemy class was that I did not like audio at all. I prefer to read. The only reason why I even started to listen to the mp3s is that I knew that whatever Sean does is highly valuable, so I might as well take it in a format I really, really did not like.
During that time I went by bike for 20 min (one way) to work at a clients site, and I was listening to the tapes. It was a totally unexpected experience. Now, I actually quite hooked to this type of learning as I can sit on my bike, clean, or do whatever and learn at the same time. Listening to audio tapes is definitely one of the unexpected highly valuable outcomes of the Brain Alchemy class.
Three additional insights were:
(1) My biggest practical insight was to record client conversations and then sell them. Creating products does not have to be complicated, just record everything you do, and see if you can make a product out of it. This really is beneficial to me as I have a tendency to over-complicate things and try to be perfectionist about it as well. So, anything that helps me simplify is welcome.
(2) I need a “process” as it helps my clients in believing in the value of my products.
(3) I had a chicken and egg problem: I wanted to create a product based on my dissertation. From a scientific point of view I knew what the benefit of my product was. But I was not sure if it met market needs. Now, I know that there is no such thing as perfect, I just need to start somewhere. So, I will take the insights from my dissertation, turn them into a “process”, go to my target audience, and see what happens. And then improve as I gain more insights. Also, my target audience is not quite well-defined at this point, but as I learned from the tapes, I just need to start somewhere and take it from there.
Again, it’s difficult for me to pinpoint what about this is new to me. Maybe it’s just hearing that somebody with the level of success as Sean, needs to try out things as well, was what made the difference to me.
I definitely recommend this course for anybody who is in the phase of setting up a business, and anybody who already has some experience.
Especially, I want to recommend learning by audio tapes to everybody who prefers to read for learning. It’s really a new experience that might as well open up a whole new world of learning to you.
Thank you very much for making the BrainAlchemy Class available to me! I will listen to it many more times, that’s sure.
Success to y’all!
Brain Alchemy MasterClass is very insightful program which contains many many ideas that one can immediately use to restructure your existing business to boost your income.
My most important take away from the course is the idea that there are more than one ways you can get paid for your time and talents, multiple income streams can be created some of which can generate passive income for you.
I would strongly recommend this course for anyone who want to gain maximum leverage from their existing business, by using Three Prong System to increase their income many fold.
I am soon going to implement some of these ideas in my business.
Many many thanks Sean for making this download available, and sharing very useful knowledge!
I’m working my way through The Brain Audit now. I don’t know how to retrieve the audios on the Masterclass – can I transfer those to my computer?
Otherwise I’m hoping that these courses lead me to develop effective advertising, in a field of over 1600 dentists in the Denver area. It often feels hopeless, even though I can and do provide services above all of the competition! DR. ROBERT COUCHMAN,
Sean, thank you for sharing the BAMC, I listen to it on various occasions, usually while going on and off to work. I instill all the knowledge 😉
I also have your Brain Audit program which I went through and I must say it is very valuable too. Keep it up, best!
Sean’s course is extremely insightful. I’ve actually applied what I’ve learned to my corporate job, where I lead a training team. From Brain Alchemy, I finally realized that I was in a trap: I was exhausted from creating and giving sales trainings (similar to the “Consulting” prong in the course). And because I was good at it, I was in high demand. But in a company situation, you can’t just charge more for your services to reduce “demand”. The Brain Alchemy course helped me solve this by introducing me to the other 2-prongs of my “business” I hadn’t realized existed: Training and Leverage. By actually using my skills to train others to become self-sufficient in creating sales trainings, I was leveraging myself. Then, by publishing internal documents which others could use, I also helped others learn to serve themselves. This was welcome both for me (less exhaustion from delivering myself), and them (once they learned, they could avoid delays by being able to develop sales trainings themselves). Now, I can focus on the “big clients” who have very complicated or large projects for me to work on, and other clients can learn to serve themselves or get focused coaching from me, instead of relying on and waiting for me to actually do it for them.
Really a big breakthrough for me, and though it seems like a small thing, it has made a large difference in my career. I’ve decided to take on a staff to further leverage myself and leverage our offerings (as I often encourage them to teach their clients how to design a course, instead of just delivering a completed training course).
Thanks, Sean, for making this course available and sharing your knowledge and insights in such a useful format. You make complex concepts appealing and easy to understand with metaphors like the career of musician “Sting”, the “mattress store”, and many other memorable ones.
I’m a solicitor (attorney) in a small law firm in North-East Scotland. I was initially sceptical that a free download would have much net value to me – expecting to have to wade through masses of sales pitch to get to the nuggets of information or find that the material was in some way obviously stale or out-dated. However, the material is not like that at all and I found that the audio elements complement the text very well. There is a wealth of useful information, structured in a logical and inspiring way. The audio picks up clearly Sean’s zest for his subject and the obvious fun and enjoyment he and the delegates had on that particular course. Not all of the concepts involved are novel ones but the written and audio versions allow such in-depth coverage that I found new insights in areas where I thought I already had a good grasp of what was involved. I would wholeheartedly recommend the course to you whether you are trying to sell a physical product or a service or consultancy. Specifically, I found the advice that “first we educate and only then – often only much later – do we seek to sell” and “existing clients are your biggest resource – you need to make sure you sell to them” to be most useful to me. Thank you very much, Sean.
Thanks for the downloads. Working my way through them slowly and what I’ve listened to so far is excellent. I was made aware of the Brain Audit by a colleague and it certainly changes you way of thinking and dealing with potential new business and existing clients.
I’m looking forward to playing them when I’m on the road a lot during April.
Thank you so much for the Brain Academy Master class coarse. You have put together so much useful information into this presentation. Any entrepreneur that either currently is in business or is doing the research to make their dream a reality would benefit highly from the Master Class. What you present in a matter of hours would take a serious entrepreneur months of research or years of experience to gain the insights you share with this coarse. Although I was lucky enough to receive the coarse as a gift, it is worth every penny you charge for it.
All the best,
Phil Knope
Your teaching about testimonies has been helpful.
I wish I were a better artist.
I have shared your info with my wife who is eating up your info and trying to apply it to her emails.
Thanks, Mark
Thank you for providing this class free of charge. I promised to give you feedback so I am following through on my word.
I have enjoyed getting to know you through these classes–you seem like a very nice guy—something that works very positively to your benefit.
Through the class I have become more purposeful in the creation of marketing materials and I look for ways to offer information to customers that will be of value to them or solve a problem. Listening to the class and the participants has given me a bit of encouragement, in that I feel competent in knowing my purpose and honing my services down to specifics. But there is still a lot I can do better. I would recommend this program to others who are struggling to get their message out and in becoming relevant to their audience.
The class in which you went over your life and how you got to where you are today was quite intriquing. You stated your purpose in life, which is a great business goal, but not necessarily something your loved ones will recount at your demise. More than likely they will remember your personality (as I mentioned above) and the lives you brought joy to. You recounted the things that happened to you along the way, unexplained but relevant and significant, and I would reply that “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” Prov 16:9. As you are a man of reason, I would also suggest (especially as regards the man who lived in a cult during his childhood) that “… the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.” James 3:17.
Sean, now I have repaid you 10-fold for the class. Thank you again.
Hi Sean and everyone
What also impresses me as much as training is the depth of engagement here in the Comments. I truly value the training and intend to keep at it.
I’ve only completed part of the course so far – the first sections that were sent on organizing your business around 3 activities (consulting, training, and leverage). I’d already realized the need for me to leverage my work so that part wasn’t new.
What really helped though was seeing a break-down across the three types of activities, how much time should I be devoting to each. And even more than that, what you said about why to continue consulting has been so helpful. I am quite burnout from that part of my work and it helped me to think about the importance of continuing doing that but in a way that really does keep me on my toes. I’m starting to explore ways to do more one-on-one work that will keep me fresh without burning me out.
I’ll update more when I’ve finished the course. But so far, it’s been great!
I just finished ‘episode’ 21 last night!
I really wasn’t sure of the value of all of this before I signed up.
Surely an offer too good to be true?
Then, OMG, a moment of panic as i saw how much there was.
No wonder Sean suggested getting it in bite sized chunks. Yet more helpful advice.
I genuinely wondered if I was going to have the stamina to ‘finish the marathon’.
Well, I’ve surprised myself, not having been the best finisher in the world in the past.
It’s like a top class tv/radio series. Or a best selling book.
So yes, I can’t ‘put it down’, even tho there’s a lot here.
Thanks for all of this Sean.
Hi Sean,
Thank you so much for The Brain Alchemy Master Class. I enrolled knowing that I could not start the program until 1st April due to prior commitments. However, I haven’t been able to resist sneak peeks at your written materials – a little less sleep, heaps of excitement, and immediately usable information.
It’s now only 8 days until I can immerse myself in Brain Alchemy and use it in my new website and ebook creation.
With much appreciation and gratitude,
Ruth Hannah
The Allergy Whisperer
I have been a consultant for over 25 years. In all that time, I have wrestled with the consultant’s question: “How do I break the limit imposed by getting paid by the hour.” I have been involved and led “fixed price”, Methodology Development, and Software Development projects.
The Brain Alchemy Masterclass contains the answer I have been looking for. The Three Prong SystemTM showed me a structure to use to develop new products and services. The simple evolution from Consulting to Training to Leverage is flexible enough to span all of the possible ways I can package my Intellectual Capital.
Within two weeks of learning about the Three Prong SystemTM I was able to use the structure to analyze the products and services for a consulting firm client. By mapping my client’s existing products and services to the structure I was able to identify several new services my client can offer. I might or might not have been able to identify the services without the system, but it would have likely taken me months more time.
But Wait. There’s More!
The Three Prong SystemTM is only part of what is contained in the Brain Alchemy Masterclass. There are sections which cover getting the customer’s attention, how to create leverage from your knowledge, tools to save you time, the Spider’s Secret for getting customers, and Chug Chug Marketing. The sections work together, building your knowledge and adding to your toolkit.
Not Just For Knowledge Products
The Brain Alchemy Masterclass is not limited to consulting or digital knowledge products. The techniques work for companies that have physical products too. There are examples throughout the document for companies that sell physical products.
I recommend the Brain Alchemy Masterclass without reservation to consultants and owners of burgeoning digital knowledge or physical product businesses who want to grow their business. It is well written. Easy to read, and loaded with examples, illustrations and worksheets. The audio recordings of a three day workshop give you a different rendition of the content you can listen to in your car or while you work out.
Combined, the book and the audio give you the ideas and techniques you need to get started right away.
Warren Hayford
In listening and reading The Brain Alchemy MasterClass, I found an overall sense of “Wow! This speaks to me!” – and I do believe that is a direct quote from me as I started listening to the audio segments. I can be successful, giving and helpful in my business. I do not have to be competitive in the sense that I have to take away from someone, or work a gazillion hours and take away from being with my family.
My biggest learning was how I was trying to make things work traditionally in my business both with my service offerings and my approach to building my client base and now completely understand why I was meeting with resistance at every turn. Resistance defined as 1. sporadic income, 2. frustration, 3. spurts of being either too busy, or not busy enough. Ugh. I feel lighter, happier, and enjoy my work much more. I enjoy helping people! And I can make a really good living helping people! The other learning curve I found was that I understand why I am very uncomfortable in networking events. It’s not because I dislike people or that I’m shy and introverted, it’s because in networking events I felt like I was chasing sales and people were chasing me to buy from them! So I really adore the concept that customers should come to you, if you give them a good enough reason to.
The main implementation that I did so far was to walk through the Brain Audit exercise with my business. What a beautiful awakening. I was so busy listening to the traditional marketing methods (and I’ve been in marketing all my career), that I didn’t see that I missed a huge opportunity in defining my niche! Now I’m in the process of tweaking my services to meet their needs, and it feels really right. I’m excited to see the tangible results.
I would highly, highly, highly recommend this course for the mere fact that it simply makes sense. It reminds us of all the things we want to do in our business, should be doing in our business, but somehow get caught up in the day-to-day routine we forget to actually do this. I’ve completely turned my business upside down – or should I say right side up. Thank you Sean! You are an inspiration!
Some quick responses as you requested:
What did you find as a result of listening and reading The Brain
Alchemy MasterClass?
I found a complete business management strategy and operational plan that was both easy to understand and easy to implement from within my meagre available resources.
-What would you consider your biggest learning?
My biggest learning was to look at my project from a ‘whole of business’ perspective.
-If you did implement something, what did you implement?
How did the implementation make a difference to your business?
I am just about to go online as a business. I’ll take a rain-check on this question for the moment. I have however incorporated the teachings of the Brain Alchemy MasterClass into my business plan.
-Would you recommend the course? If so, why?
Yes. For the reason already identified. It’s straightforward, easy to understand and implement.